Input Overlay

Input Overlay v5.0.5


New Member
No that's not it either. It was sent to me maybe it was never posted in this thread. It was made by Luís Cherubini quite a while ago, I adjusted it to the new format, but haven't tested it so no guarantee....
how do you use .ini ? the plugin can't read it.


Active Member
Hello, how can i customize this without using a .png mapping? i would like to make a input overlay that would just show what control key i'm pressing. Also, i want to make it to be a text only not an image because i want to make it to be placed in one line where it will just put a "+" symbol when pressing an another control key. My stream would be like a web developer stream where my audience can only see my "control keys" then dissappear when inactive.
Something like this?


New Member
Something like this?

yeeessss... thank you, you're a life saver. <3


New Member
I've really enjoyed using this plugin with OBS and having recently switched to using the Razer Tartaurs Pro, I wanted to know if it was possible to map an irregular shape or if its only possible with squares and having the press texture directly below it?

If its possible, I have no problem taking the time to do it. Just wasn't sure if it was feasible.


  • TartarusPro.png
    98.7 KB · Views: 83
  • TartarusPro_KeyPress.png
    99.1 KB · Views: 86


Active Member
I've really enjoyed using this plugin with OBS and having recently switched to using the Razer Tartaurs Pro, I wanted to know if it was possible to map an irregular shape or if its only possible with squares and having the press texture directly below it?

If its possible, I have no problem taking the time to do it. Just wasn't sure if it was feasible.
In 5.0.0 you can, in the older versions you can't.


New Member
Managed to get a decent texture and map going. If anyone else uses the Razer Tartarus Pro / V2 please feel free to use and mod. The config itself should work with any layout, you just need to set the bindings with the config tool.

Google Drive link has PSD file, JSON, and Texture.



  • TartarusPro_DPad.png
    230.4 KB · Views: 67


New Member
@universallp , not sure if this is a weird bug or something I'm doing wrong but if I apply a texture element within the config, that should be visible when applied in OBS, correct? Screenshots of how it looks in the configurator vs OBS.


  • Screenshot 2022-07-02 012832.png
    Screenshot 2022-07-02 012832.png
    141.9 KB · Views: 57
  • Screenshot 2022-07-02 012816.png
    Screenshot 2022-07-02 012816.png
    20.1 KB · Views: 60


New Member
Welp, foot is in mouth.

Default Gamepad
"id": "body",
"mapping": [
"pos": [
"type": 0,
"z_level": 0


"type": 0,
"pos": [
"id": "Tartarus Body",
"z_level": "0",
"mapping": [

-1 values needed to be changed to 1.

My apologies.


New Member
Input Overlay cannot display keyboard and mouse operations when using some applications. For example, "UU 加速器" "fongo cat mver" "Naraka:Bladepoint". Please solve this problem.(Window 10)


New Member
i want to know which version of input overlay plugin does input history html with websocket is working. The latest version seems like its not working. I already turned on the websocket server but nothing happened with the browser source.


Active Member
i want to know which version of input overlay plugin does input history html with websocket is working. The latest version seems like its not working. I already turned on the websocket server but nothing happened with the browser source.
The 5.0.0 pre release adds the websocket server, and it works just fine for me.
Input Overlay cannot display keyboard and mouse operations when using some applications. For example, "UU 加速器" "fongo cat mver" "Naraka:Bladepoint". Please solve this problem.(Window 10)
Why does Input Overlay not detect input in some cases?
This is most likely caused by the application protecting its inputs for a variety of reasons. Launching obs-studio as administrator usually fixes this issue.


New Member
The 5.0.0 pre release adds the websocket server, and it works just fine for me.

Why does Input Overlay not detect input in some cases?
This is most likely caused by the application protecting its inputs for a variety of reasons. Launching obs-studio as administrator usually fixes this issue.
i tried running obs as admin, but my window detects the input_history.html with a virus or unwanted sowftware when adding a browser source.


  • Capture.PNG
    55 KB · Views: 81


New Member
Last edited:


Active Member
View attachment 84785

i tried adding the input history html from , but it always show a prompt of an unwanted software or contains virus. I can't add it on my browser source :|

I hope someone could see and update the html based input_history.
There's not much I can do about that, I don't even now where one can report false positives, but even if I did it'll probably just keep happening. You can use this version in the meantime:
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <!-- A usable HTML template for input-history overlay using Browser Source and Websocket -->

  <!-- By: -->
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>input-history Windows</title>


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    <div id="icons-container">
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      <!-- Copy SVG Code -->

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          d="M285.1 145.7c-3.81 8.758-12.45 14.42-21.1 14.42L192 160.1V480c0 17.69-14.33 32-32 32s-32-14.31-32-32V160.1L55.1 160.1c-9.547 0-18.19-5.658-22-14.42c-3.811-8.758-2.076-18.95 4.408-25.94l104-112.1c9.498-10.24 25.69-10.24 35.19 0l104 112.1C288.1 126.7 289.8 136.9 285.1 145.7z"

      <!-- Arrow Down -->
        viewBox="0 0 320 512"
        <!--! Font Awesome Pro 6.0.0 by @fontawesome - License - (Commercial License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. -->
          d="M281.6 392.3l-104 112.1c-9.498 10.24-25.69 10.24-35.19 0l-104-112.1c-6.484-6.992-8.219-17.18-4.404-25.94c3.811-8.758 12.45-14.42 21.1-14.42H128V32c0-17.69 14.33-32 32-32S192 14.31 192 32v319.9h72c9.547 0 18.19 5.66 22 14.42C289.8 375.1 288.1 385.3 281.6 392.3z"
    <!-- #endregion -->

    <div id="history"></div>

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It's exactly the same, except for the CSS and Javascript which have been minified so windows defender doesn't detect the file anymore.


Great plugin. Thank you for all those that have worked on it. I have used it in game streaming with lots of success. I am in the process of trying to create some educational videos and was wondering if there is a way to just have the keys pressed pear instead of the whole keyboard. I.E., when no keys are pressed; the video looks as it should with no overlay of any kind. When I hit a key or keys; only that key or keys pops up on the video for a controllable amount of time. I.E., appears for 1 sec unless another key is pressed or something like that.


1. Can this be programed to only show a key when pressed without an always visible overlay
2. Can this be programed for the length of time a key press appears on the video - i.e., appear for 1 sec or till next key clicked - whichever is first....