Composite Blur

Composite Blur 1.5.1

FiniteSingularity submitted a new resource:

Composite Blur - An efficient and comprehensive blur plugin.


Composite Blur Plugin is a comprehensive blur plugin that provides blur algorithms and types for all levels of quality and computational need.
  • Composite Blur provides several highly optimized blur algorithms including Gaussian, Multi-Pass Box, Dual Kawase, and Pixelate. Composite Blur also support Windows, MacOS, and Linux for all blur types.
  • Composite Blur provides multiple blur effects to give a different look and feel to the blur...

Read more about this resource...
FiniteSingularity updated Composite Blur with a new update entry:

Bugfix Release 1.0.1

A huge thank you to everyone who has downloaded the plugin, and provided feedback thus far. A couple of issues were discovered and fixed, so if you're seeing either of the following, download the new version and see if it resolves. As always, if you find an issue, please open an issue over on the project GitHub or post a message here. This release contains the following updates:
  • Fixes a banding visual...

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FiniteSingularity updated Composite Blur with a new update entry:

Bugfix Release 1.0.2

I hope y'all are enjoying your blurrified video! Thank you to everyone who has tried out the plugin, and provided feedback. You all are helping to make this the *best* OBS blur plugin. This release fixes a couple bugs reported by users, so if you're experiencing either of these issues, be sure to download the update and give it a try. This release:
  • Fixes a bug where Gaussian blur would not work on Windows systems if the user had used the `--allow-opengl` flag, and was using...

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FiniteSingularity updated Composite Blur with a new update entry:

Bugfix Release 1.0.3

Thanks to everyone who has downloaded and tried out the plug-in so far, and a big thank you to those who submitted bug reports for v1.0.2, those who helped with translations, added documentation and provided code. As always, if you run into any issues with the plugin, please post here or better yet, open an issue on the GitHub repo.

This release includes:
  • Adds Spanish translations.
  • Fixes a bug where...

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FiniteSingularity updated Composite Blur with a new update entry:

Bugfix Release 1.0.4

Y'all are doing a fantastic job of finding (thankfully) small bugs in the code. A big thank you to those who found bugs, and those who provided translations. This release fixes a small bug where blurs with zero size applied to a masked source would not redraw properly, causing trailing artifacts. It also includes translations for German and Finnish. As always, if you find a bug or issue in the plug-in, please post here, or better yet...

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New Member
This is the Chinese translation of the plugin
I don’t know why I can’t upload attachments

Save the code and change the text name to:

Place it in your OBS installation directory
Ready to use

CompositeBlurFilter="复合模糊" CompositeBlurFilter.Channel.Alpha="Alpha" CompositeBlurFilter.Channel.Red="红色通道" CompositeBlurFilter.Channel.Green="绿色通道" CompositeBlurFilter.Channel.Blue="蓝色通道" CompositeBlurFilter.BlurAlgorithm="模糊算法" CompositeBlurFilter.BlurType="模糊类型" CompositeBlurFilter.Radius="模糊半径" CompositeBlurFilter.Angle="角度" CompositeBlurFilter.Background="合成的背景源" CompositeBlurFilter.Background.None="无" CompositeBlurFilter.CenterCoordinate="缩放中心点" CompositeBlurFilter.Center.X="x" CompositeBlurFilter.Center.Y="y" CompositeBlurFilter.Box.Passes="通道" CompositeBlurFilter.TiltShift="倾斜-移轴焦点" CompositeBlurFilter.TiltShift.Center="位置" CompositeBlurFilter.TiltShift.Width="厚度" CompositeBlurFilter.TiltShift.Angle="角度" CompositeBlurFilter.Algorithm.Gaussian="高斯" CompositeBlurFilter.Algorithm.Box="方框" CompositeBlurFilter.Algorithm.DualKawase="双 Kawase" CompositeBlurFilter.Algorithm.Pixelate="像素化" CompositeBlurFilter.Type.Area="区域" CompositeBlurFilter.Type.Directional="方向" CompositeBlurFilter.Type.Zoom="缩放" CompositeBlurFilter.Type.Motion="运动" CompositeBlurFilter.Type.TiltShift="倾斜偏移" CompositeBlurFilter.PixelateType="像素化类型" CompositeBlurFilter.Pixelate.PixelSize="像素大小" CompositeBlurFilter.Pixelate.Square="正方形" CompositeBlurFilter.Pixelate.Hexagonal="六边形" CompositeBlurFilter.Pixelate.Triakis="Triakis" CompositeBlurFilter.Pixelate.Circle="圆形" CompositeBlurFilter.Pixelate.Triangle="三角形" CompositeBlurFilter.DualKawase.Passes="模糊半径" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask="效果蒙版" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.CropParameters="裁剪蒙版参数" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.None="无" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Crop="裁剪" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Rectangle="矩形" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Circle="圆形" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Source="源" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Image="图像" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Crop.Top="顶部(%)" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Crop.Bottom="底部(%)" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Crop.Left="左侧(%)" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Crop.Right="右侧(%)" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.CornerRadius="圆角半径(%)" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Feathering="羽化(%)" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Invert="反转蒙版?" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.SourceParameters="源蒙版参数" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.ImageParameters="图像蒙版参数" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Source.Source="源" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Source.None="无" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Source.File="图像文件" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Source.Filter="使用蒙版" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Source.Alpha="Alpha 通道" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Source.Grayscale="灰度值" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Source.Luminosity="亮度" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Source.Sliders="手动 RGBA 滑块" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Source.Multiplier="倍增器" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Circle.CenterX="中心 X(%)" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Circle.CenterY="中心 Y(%)" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Circle.Radius="半径(%)" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Circle.Feathering="羽化(%)" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.CircleParameters="圆形蒙版参数" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Rect.CenterX="中心 X(%)" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Rect.CenterY="中心 Y(%)" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Rect.Width="宽度(%)" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Rect.Height="高度(%)" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Rect.CornerRadius="圆角半径(%)" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.Rect.Feathering="羽化(%)" CompositeBlurFilter.EffectMask.RectParameters="矩形蒙版参数"
FiniteSingularity updated Composite Blur with a new update entry:

Bugfix Release 1.0.5

A quick bugfix release, as a memory leak slipped through my testing on the last release, which could potentially crash OBS. This release:
  • Fixes a memory leak that occurred if you were to use the composite blur filter on a window or game source, where the window or game was no longer available, and you were using a source effect mask.
The bug was introduced in v1.0.4, so if you're running that version, please update. As always, if you find a bug, please either post it...

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New Member
Hi! I seem to not be able to get this stuff working. I've tried manually installing and using the installer, and I've even fully uninstalled OBS and reinstalled with an updated version, but Composite Blur just doesn't show up in my filters. The only thing I can think may be messing this up is that I have OBS installed in my D drive (HDD) instead of my C drive (SSD), but the installer found the correct folder, and it looks like the correct files are present when I look through the directory. Do you have an idea on how I can get it up and running? I'm really excited about the pixelation blur. I'm using a computer with Windows 10, if that helps any. Thank you!
Hi! I seem to not be able to get this stuff working. I've tried manually installing and using the installer, and I've even fully uninstalled OBS and reinstalled with an updated version, but Composite Blur just doesn't show up in my filters. The only thing I can think may be messing this up is that I have OBS installed in my D drive (HDD) instead of my C drive (SSD), but the installer found the correct folder, and it looks like the correct files are present when I look through the directory. Do you have an idea on how I can get it up and running? I'm really excited about the pixelation blur. I'm using a computer with Windows 10, if that helps any. Thank you!

Sorry to hear you are having issues with getting Composite blur to work. The first thing to confirm is that you are seeing the plugin dll file in the correct place. From your root OBS folder, there should be a folder called `obs-plugins`, then in that folder there should be a `32bit` and `64bit` folder. Look in each of those folders, and you should see an `obs-composite--blur.dll` file and a `obs-composite-blur.pdb` file. If not, you'll need to make sure you install the plugin properly. If you're seeing the files in the correct place, I'll need to see a log file from OBS to help more. Would you be willing to either open an issue on the project's Github page (, or DM me if you're on the OBS Discord? That will make troubleshooting the issue a bit easier.


New Member

Sorry to hear you are having issues with getting Composite blur to work. The first thing to confirm is that you are seeing the plugin dll file in the correct place. From your root OBS folder, there should be a folder called `obs-plugins`, then in that folder there should be a `32bit` and `64bit` folder. Look in each of those folders, and you should see an `obs-composite--blur.dll` file and a `obs-composite-blur.pdb` file. If not, you'll need to make sure you install the plugin properly. If you're seeing the files in the correct place, I'll need to see a log file from OBS to help more. Would you be willing to either open an issue on the project's Github page (, or DM me if you're on the OBS Discord? That will make troubleshooting the issue a bit easier.
Thank you for the pretty quick reply! It turns out that the files are, indeed, NOT there, but I actually figured out what happened! To install the files, I selected the "download" link that's included in the installation guide for Windows, and that link redirects to a page for "move transitions" ( Just a moment ago, I clicked on the actual download button at the top of page here, and that link sends me to correct download page! If I have further problems installing the files, I'll DM you through the OBS Discord. Thank you, preemptively, for making this tool! I am really excited to use it.
Thank you for the pretty quick reply! It turns out that the files are, indeed, NOT there, but I actually figured out what happened! To install the files, I selected the "download" link that's included in the installation guide for Windows, and that link redirects to a page for "move transitions" ( Just a moment ago, I clicked on the actual download button at the top of page here, and that link sends me to correct download page! If I have further problems installing the files, I'll DM you through the OBS Discord. Thank you, preemptively, for making this tool! I am really excited to use it.
Oops! Thank you for letting me know that the download link in that section was wrong. I've now fixed the link so it should work properly! Enjoy the plugin.


New Member
Is there any chance this plugin can cause encoder lag issues? out of no where i receive that error when tabbing in/out of my game while streaming. I haven't updated/changed anything else :/
Is there any chance this plugin can cause encoder lag issues? out of no where i receive that error when tabbing in/out of my game while streaming. I haven't updated/changed anything else :/
I’ve not heard of others having this issue, nor have I seen it in my usage. However, since composite blur does use the GPU, I suppose it could happen if you’re maxing out your GPU in game, are trying to apply a blur, and are using GPU encoding. To test this, disable any blur filters you have applied, and see if the error goes away. If that does fix the issue, and you’re using Gaussian or Box blur, try switching to the Dual Kawase blur, as it is extremely GPU efficient.


New Member
Not sure if this is the best place to ask but it was something I first experienced with this plugin but it also happens with the user-defined shader plugin. If I apply this filter to any source, it bumps up its "brightness" it seems.

*EDIT*: Funnily enough randomly i added the color correction plugin after and it comes good XD something i'm missing?
Not sure if this is the best place to ask but it was something I first experienced with this plugin but it also happens with the user-defined shader plugin. If I apply this filter to any source, it bumps up its "brightness" it seems.
View attachment 98518

*EDIT*: Funnily enough randomly i added the color correction plugin after and it comes good XD something i'm missing?
View attachment 98519
Hi Kamadake-
I'm sorry you're having issues with the plug-in. Do you see this brightening on all sources or just on this one particular source? I assume you are running Windows? Its interesting that adding a default color correction filter seems to fix the issue (does this fix the issue with the user-defined shader as well?). If it is continuing to happen, it would probably be best for you to open an issue over on the project's GitHub page, so that you can post things like a log, and it will allow me to track the issue as I work to fix it. If you're open to that, please create a new issue here:
FiniteSingularity updated Composite Blur with a new update entry:

Quality of life update 1.0.6

I hope everyone is enjoying the Composite Blur plugin. This is a very minor update that adds the following:
  • Windows binaries and installer are now code signed.
  • Source lists are now sorted alphabetically.
As always, if you run into any problems/bugs, please open an issue over on the project GitHub issues page, so that I can continue making this plug-in better for everyone. Go forth and blur all...

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New Member
Hey first of all thanks for your work to provide the plugin. However, after several attemps with different approaches I can not still make it run in my OBS 29.1.3. Is there any other tip why the filter is not shown in my obs, other filters which i installed are shown however. Thanks in advance and have a good day