The update added to reading text files contents is pretty good so far, it can be used in conjunction with people who run for example chat bots and other custom scripts, im going to spend some time trying to make good use of this feature and see what else it can do
So far from what you have just added then you would have 1 hell of an "event" triggered system in full for many to use with vlc plugins for music/media, and more importantly users of tools like Snaz, Streamlabs-Chatbot, Phantombot, etc etc will find they now have a world of new useful abilitys to play with.
massive thumbs up so far, adv scene switcher is only growing more powerful per update, this is a huge boon for streamers and content creators \o/
the "file contains" part is working so far but only word matching full words, for example
i dump all my .txt files addons/scripts generate into a ramdrive to stop spamming up my Hard Drives, as such if i check for example the file R:\FileWatched.Txt for the word ".mp3" this does work ONLY if the file being watched only has ".mp3" in it, if there is more text in there such as "Example.mp3" then nothing triggers, can the searched for text be a partial word match instead of exact word match?
also the scene constantly fires away non stop meaning you never leave the target scene, again is it possible to have a check on the files "date modified" so scene switcher only check the contents of the file when the date modified changes, this would stop constant triggers/reads from the txt file making things much more manageable.
currently it looks like the txt files are read constantly for updates??, however if the following could be implimented, that would be amazing, here is a probably poorly written example.
R:\FileWatched.Txt - 22/05/2018 - 08:48:12 - First date/time check, no checks/trigger as has only started checking, notes current date/time.
R:\FileWatched.Txt - 22/05/2018 - 08:48:12 - Checking date/time, no change, do not check txt file contents
R:\FileWatched.Txt - 22/05/2018 - 08:48:12 - Checking date/time, still no change, do not check txt file contents
R:\FileWatched.Txt - 22/05/2018 - 08:57:23 - Checking date/time, date/time has changed, open file for reading, check txt file contents, set new date/time to check for to updated value, close file reading to avoid clashes with other programs.
R:\FileWatched.Txt - 22/05/2018 - 08:57:23 - Checking date/time, no change, do not check txt file contents
R:\FileWatched.Txt - 22/05/2018 - 08:57:23 - Checking date/time, no change, do not check txt file contents
R:\FileWatched.Txt - 22/05/2018 - 08:57:23 - Checking date/time, no change, do not check txt file contents
etc etc, maybe slap in a 1 second or 1/2 second delay between checks so our systems dont get hammered from all the checks, i think the delay as well as the date modified check could prove useful, i did encounter an occasional crash/lockup on my VLC when scene switcher started checking the txt files vlc was outputting, was scene switcher keeping the watched txt files open for reads? if the above date/time check is implimented then this lockup situation would probably go away if scene switcher only opens/reads the txt files once the date modified trigger occurs rather than keeping a file open for reads non stop (if thats what is occuring atm, could easily have been a vlc plugin issue).
basically exactly the same as what you have now but with a "date modified" check before any action is taken.