What a great plugin! Here's my situation:
I have a long sequence of scenes--in the neighborhood of 70. When in Studio mode, for each scene that becomes active in the Program window, I'd like the following scene to come up in the Preview window. That way, I can just keep pressing the Transition button to go from scene to scene, while still previewing each. I know I can use this plugin to create macros for each scene to accomplish this, but is there some way I can do it without having to manually create 70 macros?
Hm, that's an interesting scenario.
I think it might make sense to use the "Scene Group" tab here:
As the name suggests a Scene Group is a collection of multiple scenes.
Scene Groups can be used as a target for scene switch actions just like a regular scene can be.
However each time a Scene Group is selected as a target for a scene switch action of course only one actual scene can be finally chosen.
The scene which is chosen to be switched to depends on the logic set up for each particular Scene Group.
For your example you will need a Scene Group similar to the following:
The above example obviously only contains three example scenes - test1, test2, and test3 - but you get the idea.
The important settings are "Type: Count" and "Advance to next scene after 1 matches", which will make sure to advance to the next scene in the list of scenes each time "Example Scene Group" is being chosen as the target of a scene switch action.
Finally you will have to create a macro which will change the currently active preview scene to the "Example Scene Group".
In the following example a hotkey named "Advance to next scene" is used to trigger this preview scene change.
Unfortunately I had disabled selecting Scene Groups as the target for the "Switch preview scene" action as I couldn't think of a use case where this would be useful.
So with the currently released version you will not be able to select your Scene Group.
A build where this functionality is enabled can be found here in a few minutes:
An automated scene switcher for OBS Studio. Contribute to WarmUpTill/SceneSwitcher development by creating an account on GitHub.
Note that you have to be logged into GitHub to be able to download this build.
Please let me know if that should be an issue for you and I can try to share it via other means.
Hope that helped!
Let me know if you have any issues or questions!