Seeking OBS Plugin to Automatically Mute Music for Copyright Protection on YouTube and Facebook


New Member
Hello OBS Community,

I run a radio channel and have encountered some issues with copyright strikes on YouTube (3 strikes so far) and Facebook. I'm looking for a plugin or tool for OBS that can automatically mute copyrighted music in the stream, only voice to help avoid these strikes in the future.

Ideally, the plugin would:

  • Automatically mute when music with play copyright is detected.
  • Be compatible with both live streams and recordings.
  • Work in real-time during broadcasts.
I would appreciate any recommendations or guidance on how to set this up.

Thank you for your help!


Active Member
Any single piece of music is copyrighted. Most of it is claimed when used without permission on a public or comercial medium.
It would be way more easy if you simple use music that's allowed to be freely used for broadcasting. There's some apps that have compilation of music of different genres that you can freely use for broadcasting (not sure about VODs).

And, of course, nothing is free.


New Member
I'm also interested in this. I've live streamed at sporting events that play music on their PA, that I have no control over, and I'd love something to auto mute the music.