Warmuptill, AaronD, and dear readers, thank you for your interest/input.
Here is some background and the reasons why this is all like it is.
We need to stream and save the (daytime only) footage of an IP camera to YouTube.
Camera is wired to PC running OBS and stream is constant and without any hickups.
However, the wireless link from PC to the internet sometimes fails (it is a remote location).
It's not only the link itself, there are also often power outages.
So we depend on the
Enable Auto-start feature to prevent YT from stopping the broadcast prematurely after the first outage of the day.
Enable Auto-start is only available when
Schedule for later is selected.
Because of
Enable Auto-start YT doesn't really know when the broadcast should be actually finished.
It keeps waiting for the next portion of the stream until
End Broadcast tells YT when to end the whole broadcast.
Regarding date, the goal is to automate the daily streams fully, so that every day a new stream is started and stopped at certain times.
Every day a new name needs to be generated and registered with YT like
"yyyy/mm/dd-Ascraeus Mons stream"
where "-Ascraeus Mons stream" doesn't change.
Right now we have to manually
remotely connect to that location,
click End Broadcast in OBS,
wait a few minutes so YT can do it's work wrapping up the stream,
click Manage Broadcast,
click Create New Broadcast,
select Schedule for later
deselect Enable Auto-stop then
enter the date for the next day,
enter the time the stream should start,
click Schedule and select broadcast.
Disconnect from that location.
Advanced Scene Switcher each day then starts and stops the actual stream, and that is a very great time saver indeed, since that must be triggered at certain times.
I don't know if there is an API for
End Broadcast, but it would be great to have that.
Also don't know about metadata?
I guess a new broadcast can be scheduled with Advanced Scene Switcher, but haven't tired that yet.
And the date+1 thing would also be really great!!
Thanks guys and sorry for late reply, had to take care of mom.
Wish you a Merry Holidays.