Active Member
I think you can solve your issue by just not automatically restarting the playback once the intro video completes by changing the media sources settings.Awesome plugin! I'm still somewhat new to OBS but I have an issue I was wondering if this plugin might help to resolve or if anyone has a suggestion.
I have an intro video scene that includes the audio in the file. The audio fades out slowly so we can begin talking over it, but...
I would like to be able to switch to our main cameras scene at a certain timeframe in the video, near the end. I know that's easily accomplished with this plugin, I've done it, and works great, but...
Switching the scene before the end of the video results in the audio cutting out abruptly. I "solved" this by copying the video to the main camera scene and putting it out of the frame so it finishes the video and audio completely, BUT...
Now the problem is that when I go back to the main camera scene, the audio from the video clip plays every time (video is off-frame so we don't see it). Yes, I could mute the audio every time I switch to the scene for the first time, but that's an extra keypress I don't want to do because I'll forget at some point.
Is there a setting either in this plugin, another plugin, or OBS itself, that can mute the audio of a source automatically when it's finished playing, OR prevent the source from being played more than once, OR, another solution I'm missing?
Thanks for your time! Hope that was clear.
If that automatically restarting the playback should be required I would recommend to use a macro similar to the following:
This way the intro video will be muted automatically after the playback ended.
Let me know if you have any questions! :)