Oh good! I was starting to wonder what that implied about the filters themselves. Specifically, a side-chained compressor, and others that can react to a different signal than the one that they're processing. For example, if I put a noise gate on one signal, and then use that signal as the side-chain to a compressor, does the compressed signal still "duck" even when the gate doesn't open? I've been running that kind of signal flow for a while now, and haven't noticed a problem with it, but you did get me to wondering.@hammerheaddown I have to correct myself ...
The current implementation seems to already check audio and video sources *after* all filters are applied.
I tested this by simply applying a negative gain filter to an audio source and comparing whether or not an audio condition triggers for the same volume threshold.
So the approach suggested by @AaronD might work.
Basically you would need to create a copy of your audio source on which you apply "aggressive" filters which *only* allow the targeted frequencies.
Then you can proceed with the regular volume check of the audio condition on this filtered audio source.
But to be honest I am not really familiar with audio filters in OBS so I am not sure how easy this would be to set up.
Normally as good practice, you'd want to keep your video processing and audio processing apps separate, and bring the finished audio into the video rig as an unchanged passthrough, plus possibly a few more channels that you use for triggers but nobody hears those. That would eliminate the pre-/post-filter problem because there aren't any (significant*) filters.
(* maybe a low-threshold noise gate because you're using an analog line input from a hardware mixer or something like that, but that's about it)
But one particular rig must run on Windows (yuck) and use minimal hardware, and the cheap audio processor that I found for Windoze is really more of a multi-channel loopback than anything else, in terms of what's actually useful about it. (I wouldn't call it a DAW yet: https://vb-audio.com/Voicemeeter/potato.htm ) So the audio in that rig goes around the loop several times with a lot of the work being done with OBS filters and creative routing. I made a copy of that rig for my own use, on Ubuntu Linux instead, that does follow the good practice and works a LOT better! (using these filters instead of what OBS has: https://lsp-plug.in/ )
Can you share the link here, so that those of us that are interested can just hop over to it? Thanks!I will open a new thread as this is out of scope of this plugin at "this" time but maybe soon! thanks!!