
Move 3.1.1


New Member
I am struggling to use the "Transform Relative" option to zoom into my camera and keep it centered in the canvas. Can someone help me or explain it more in detail?

"Transform Relative" because I don't want to create fixed zoom levels, but each time the filter is activated, it zooms the camera in by the same amount (i.e. 1.1x). This part I have working, but the camera itself ends up going off-center when it's zoomed.

Current setup of "Transform Relative" value on the zoom filter: pos: x+0.0 y+0.0 rot:+0.0 scale: x*1.500 y*1.500 crop: l+0 t+0 r+0 b+0
Has anybody successfully used AR move to do face tracking? I'm having a hard time understanding the combination of settings that would be required to do that. Auto Framing from StreamFX is broken for me (known bug that he won't fix) and I'd rather not continue to support it.


New Member
Hello there! I love this plugin but lately I've had this weird issue after updating to the latest version.

Visual of the problem is in the first half of this .gif:

Basically when I first boot up OBS and try to transition between my scenes my matching sources source grows in scale, get off set, and then snaps back to place. The weird thing is after I go through all my scenes to cycle through this weird issue everything starts behaving properly and transition as intended like in the second half of the .gif

Any time I restart OBS the problem persists again.

I have "Match if the source name contains the other source name" on.

For "Matched Items" I have Easing to "No Easing" and Transition to "None"

I've even gone to all the matching sources, highlighted them, and hit "CTRL-F" to make them go back to their default position.

In the .gif the game capture of my VTuber is the most noticeable but if you look closely even the source image of the patterns scrolling at the top get affected by this issue and then snap back into place:
Screenshot 2023-06-24 122553.png

Is there any other settings I should try to make sure are set a certain way to try to avoid the issue I'm having?

Thanks for your help!


New Member
I think we're getting somewhere. Below is part of the log file. Noticed where is says "incompatible architecture" and "have 'x86_64', need 'arm64e".. What does that mean?

LOG: "Library/Application Support/obs-studio/plugins/move-transition.plugin/Contents/MacOS/move-transition' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'x86_64', need 'arm64e'))"
I was experiencing this exact issue. Im on an M2 but it should work for an M1 as well. I solved it by reinstalling OBS and making sure I downloaded the Apple Silicon version of OBS. Once that was installed all move plugins appeared as expected. Hope this helps.


New Member
Quite possibly one of the best plugins I've ever used, Exeldro is a master.

I'd been looking at doing a camera zoom thing, and finally figured it out, but seeing as Im still not budging and staying put on OBS 27.2.4, I thought I'd let you guys know about some issues.

OBS 27.2.4 and the move plugin v.2.5.8 works fine. I was previously using 2.6.1 for the past year, but when assigning a hotkey on the move source, it works first time, then second time when you press it, it crashes OBS. so I reverted to 2.5.8 and all is well.

I have no idea how @Exeldro does what he does, but seriously hats off to him, amazing guy!


New Member
Hello everyone,

I have the problem that I installed the Move Transition plugin but it doesn't show up in OBS Studio. How should I proceed now?


New Member
Hello I was wondering if the latest move transition works in OBS Version: 29.1.3. I'm still using 27 & unsure about updating OBS to 29+. Thank you.


New Member
Is there a limit to the plugin matching sources in nested scenes? for example if source A is nested on the scene B and C, and i move between B and C, the plugin matches the source and does it's job, but if scene B is nested in scene D, and scene C is nested in scene E, moving between D and C doesn't move the source, it just easy out and easy in


New Member
Hello, I've been using this plugin for a long time and it works great, but I'm having an issue with one browser source. Basically its not moving like everything on the scenes are. It has the same name, its on two different scenes that are both set for moving. The same name checkbox is checked.

I went as far as to remove that browser source completely and recreate it, but this still results in this one browser source cutting instead of moving like everything else.

I've checked my overrides and that is set to none. In fact I verified the settings were the same on another browser source on the same two scenes, but nothing seems to be working.

Even on scenes where things disappear on transition do not work for this one item, while everything else slides off the screen like usual, this one just disappears.

I'm not sure what else to check at this time. Its frustrating because the settings are the same and I'm getting different behavior.


New Member
It took me a while to get round to playing with this but I've finally got there. It works like a charm. My only issue is my source I am controlling seems to shake a little. Is there any way to fix this?


New Member
I have a problem and it is that when I add the transition from scene transitions when closing obs I get an error. I leave the file so you can help me.
many thanks for everything


  • Crash 2023-07-17 17-39-46.txt
    100.9 KB · Views: 17


New Member

i really want to use this plugin, but my OBS seems to crash when I'm trying to move a Group. The Group usually consists of (video/display capture + browser overlay).

I contacted someone who is active in the Windows Support OBS Forum and someone at Streamelements and they both suggested that it was the Move plugin. So I've reinstalled OBS and added browser sources and plugins one by one and the Move plugin is when OBS started to crash again. So i uninstalled the move plugin and OBS is now stable again and not crashing.

Would that be because I am trying to move the Group [with the Camera+BrowserSource] at once? Should I try only moving one thing at a time and not grouping things together to move? I am mostly using the "move source filter" to move the Group at once.



New Member
Hello, I just have a question and am unsure if this has already been answered.
I have applied the move transition to my camera source, so I can enlarge it, and replace it to original size, however, what I am wondering is, is there a way to be able to put a slight blur on the game capture for when I enable the transition? So, i press the hotkey, camera transitions, and the game behind it kind of blurs out, and then when I press the hotkey to move the camera back, the blur goes away? Does that make sense? I dont know, I cant find anything on this anywhere, or I have overlooked.



New Member
I think I may have found a bug, for a while now my OBS will crash/exit whenever I switch scenes, so I today started to go through each plugin one by one, and sadly the suspect seems to be move-transition. I am not sure how or what part of a log to get to you, to help with this, the strangest thing is, it works on once set of scenes but not on another.