Active Member
Unfortunately, the plugin only supports the Twitch API.Hello!
I'm multistreaming on twitch, kick and youtube games, like diablo 2, counter-strike and deadlock. I have set up scene for every game, and when changing scene, the sources automatically go together with scene and don't have problem with that.
My problem is that especially since I'm multistreaming, changing game category and stream title is a lot of work. I would like a macro that would change the game title and category automatically when I'm changing scene. Is this possible to do with the advanced scene switcher, and is there an easy tutorial how to set it up?
Change scene to Diablo 2; automatically change game category to Diablo 2 and title 'D2 Hardcore sorceress'
Change scene to Counter-strike; automatically change game category to Counter-strike and title 'FACEIT 10 FIN/ENG'
Change scene to Deadlock; automatically change game category to Deadlock and title 'First timer trying out Deadlock'
I can set up the scenes and sources easily with obs and that is not the problem. I have to manually update the game category and title each time for twitch, kick and youtube and it is a lot of work. Looking for solution for this problem. Is it possible to do with advanced scene switcher and is there a tutorial how to do it?
You can use the "Twitch" action type to change the category and title:
Support for the YouTube API is not implemented.
I am not aware of Kick providing any public API at all. (At least last time I checked)