Advanced Scene Switcher

Advanced Scene Switcher 1.28.1


New Member

I'm using adv-ss to switch two additional instances of OBS using the write to and read from file tab. The first instance being the main stream, the second being an NDI copy plus an ASL interpreter, and the third being a local stage display with timers and camera info.

The problem I'm having is the secondary instances of OBS seem to register errant scene switches, which are quickly corrected by the scene switcher (presumably the next time it checks the file). The result is occasional screen flickering as OBS momentarily switches to another scene. The problem does not occur witch adv-ss stopped, and it occurs on both secondary instances of OBS (One being remote on another computer that reads the scene file over the network).

My workaround has been to create a stinger transition with a delay LONGER than "check switch conditions every" value, so that before a switch happens adv-ss will check conditions again and override the transition before it happens. While this workaround is functional, it does limit some of my options such as changing transitions or automatically ending the streams.

I can't nail down the culprit, although this problem doesn't seem to happen on my (much simpler) home PC. I'm hoping that someone will be able to spot the issue in the logs. In the logs of the secondary OBS you can identify errant scene switches because they will rapidly switch to a scene and then back to the previous scene.

Thank you for reading!!!


  • Primary (Master) - 2020-11-18 13-44-56.txt
    33.8 KB · Views: 44
  • Secondary - 2020-11-18 13-45-07.txt
    135.1 KB · Views: 45


New Member
** A small clarification for the "secondary log": the only indication I am seeing for when the errant scene switching is happening is a warning from obs-websocket that says something like "transition duration is negative!". I assume it's saying that because it flips back to the proper scene so quickly.


Active Member
** A small clarification for the "secondary log": the only indication I am seeing for when the errant scene switching is happening is a warning from obs-websocket that says something like "transition duration is negative!". I assume it's saying that because it flips back to the proper scene so quickly.
Not every match log entry will trigger a scene change.
You can identify if these scene switcher is actually triggering a scene change if you see the following line in the log:
User switched to scene '...'
(The scene switcher will only trigger a scene change if the currently active scene is not already active.)
Can you verify if you see two consecutive "User switched to scene ..." entries in the log when the issue occurred?
If you do not it could maybe be an issue with the configuration of the particular transition.
can someone maybe do a youtube video on how to do a switch using audio? like can i set a "tone" in my VLC playlist that will trigger a scene change and when that scene is over go back to the next video (after that tone) in the vlc playlist? cause i am not grasping how to do that


Active Member
can someone maybe do a youtube video on how to do a switch using audio? like can i set a "tone" in my VLC playlist that will trigger a scene change and when that scene is over go back to the next video (after that tone) in the vlc playlist? cause i am not grasping how to do that
The audio tab will only trigger scene changes based on the volume of a source.
It will not switch based on the frequency / tone of a source.

I only know of this video showing off this functionality (spanish):
At 3:10 it is shown how to setup the plugin.
At 4:30 you can see an example of how it works.
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Active Member
I have a question.
Is it possible to pause the auto switching when I use the fade to black?
Well, depends on how you want to do that :)

You could either use the hotkeys to control / stop the scene switcher or use the "pause" functionality, which allows you to pause the scene switcher if you are on a certain scene.

If you have some sort of image detection / comparison in mind, then that is unfortunately not possible with this plugin.

There is however a separate plugin in development for that:


New Member
Not every match log entry will trigger a scene change.
You can identify if these scene switcher is actually triggering a scene change if you see the following line in the log:
User switched to scene '...'
(The scene switcher will only trigger a scene change if the currently active scene is not already active.)
Can you verify if you see two consecutive "User switched to scene ..." entries in the log when the issue occurred?
If you do not it could maybe be an issue with the configuration of the particular transition.

Thanks for your reply,

unfortunately the only thing I notice in the logs is the scene rapidly switching. I haven't been able to determine why yet. There may not be sufficient info to find the cause, just hoping you might have seen the problem before. Thanks again for your time.

I attached a video showing the problem occurring. sorry about the quality, trying to fit it here.


  • Primary.txt
    26.3 KB · Views: 35
  • Secondary.txt
    24 KB · Views: 34
  • adv-ss
    948.7 KB · Views: 71


New Member
Hello Warmuptill,
thanks for your great plugin. I can create complete unattended stream (presentation) now. I would have one request (new function). Would it be posible to show "Remaining time/Countdown" somehow? Based on the Sequence (e.g. switch to scene2 after 30s = coundown from 00:00:30 to 00:00:00) or/and Media (get remaining time from media source (length of video).
Thank you ;)


New Member
I want to setup a simple thing and I'm not sure how to accomplish it.
I have a custom Stinger that I want to use globally, but between Scene "A" and "B"(and vice versa), I want to use "Lume wipe" for example. So I set this* on the Transition tab, I also set a Sequence timer to keep cycling between those scenes.

But I'm noticing that, after the 1st action, the OBS auto changes the default scene transition(Stinger) on the side of the control panel to "Luma Wipe" instead of keeping, if I press any hotkey to simple switch between scenes (or clicking on another scene) it will end up using the Luma Wipe, instead of the Stinger

I really don't mind this part. but What I'm trying to accomplish is that Stinger is going to be the main transition between scenes, expect on scene A to B vice versa. The only way to achieve that is to set all scenes(and which transition it should use) on the settings of the Advanced Scene Switcher ?

Because on the Transition tab, it's says :
The settings below only affect scene transitions caused by the scene switcher and not the ones you are causing manually. Additionally they will take priority over transition settings configured elsewhere in the scene switcher.
Up...someone can help me out on this one?...


New Member
For testing i've just opened, edited and saved the File with notepad++
The modification date is applied immediately.....

Hello, the problems still exist. Can anyone help please?

The Scene switcher is not working for me, switching by file will not detect modification by date...
respectively it will trigger many many minutes (more then 10) after i've modificated the file...


Active Member
Up...someone can help me out on this one?...
This plugin might be what you are looking for:

Hello, the problems still exist. Can anyone help please?

The Scene switcher is not working for me, switching by file will not detect modification by date...
respectively it will trigger many many minutes (more then 10) after i've modificated the file...
This is the result I would have expected when manually changing the file and saving it.
I have performed a similar test on my end and the scene was switched as specified in the plugin.

Does this also trigger the scene switcher as expected on your end when you manually edit the file?
Or does this also not work for you?


New Member
This is the result I would have expected when manually changing the file and saving it.
I have performed a similar test on my end and the scene was switched as specified in the plugin.

Does this also trigger the scene switcher as expected on your end when you manually edit the file?
Or does this also not work for you?

I want to trigger on any change of modification date...
I've edited and saved the file manually with notepad++ . The changes triggers Advanced Scene Switcher after more then 10 minutes. I've also tried with disabling writing cache from my ssd, but problem still exists...
These are my Settings:

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I am not familiar with the "watch folder" utility and the "SendKeys" functionality in vbscript.
For me the OBS log is updated right away, but maybe there is some sort of buffering going on your system.

You can find a build of the plugin that let's you chose a file on the general tab to print the current status to a file here:
If you want more details on what I did you can check out the changes here:
Maybe that helps you in adding the functionality that you need :)

I am not sure yet if I will add this to the plugin officially as I do not think there is much demand for it - but maybe I am wrong here.


I am now successfully making use if the special build you made that provides a separate logfile for the scene switcher status!

Please make it part of the standard build from now on! :-)


New Member
I want to trigger on any change of modification date...
I've edited and saved the file manually with notepad++ . The changes triggers Advanced Scene Switcher after more then 10 minutes. I've also tried with disabling writing cache from my ssd, but problem still exists...
These are my Settings:
View attachment 63599
View attachment 63600

The trigger works immediately when I stop and restart advanced scene switcher. During operation, the trigger only works after more than 10 minutes. If this information somehow helps to solve the problem.


Active Member

The trigger works immediately when I stop and restart advanced scene switcher. During operation, the trigger only works after more than 10 minutes. If this information somehow helps to solve the problem.
Can you repeat the test below and see if it also works on your end?
Do you see the 10 minute delay here also?
For me this seems to work just as you expect.
Or did I maybe misunderstand something in your setup?

Can you please make sure that the modification date changes if the application, which is responsible for the file you are monitoring, writes to the file?


I am now successfully making use if the special build you made that provides a separate logfile for the scene switcher status!

Please make it part of the standard build from now on! :-)
I am not sure if that will be useful for many people so I am a bit hesitant to add this.
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New Member
Can you repeat the test below and see if it also works on your end?
Do you see the 10 minute delay here also?
For me this seems to work just as you expect.
Or did I maybe misunderstand something in your setup?

Can you please make sure that the modification date changes if the application, which is responsible for the file you are monitoring, writes to the file?

I am not sure if that will be useful for many people so I am a bit hesitant to add this.

when saving the monitored file with Notepad ++, the date and time are updated immediately. Unfortunately, the scene is only switched after after 10 or more minutes. If I stop Advanced Scene Switcher and then start it again, the file change is recognized immediately and the scene is switched immediately as desired. I tried again with your exact settings, with the same wrong result.


New Member
when saving the monitored file with Notepad ++, the date and time are updated immediately. Unfortunately, the scene is only switched after after 10 or more minutes. If I stop Advanced Scene Switcher and then start it again, the file change is recognized immediately and the scene is switched immediately as desired. I tried again with your exact settings, with the same wrong result.


I've just testet it with a new Scene-Collection wit just 2 Scenes, this works!!
It just seems like it's not working properly with my existing productive scene collection.
Is there perhaps an explanation for this?
How can I start looking for a solution?
i can NOT get the this too switch on media, i have 4 scenes with only a media file in each scene

1.) scene1 -> with a media source scene_1.avi
2.) black -> with media source fade2black.avi
and so on

then in the MEDIA section of the plugin i have it set up as:
when scene_1.avi state is ended and none switch to black
when fade2black.avi state is playing and longer than 100 ms switch to scene2 etc

it will do NOTHING, i check that it is active and stop and activate it again to be sure.

I go to scene one and refresh the video and it plays and just ends and does nothing

looked on youtube but no tutorials on the new changes, this should NOT be so difficult .
have even tried with vlc as media source... do you have tutorials of how to use these things once you update them and i am missing these instructions?

i tried following this video

but of course that is last version and totally new gui