Desert Kharon IRC Plugin


I just tried this and with the fade time and all of the other customization options (along with Hitbox compatibility), this is fucking awesome.

Do you have any plans in the future to make it so that text descends downwards instead of upwords?


I've been using this for Hitbox for a while. All of a sudden now though, I'm getting these errors.


Is there a way to troubleshoot this...?


New Member
How do you put a transparent background to the chat? Reading through other comments, it seems like it's featured, but I can't figure out how to do it.


The Helping Squad
@Knox283 The background is transparent by default. You would have to add an image or something to add one.
@ball2hi Not sure, unless sickbattery has a better Idea. I only get that error with a wrong token.


Best tool ever to get chat inside your videos, at least among the freebies. Emote support would be great though, it looks odd otherwise :D
Many thanks for this!


not sure how viable emote support would be since its using the irc server which cant display those. So he would have to code it so that the plugin itself reacts to the text and changes it to the emotes which probably would have to be saved locally is my guess.


The Helping Squad
It is pretty possible that these problems lie more on the twitch side of things.
The chat has been horribly the recent days. So unless @sickbattery can pinpoint a bug, I would think its just a real connection problem.


Forum Moderator
Does this plugin still auto disconnect with the irc connection failed bug all the time?
If the IRC connection fails what else should it do? Can't say I've ever experienced this problem though, as long as my oauth token is correct the plugin connects and works perfectly.

Liam Brydon

New Member
Hi, this might be the wrong thread for this question but i'm having problem getting the chat to work. i'm new at streaming also i get an error message saying connection failed. could not connect within 10secs, can anyone help me? thankyou


New Member
If the IRC connection fails what else should it do? Can't say I've ever experienced this problem though, as long as my oauth token is correct the plugin connects and works perfectly.

Lately I've noticed that some of the ports used by Twitch go down so if the plugin stops working, I usually switch ports.


New Member
Hi i am quite new to this stuff, and don´t really have a clue, so I tried to install this Plugin, but all i get is a this:

00:03:01: CLR host plugin strings not found, dynamically loading 4 strings
00:03:01: CLRHost::Initialize() attempting to load and start the .NET runtime (null)
00:03:01: CLRHost::Initialize() attempting to use v4.0.30319 .NET runtime
00:03:01: CLRHost::LoadInteropLibrary() load the assembly plugins\CLRHostPlugin\CLRHost.Interop.dll
00:03:01: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() attempting to load the plugin assembly DesertKharonIrcPlugin
00:03:01: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() failed to load the assembly DesertKharonIrcPlugin: 0x8007000b
00:03:01: Failed to load plugin plugins/DesertKharonIrcPlugin.dll, 193

Can anybody help? Is this a known thing?