CLR Browser Source Plugin [OBS Classic ONLY]


New Member
I just deleted everything associated with CLR in my folder and downloaded the latest version of CLR Browser. Dragged the 1 folder + 1 file into the plugins folder for OBS (32 bit so Program Files(x86)/OBS). The 64 bit stuff never seems to work for me so I just run the 32 cause all the plugins seem to be more compatible with it.


New Member
I just downloaded this plugin from and after it installed, it said that computer needed to be possibly restarted, which it did. I restarted my computer, but at start up, before my desktop showed up. I got a black screen that showed text saying that my antivirus was removing files off my computer, then said it was successful, then went to my desktop.

Has anyone had this happen before?


New Member
I upgraded from an older version to CLRBrowserSourcePlugin-20140909. The new version is not able to read the older versions Scenes/Sources configurations. It will create a new blank one. After doing some digging in the scenes.xconfig file it looks like the new version uses Base64 and the older version used ASCII string.

Why is the new version not backwards compatible? I have a dozen scenes with some having at least 5-7 CLR Browser Plugins configured in them. It should at least have a way to convert them into the new format. Thanks in advance.
Last edited:


New Member
I've downloaded the plugin to the correct folder, installed MS Visual C++ Run Times to 2013 and .NET installation to 4.5.x: and restarted my computer. CLR Browser doesn't show up in the list of sources.

Here's the log

08:26:39: CLR host plugin strings not found, dynamically loading 4 strings
08:26:39: CLRHost::Initialize() attempting to load and start the .NET runtime (null)
08:26:39: CLRHost::Initialize() Found version v1.1.4322 .NET runtime
08:26:39: CLRHost::Initialize() Found version v4.0.30319 .NET runtime
08:26:39: CLRHost::Initialize() attempting to use v4.0.30319 .NET runtime
08:26:39: CLRHost::LoadInteropLibrary() load the assembly plugins\CLRHostPlugin\CLRHost.Interop.dll
08:26:39: CLRHost::LoadInteropLibrary() failed to load the assembly: 0x800700c1
08:26:54: CLR host plugin instance deleted; removing dynamically loaded localization strings

Last game capture log:
2015-02-02, 17:56:39: we're booting up:
17:56:39: CaptureThread: attached to process snes9x-x64.exe
17:56:39: D3D9 Present
17:56:39: GL Present
17:56:39: DirectDraw capture: Windows Vista not supported yet
17:56:39: (half life scientist) everything.. seems to be in order
17:56:39: D3D9EndScene called
17:56:39: BackBufferWidth: 1024
17:56:39: BackBufferHeight: 899
17:56:39: BackBufferFormat: D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8
17:56:39: BackBufferCount: 1
17:56:39: MultiSampleType: D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE
17:56:39: MultiSampleQuality: 0
17:56:39: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD
17:56:39: hDeviceWindow: 1182574
17:56:39: Windowed: true
17:56:39: EnableAutoDepthStencil: false
17:56:39: AutoDepthStencilFormat: D3DFMT_UNKNOWN
17:56:39: Flags: None
17:56:39: FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz: 0
17:56:39: PresentationInterval: 2147483648
17:56:39: };
17:56:39: successfully set up d3d9 hooks
17:56:39: D3D9Present called
17:56:39: DoD3D9CPUHook: success
17:56:39: successfully capturing d3d9 frames via CPU
17:57:11: ---------------------- Cleared D3D9 Capture ----------------------
17:57:11: D3D9EndScene called
17:57:11: D3D9Present called
17:57:11: DirectDraw capture: Windows Vista not supported yet
18:02:01: received restart event, capturing
18:02:01: DoD3D9CPUHook: success
18:02:01: successfully capturing d3d9 frames via CPU
18:04:12: ---------------------- Cleared D3D9 Capture ----------------------
18:04:12: D3D9EndScene called
18:04:12: D3D9Present called
18:04:15: DirectDraw capture: Windows Vista not supported yet
18:04:22: received restart event, capturing
18:04:22: DoD3D9CPUHook: success
18:04:22: successfully capturing d3d9 frames via CPU
18:04:30: ---------------------- Cleared D3D9 Capture ----------------------
18:04:30: D3D9EndScene called
18:04:30: D3D9Present called
18:04:31: DirectDraw capture: Windows Vista not supported yet
18:04:43: received restart event, capturing
18:04:43: DoD3D9CPUHook: success
18:04:43: successfully capturing d3d9 frames via CPU
18:04:45: ---------------------- Cleared D3D9 Capture ----------------------
18:04:45: D3D9EndScene called
18:04:45: D3D9Present called
18:04:47: DirectDraw capture: Windows Vista not supported yet


New Member
Hello! so I posted this in another forum, the main obs Q&A. I'm not really sure where to post this so I am posting it again. I'm sorry if cross posting isn't allowed, or if I am, again, in the wrong place or something.

Ok, a few things first. I am not a big computer person and am trying to figure out how to get obs to work so that I can stream League of Legends. I have been reading these forums and watching videos for DAYS. Posting is a last resort for me, so please help. I have my stream working and have gone live a few times, it works but that's not really the problem.

The problem is getting the CLR Browser to work.
Everything I've found on that says I need OBS 32 bit for it to work smoothly. I've looked everywhere on my computer for this. It's not here. I've uninstalled and re installed OBS, I've tried the binaries thing. I've extracted files and moved files. It's not there. As far as the plugin goes, I've tried it from NightDev, the obs page, and various other videos/websites, that posted links to it. I've also downloaded the MS .NET Framework and C++ stuff. I don't know what else to try.

Any info is much appreciated.


New Member
Is there a best practice to reload/refresh the browser source page? Looking to setup a scrolling scoreboard text, but am unsure how to refresh the page.


New Member
i was able to get this plugin to to work once but then i had to format my computer and now when i reinstall the plugin it shows it under the plugins button in OBS but not as an option when i go to add a source any suggestions would be appreciated


New Member
I'm in the process of writing a browser-based interactive stream overlay and I thought I would find this plugin useful. Except my web app is supposed to open a second window for the controls. There seems like this should work but the opened window does not show the file that the source window is set to open, it's just blank with what appears to be a mostly empty template in the page source.
Am I doing something wrong? Am I missing the point of this somehow?


Community Helper
Maybe don't make the output window spawn the control window, but instead just have a separate URL that you go to manually for the control window?


The Helping Squad
Hello! so I posted this in another forum, the main obs Q&A. I'm not really sure where to post this so I am posting it again. I'm sorry if cross posting isn't allowed, or if I am, again, in the wrong place or something.

Ok, a few things first. I am not a big computer person and am trying to figure out how to get obs to work so that I can stream League of Legends. I have been reading these forums and watching videos for DAYS. Posting is a last resort for me, so please help. I have my stream working and have gone live a few times, it works but that's not really the problem.

The problem is getting the CLR Browser to work.
Everything I've found on that says I need OBS 32 bit for it to work smoothly. I've looked everywhere on my computer for this. It's not here. I've uninstalled and re installed OBS, I've tried the binaries thing. I've extracted files and moved files. It's not there. As far as the plugin goes, I've tried it from NightDev, the obs page, and various other videos/websites, that posted links to it. I've also downloaded the MS .NET Framework and C++ stuff. I don't know what else to try.

Any info is much appreciated.
hmm would be good if you could post us a logfile, it should have some info:
Problem? Make sure to post a log and/or crash dump -- HOWTO


New Member
ive had crl browser working fine with my custom css for 3 months now. i got a new pc and reinstalled everything 100% the same. including my css but no matter what i do. my custom css is delay'd by 1-3 seconds. even if it has the !important; flag... any idea what to do?


The Helping Squad
the latest chromium version the plugin relies on changed the way css can be injected, thus you see this delay.


New Member
Has anyone figured out an elegant way to trigger an event on command? I've seen people show things like social reminders on a cycled timer, what about triggering an event on command? In my specific example, I want to pull an animated gif or other sequence on the screen when I want to.


The Helping Squad
Streamcontrol uses html code to poll a textfile for a timestamp change I think, if the timestamp changes it checks the file and updates the stuff shown on screen, or triggers an animation. This can probably be used in many different ways :)


New Member
I got one question.
I have install the CLR Browser and its on my OBS, the part i am stuck is that i cant configure it to the source.. I have reinstall and unstall.. it still wouldnt work..Am i doing something wrong?