
  1. fred_mackay

    SRT/RTMP to OBS Source from Larix Broadcaster

    Hey there! So I've read about 20 forum posts dating from 2015 to now which all have people asking the question "How do I use RTMP as a source for OBS" and most of them are looking to either: 1) Collect one or more RTMP sources on their local network and use them as a source on OBS or 2) Set up...
  2. StashCat

    5 minute low-latency stream setup to another computer via SRT

    Want to stream something to another computer without fiddling with servers and with down to sub-second latency? This guide is here to help! To begin, you need to get your local IP address. Step 1. Windows: open command prompt (cmd.exe) and enter ipconfig. The line you are looking for is IPv4...
  3. R

    Can't play SRT stream through media source on OBS Linux. Works on Windows and through ffplay in Linux.

    OS: Ubuntu Server 20.04 SLS version: 1.4.6 SRT version: 1.4.1 OBS Linux version: 25.0.8 Not sure what I am doing wrong here! The SRT server is running smoothly ( I can even add the server as media source in OBS on Windows, and it plays really nicely...
  4. D

    Question / Help SRT Ingest via Media Source Issues

    I have been trying to get OBS to ingest an SRT stream for the last two days and have had zero luck. I followed the instructions from the SRT wiki but no matter what I do I do not get a video feed to stream. I have triple checked IP syntax and port numbers. I cannot get a stream from another PC...
  5. M

    Question / Help srt live stream wont start

    I have been unable to start an srt live stream on obs. It worked earlier today and i changed nothing but it suddenly stopped working. I would appreciate some help resolving this problem :). Logs below
  6. H

    Question / Help SRT stream high latency

    Hi everyone, I‘m trying to get the latency of my stream down as much as possible. (at least to around 2sec) My stream looks like this OBS(playback of 720p25 h264 file)->SRT->NimbleServer->SLDP player It works great so far but my latency is around 4-5seconds. (Buffering in sldp player set to...
  7. M

    Question / Help Streaming to localhost via SRT protocol is delayed

    Hello, I am following the guide posted at: On that page, it explains that the delay for SRT should be <1 second, but streaming from OBS to VLC on the same computer experiences a delay around 3 seconds. I am using the method where OBS acts...
  8. Fraise

    [Feature Request] Add SRT Streaming protocol support

    Hello, Are there any plans in implementing SRT streaming for custom services such as WOWZA and Nimble Streamer. More info on this protocol: It will automatically determine bandwidth and will be low latency (sub 1s)