Tengo un descodificador con un cable HDMI conectado a un HDMI Video Capture conectado por la salida USB a mi ordenador HP con Windows 11. Me he descargado la versión OBS 30.2.1 y cuando agrego una nueva fuente de Dispositivo de captura de vídeo no me reconoce el descodificador, y la pantalla no...
Every time I try to play Videos from the Max Streaming Platform from a Browser Source, I always get this Error:
I'm having the same problem with Disney+ and Kinema.
So, I would like assistance in resolving the issues with the Browser Sources to enable playback, viewing, and possibly audio...
No matter what I try I can't seem to get OBS virtual camera to work.
It was working a week ago , but now all i see is this screen:
I've tried the following:
Restart OBS and PC.
Reinstall OBS.
Remove and re-add sources.
Checked my camera settings.
Set all OBS settings accordingly.
Heyo! First time poster on OBS forum, long timer user of OBS!
I want to stream on just about 3 different platforms. Youtube, Twitch and TikTok. Twitch and Youtube are doing perfectly fine. However Tiktok I have to use a virtual camera on OBS to stream it on TikTok Live Studio. However the audio...
After having reinstalled OBS yesterday, due to it crashing every time I tried to go into settings, I have noticed that my OBS switches scenes on its own, without me even touching the keyboard, after a Twitch ad is finished. I don't recall such function, and I don't know how to turn it off... I...
Hello guys
I am trying to use OBS for recording youtube videos. I am recording the screen with OBS and my face with a Canon rebel T7 (hooked up with the white cable from Canon) it all looks good until I strat recording. The first 5 seconds look good then the video begins to lagg substantially...
Twitch theme.
Theme with sharp clean edges, round buttons and drop downs. Inspiration & some .svgs from @derMiepz Twitchy theme. Built on the Yami_Classic by @Warchamp7.
For issues, please use github issues, contact me on OBS Discord @lindenkron or DM me on the OBS Forum.
Is there a way to record two separate mics in OBS using Rodecaster Pro? OBS will only recognize the Rodecaster Pro as it's interface and I can't figure out how to separate my desk mic and guest mic separately. Thanks for any help
I am trying to use 2 different canon cameras in OBS. I use the Canon EOS webcam utility pro app and have a subscription to use multiple cameras and scenes and name each one.
However, in OBS when choosing a video capture device it does not give me more than one option from Utility Pro like some...
I keep crashing at random times on OBS not sure why this happens but heres my logs i hope some one can help me cause im going crazy al browser sources are working correctly and im not sure what to do now.
This is the error i can see on the logs but i dont understand what is it:
Thread 1864...
No matter what I do, OBS just dont wants to hook elden ring - wtf obs?
Created an Szene with game capture as a source and put as an specific window the elden ring exe, but no matter what I do, I just have blacksceen (IN ELDEN RING ONLY) - I have no problems with all my other games, they all work...
sometimes in some streams I have fps drops or I have low bitrate obs alert if I see the obs window but when I play or stream in full screen I don't notice this unless a sub warns me, is there some way to make obs make a sound or beep when it finds an error? Or if the bitrate is less than a...
I'm having some issues with recording online game streaming with OBS and using Descript to help edit/transcribe my audio.
My first issue that I discussed with Descript customer service was that the Descript program was not transcribing my mic audio very well. In fact, the timing was incredibly...
so basically i try to record using my obs software., the game isnt lagging when i was recording but why there is some random lags on my output video? Is there any way to fix this?
I tried to lower my resolution by a ton, it reduces a bit of lag but the random lag still exist. I tried to change...
THE CQP 23 was on CBR 51000 kbps, then got recommended to change it to CQP, but I need good stream settings that doesn't lag when I'm playing VR, cause it only lags when I play VR. I have i9-9900k, 3080 and 64 GB 2800 mhz, can I have some recording settings and good stream settings, please
Been using this plug in for a while and I need to authenticate every so often apparently, but it's not letting me in browser. The page doesn't load, just says THIS PAGE ISN'T WORKING then underneath says "localhost didn't send any data". I have no idea how to authenticate with access token. D: Help?
Hello! I ask you to help me with this problem: the cursor disappears in my game (if it is in full-screen mode, everything works wonderfully in the window) when using the OBS. This happens when I grab my browser window in addition to the game. I don't want to play in windowed mode, as it gets in...
I was wondering if anyone knew how to add a Rumble Viewer Count to OBS/Streamlabs Livestreams the way that the Viewer Count Widget allows YouTube/Twitch/Facebook viewer numbers to appear on screen in real time.
i tried every recording software i could find but every videos output is laggy
i remember using windows 7 and recordings aren't even laggy like 60 fps without even a gpu
i am on windows 11 currently
i have a gpu now
plz help me if anyone knows the solution to this, I've search everywhere
All my game recordings have Audio / Video Desync. The clips start with the delay (not audio drift) and its not a consistent desync so an offset wont work. I mostly use game capture, but when i record gameplay with game or window capture the audio is usually 6-10 frames delayed, but in one...
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