Advanced Scene Switcher

Advanced Scene Switcher 1.28.1

Sally S.

New Member
I made a script that:
  1. Opens a web browser to YT's Live Dashboard page, and puts it on a dedicated monitor, then
  2. Starts OBS
I don't start OBS directly. In fact, none of my serious rigs start OBS directly. It's always through a script that does other things too.

Anyway, that gives me a way to see that the stream is in fact working correctly (about 10-20 seconds behind, which is normal), and shows me the "completed" message after it times out. As a natural part of shutting down, I dismiss that message.

So the solution for you might just be to make it a natural part of running the rig, and not the arduous additional thing that it is now. If you're there anyway, then the same thing becomes easy.
Thank you AaronD!

So this is my macro


It already waits for 5 minutes. But still not working


New Member
I have a feature request - or I'm just too dumb to find it!

I'd like an action to add a chapter to a recording. You can do this with:

Hotkey > OBS Hotkey > Frontend > Add Chapter Marker (Hybrid MP4 only)

However, there's no way to give the chapters specific titles. Is there any option in Advanced Scene Switcher for this that i've missed?


New Member
Hello I need help if its posible with this Plugin. I Play Heroes of the Storm - its like LOL. So I have 2 scenes. One is if the Game is in Loading Screen and the seccond Scene is when I'am actually Playing. And it has to switch, everytime the game is over and change back If the Round starts again.
Hello I need help if its posible with this Plugin. I Play Heroes of the Storm - its like LOL. So I have 2 scenes. One is if the Game is in Loading Screen and the seccond Scene is when I'am actually Playing. And it has to switch, everytime the game is over and change back If the Round starts again.
Yes, If there any screen elements or graphic that you can use to trigger the scene change, the you can use the "matches pattern" condition. For example, if the game has a "Game Over" graphic, you can setup a condition to look of the "Game Over" graphic.

Here is an example. I have the condition to only look for a specific area of the screen to make the lookup efficient.
Is there a way to get the current value to display for the "Get user input" of the "Variable" action? Right now the prompt that appears is a blank value.


New Member
Hello guys :)

Just a "basic" question, i wanted to play a specific sound when i show or hide a source, it works but the problems is that anytime i change to another scene it also plays the sound each time.

Do you have any idea what should i do to make it play only when i'm showing or hiding it, not when i switch scene please ?

Thanks for your suggestions !



Active Member
Hello guys :)

Just a "basic" question, i wanted to play a specific sound when i show or hide a source, it works but the problems is that anytime i change to another scene it also plays the sound each time.

Do you have any idea what should i do to make it play only when i'm showing or hiding it, not when i switch scene please ?

Thanks for your suggestions !

View attachment 110824
How are you showing or hiding it?

Quite often, this type of problem can be solved by converting the thing you want to respond to, into an action that Adv. SS does. So instead of, for example:
  • OBS itself: Hotkey -> Show/Hide
  • Adv. SS: Detect Show/Hide -> Play Sound
you would do:
  • Adv. SS: Hotkey -> Show/Hide and Play Sound


Active Member
Hello guys :)

Just a "basic" question, i wanted to play a specific sound when i show or hide a source, it works but the problems is that anytime i change to another scene it also plays the sound each time.

Do you have any idea what should i do to make it play only when i'm showing or hiding it, not when i switch scene please ?

Thanks for your suggestions !

View attachment 110824
You could expand your conditions to include a "if current scene is ..." check.
So, something like this:


The Schosch

New Member

I just installed the Plugin and have a question:

I want the plugin to switch the scene if there is a change in an specific area at the videoinput.

So if a dart hits a specific area (in this case the double 16 segment), it then should switch to a scene where the thrown dart is better to see (wider field of view / zoom).

I hope you guys know what I mean

Here is a picture for better understanding…

Thanks for any advice / idea to make this work

Spaced Out

New Member
For over a year I've been wrestling with 2 IP cameras slowly losing time using rtsp on a 24/7 live stream. I've been having to manually reset the cameras every day to prevent them losing too much time. I just discovered this amazing plugin, set it up to refresh the source at regular intervals and now I no longer need to worry about losing time ! It’s brilliant. THANK YOU !!


Active Member
For over a year I've been wrestling with 2 IP cameras slowly losing time using rtsp on a 24/7 live stream. I've been having to manually reset the cameras every day to prevent them losing too much time. I just discovered this amazing plugin, set it up to refresh the source at regular intervals and now I no longer need to worry about losing time ! It’s brilliant. THANK YOU !!
I have the same problem with some remote PTZ's with direct SDI feeds, though not nearly to *that* extent! They're on 24/7, but only used for a few hours each week, and they might go a month or two before the different latency for each becomes noticeable. Rebooting them with the remote fixes it.

You make me wonder though, if they also have a network reset command, that I can send from Adv. SS. I'll have to look again. Thank you!



I just installed the Plugin and have a question:

I want the plugin to switch the scene if there is a change in an specific area at the videoinput.

So if a dart hits a specific area (in this case the double 16 segment), it then should switch to a scene where the thrown dart is better to see (wider field of view / zoom).

I hope you guys know what I mean

Here is a picture for better understanding…

Thanks for any advice / idea to make this work
Use proper Video conditions, e.g. "has changed" or "contains object". It might be difficult to set up as darts could hit the fields with different angles, unless you only got professional shots that end up in more or less the same position. You could maybe track just the tip, but it'd still require lots of conditions, one per area.


New Member
I use a VLC Source for a playlist. Then the playlist is ended, it switched to another scene. I would like to put in a trailer every 2 or maybe 3 videos. it is possible to get the information form a vlc source? if not, would it possible in the future?


Active Member
...every 2 or maybe 3 videos....
My first thought is to use a variable to keep track of that count. Three macros:
  1. Time for next video (however you detect that):
    • No actions, just this one condition
  2. Macro #1 Condition AND Count != 0:
    • Play next video, AND
    • Decrement Count
  3. Macro #1 Condition AND Count == 0:
    • Play trailer, AND
    • Set Count = 3
You could put the "Time for next video" condition in the other two, and save a macro, but this allows you to change it once (if/when it does need changed), and have both of the working macros follow that change.

Also note, that this relies on Adv. SS effectively auto-DJ'ing single videos. Not a playlist that runs itself. It may still be possible to interject something in the middle of a self-running playlist, but it gets to be a mess in a hurry if you have multiple sources of automation like that. They often end up fighting each other, or getting confused because one did something that the other didn't expect, etc.

I see Adv. SS as a programming language, and I'm pretty well convinced that it's Turing Complete, which means that it can do anything that any computing machine can do, including simulating any other machine perfectly (ignoring time and memory requirements). So if you're asking if something is *possible*, then the answer is always yes, given the proper access to things. It's just a matter of how...
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I have the same problem with some remote PTZ's with direct SDI feeds, though not nearly to *that* extent! They're on 24/7, but only used for a few hours each week, and they might go a month or two before the different latency for each becomes noticeable. Rebooting them with the remote fixes it.

You make me wonder though, if they also have a network reset command, that I can send from Adv. SS. I'll have to look again. Thank you!
I had a similar problem with the same solution of rebooting the cameras. Mine don't have a network reset command (despite having commands for basically everything else). What I did was put a smart outlet on the POE injector, and have a macro to toggle that outlet once a week. If I ever get around to putting in a proper POE network switch, I'll make sure it has the ability to control the power per port remotely in a similar way


Is there a way to create an action to toggle the status of a macro? Basically setting a Paused macro to Unpause and vice versa?
Macro action has a bunch macro related stuff to select, including (un)pausing. No toggle but you could tinker with else setup like this:

Although running such macro would also be cumbersome as it would require 2x Run macro action for actions and else actions when condition matches.I could maybe add Toggle macro action whenever I have time, but who knows when that'll be.