Free Stream Notifications (Twitch, Paypal, Patreon)

Free Free Stream Notifications (Twitch, Paypal, Patreon)


Thanks for this tip! Sadly, this still didn't generate any text files. I've also confirmed that the option to save to PC is checked - when I upgraded, the dashboard saved all my settings.

Perhaps I upgraded the dashboard incorrectly?
On my Openshift FTP, I replaced the JAR file and deleted "mongodb.lock." Based on the video tutorial, there didn't appear to be any other steps... Thoughts?

[EDIT]: Also, is it possible to generate text files when using the "Quick Test"? I keep having to either test the text saving feature LIVE, or charging myself a donation... it's not ideal for testing.
It would not have anything to do with deploying the app. The settings are stored in the database.

I tested it with firefox, could you try it to?
Chrome does not work for me so my assumption was that clearing cache would work.
Chrome permission system is probably at fault, because firefox permissions normally popup after update.
There is no reason why it wouldnt work but try this - hit Ctrl+Shift+I in in tab where dashboard is opened and go to elements tab in that console window that will popup, then you will see this

The original width is 1 and height is 1, change it to 100x100
Now you will be able to see the applet and you should be able to click it and reapply the permissions.
For some reason my chrome shows the applet as not supported, as if chrome version I use no longer supported java applets

If you look at this page -

So somehow java is not working in my chrome, it is probably the same for you - I dont have any solution for this at the moment - chrome is at fault

The simplest way to test donations is with paypal simulator.
You also need to check sandbox checkbox in config wizard
You need to use the same receiver mail in simulator as in wizard

I will add support for testing it with quick test.


New Member
Ah! That's exactly what it was! Thank you for the additional troubleshooting.
It looks like Chrome is disabling the applet against our will, exactly as you show above, so it will not download the files to the PC.

Firefox worked perfectly, though! So I'll use it going forward :)

Cheers, BobDev! You're always a great help!


FSN v 1.079 is out
  • Added sound input in config for re-subs (if left empty default sub sound will be used)
  • Added test button for save to file config (you can test if saving will work)
FSN v 1.079 is out
  • Added sound input in config for re-subs (if left empty default sub sound will be used)
  • Added test button for save to file config (you can test if saving will work)
Nice! I was thinking of using a generic sub sound clip, but now I don't need to anymore! Thanks!


Nice! I was thinking of using a generic sub sound clip, but now I don't need to anymore! Thanks!
If something wont work, let me know i'll fix it:), I didnt test it that much, I probably should also add support for different sounds in quick test
If something wont work, let me know i'll fix it:), I didnt test it that much, I probably should also add support for different sounds in quick test
The zipfile name is v1.079 but the JAR file says v1.0789 so it thinks there's still an update available. Not a big deal though, but thought you should know in case other people start asking.


New Member
This is an awesome, service, Bob--thanks for making it! Only question I have is about the sound file for Patreon only--I tried to follow your instructions above, but when I try to replace the sound.mp3 file in FSN.jar\public\audio folder (with the .jar open in 7-Zip) I get an error and the file won't replace--same thing if I try to edit FSN.jar\public\patreon.html with a link to the audio file I want to use. I'm not a technical genius, so it's possible I just don't understand how to edit a .jar file, but any help you could give would be appreciated!



This is an awesome, service, Bob--thanks for making it! Only question I have is about the sound file for Patreon only--I tried to follow your instructions above, but when I try to replace the sound.mp3 file in FSN.jar\public\audio folder (with the .jar open in 7-Zip) I get an error and the file won't replace--same thing if I try to edit FSN.jar\public\patreon.html with a link to the audio file I want to use. I'm not a technical genius, so it's possible I just don't understand how to edit a .jar file, but any help you could give would be appreciated!

Change (temporarily) the extension of FSN.jar to .zip and open it normally with windows, then drag and drop, change all you need.
When you are done rename the file to jar.
For some reason 7zip cant copy anything to the archive, which is weird since I used to copy stuff with it all the time.

I really need to work on patreon and integrate it to allInOne at some point


New Member
Change (temporarily) the extension of FSN.jar to .zip and open it normally with windows, then drag and drop, change all you need.
When you are done rename the file to jar.
For some reason 7zip cant copy anything to the archive, which is weird since I used to copy stuff with it all the time.

I really need to work on patreon and integrate it to allInOne at some point

Thanks--and yep, this works! Now I need to figure out how to configure the notification pop-up (the look of it). But this is a great start!

Last edited:


Thanks--and yep, this works! Now I need to figure out how to configure the notification pop-up (the look of it). But this is a great start!

Check youtube video about css:

Note that css tab in obs browser plugin does not work in latest plugin version so all changes need to be made to the FSN css (you can test it by changing something and if it work in chrome/firefox and does not in obs then you know).

You can also go to page 14 of this forum and download example I posted.
If you have any problems ask away, people here done this already so they will have suggestions and tips.
I just encountered that donation bug I mentioned awhile back. The dashboard records the donations coming through, but the allInOne doesn't display the donation popup for some reason. Subs and resubs are working just fine.


I just encountered that donation bug I mentioned awhile back. The dashboard records the donations coming through, but the allInOne doesn't display the donation popup for some reason. Subs and resubs are working just fine.
welp then I'd better find the damn bug :)


New Member
This is an awesome tool for any level of streamer. Thank you so much Bob!

Your prompt support is also much appreciated.
welp then I'd better find the damn bug :)
Refreshed the allInOne link again for OBS. It worked for about 5 donations and broke again. The dashboard still continues to record new donations coming through.

Would it be possible to add a "quick test" button to each entry in the dashboard to force a popup of that event in the allInOne? It would be a viable temporary solution if it takes really long to find the bug.


New Member
Hi Bob,

Other issues: when I try to open the .css file in Chrome, it says "'t' is not a valid E-mail address," even though what I've entered (which isn't 't,' so I don't know what that means--maybe 't' is representing the e-mail?) clearly is valid. Also, the dashboard doesn't seem to be saving any of my changes no matter how many times I hit the "save" button. Suggestions?



Hi Bob,

Other issues: when I try to open the .css file in Chrome, it says "'t' is not a valid E-mail address," even though what I've entered (which isn't 't,' so I don't know what that means--maybe 't' is representing the e-mail?) clearly is valid. Also, the dashboard doesn't seem to be saving any of my changes no matter how many times I hit the "save" button. Suggestions?

1. Dashboard not saving - dont use IE
2. How do you want to edit css file while opening it in chrome, did you open the FSN.jar with packaging software and extracted or opened the file from there using any text editor?
3.Write me an e-mail we can continue from there


Refreshed the allInOne link again for OBS. It worked for about 5 donations and broke again. The dashboard still continues to record new donations coming through.

Would it be possible to add a "quick test" button to each entry in the dashboard to force a popup of that event in the allInOne? It would be a viable temporary solution if it takes really long to find the bug.
It will be hard to find the bug, I'm not able to reproduce the problem, but I'll do my best, I will look into this tomorrow.
Workaround seems a good solution for now - I'll add this


New Member
1. Dashboard not saving - dont use IE
2. How do you want to edit css file while opening it in chrome, did you open the FSN.jar with packaging software and extracted or opened the file from there using any text editor?
3.Write me an e-mail we can continue from there

1. I'm using Chrome, not IE.
2. I don't know that I understand--I followed your instructions in the video you posted, and in the Chrome window itself it gave me the error message I mentioned.
3. Will do, thanks!
