Desert Kharon IRC Plugin


New Member
okuRaku, hopefully he checks it out and merges it! It'd be awesome! I've been having a pretty big issue currently with IRC chat. I use multiple scenes for IRC and I've noticed that if there are too many connections being made (Such as switching scenes too quickly, causing IRC to connect again) it will freeze up completely until it tells me that IRC connection has there any way you could possibly include a way for it to wait X amount of seconds before trying to connect again?

There may be a better way to implement this but I believe the server only allows a connection from it once every, say, 10 seconds, and there's not a way to prevent this since I tend to switch between scenes quickly. (I have an auto scene switcher) It makes streaming absolute hell when it switches, freezes while waiting for an IRC connection and then I have to press OK every time it fails to connect.


Hey, is there currently a way to have messages stay instead of choosing a "fade out message after:" ? I tried 0s but that apperantly makes them not appear at all.


New Member
okuRaku said:
Have you tried setting it up as a global source? That might prevent the reinitialization...

Here's the thing...for each scene I would like to have different dimensions for the IRC. If I changed the global source in one scene, it'd be different with another scene. I have one scene for desktop with a certain size, then another for games with another size, and then a third with a third size so it's not covering important aspects of games.


New Member
Hmm I see your point. I will look into this. Would be nice if you could skip setting the size in the plugin config and just adjust it on the fly via edit scene. I *think* that would then allow you to use it as a global source. Having it retain connection as different sources would be a lot harder I'd wager.


New Member
okuRaku said:
Hmm I see your point. I will look into this. Would be nice if you could skip setting the size in the plugin config and just adjust it on the fly via edit scene. I *think* that would then allow you to use it as a global source. Having it retain connection as different sources would be a lot harder I'd wager.

yeah that would be awesome


New Member
Now that I'm home and play around in OBS I feel kinda silly - the chat plugin already supports the native scale / position adjustments you can do per source per scene, even on a global source. I think the best I could offer would be exposing a hotkey (that your scene switcher could also use) that would change the width/height setting in the IRC plugin, if that do what you're wanting...

XeiZ that shouldn't be too hard but does 1h not work for you?


Oh no it is working fine, i was just wondering if thats possible currently. The 0s setting didnt really make sense to me the way it works currently. :)


New Member
okuRaku said:
Now that I'm home and play around in OBS I feel kinda silly - the chat plugin already supports the native scale / position adjustments you can do per source per scene, even on a global source. I think the best I could offer would be exposing a hotkey (that your scene switcher could also use) that would change the width/height setting in the IRC plugin, if that do what you're wanting...

XeiZ that shouldn't be too hard but does 1h not work for you?

but the font size changes as well
Are you ppl crazy? 2131 downloads so far? I was happy with 25 downloads at codeplex :D ... no really, I hoped it would stay at 25 ppl because I'm for sure not going to be able to support all of you ;P ...

Whatever :) ...

To make a long story short (like in the "I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining" episode of "South Park"):
I've been busy. My game is still not done. If you'd like to see the game then here is what I've got so far (the video was never ment for the public so don't expect a trailer or teaser it's just me mashing buttons a little bit here and there, no music, no nothing). I have a new job now which promisses to be good and I don't feel the massive need anymore to get my game done asap and sell it just to get out of my old job :D ...

Anyway I just answered okuRaku and I hope we can work together on the plugin. I'm willing to give him access to the project after I've seen his code. Well, it has been a while, I hope he still wants to join, maybe he already started his own fork, idk, we will see.

I have a month off now and I hoped I could relax a little bit, but I think I can also do some work on DKI, too. Before I start working on the plugin again I'll wait a little while for okuRaku's answer. Edit: And I also need to finish 3D Dot Game Heroes :D ...
Easy solution: stop making GOOD stuff! :p

Never! :D ... I'm glad some ppl like it ^^ ... I'll just have to live with a little bit of hatred from some ppl I will not be able to support.

but the font size changes as well

I'll try to make the sizing etc. more intuitive. I already have an idea. The problem is that I have optimized the code to use GDI+ as rare as possible and I guess I'll have to redraw and recalculate all messages every time the size changes ... this might end up hanging up OBS for a few hundred milliseconds on each draw inside the resizing/dragging in edit mode :D ... GDI+ "is" slow, but it has great features. I'll just have to add a delay ... you'll drag and resize the render box and a second after you stop it'll redraw/recalculate the messages.
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New Member
Help plz to install this plugin. i do all like in in install.txt - copy all x86 files (i have x86 OBS) into CLS plugin directiry but in OBS didn see new plugin, only CLS


New Member
sorry if allready been asked but i could not find answer. is there text files i can change with text editor for editing frieands\foes etc? sorry for bad english :)
I don't know if I'll have time for this but maybe I'll add a "bulk add" function. I'm currently rewriting some parts of the plugin to support a few things which is stressing me a litle bit, sorry for the just "no" answer. Of course the lists are saved somewhere, but this somewhere is in the main config of the plugin using a custom separator as the get/set list functions were not working when I programmed the friend/foe lists. It's more work to edit the config file with the editor then copy/paste/add in the plugin :D ...

I hope I'll be done by the end of the week. When I'm done I'll release a version that has twitch emote support and doesn't require any resolution setting ...
You are a god send on the emote support. Could that possibly include sub emotes also?

It already does. okuRaku and his friend build in support for that (thanks again!). I'm rewriting a lot of my and their code currently ... so it'll take a while. For example ... loading twitch emotes is now running on an other thread and a loading icon is shown for as long as it takes to load the emote.

I just finished rewriting the rendering function to be flexible and adapt to size changes ... I was testing it half an hour ago and now I got banned for 8h from twitch because I posted too many messages in my own channel. Thwitch is getting on my nerves really bad lately ... like 30 minutes wouldn't have been enough. No. 8h. lol ...

Well then, I'll do a break and play inFamous Second Son now :D ...
(I still aim for the end of the week for the release.)