
  1. T

    i get lags when streaming

    sometimes my csgo viewmodel is a bit laggy, but not the whole game itself, i don't seem to be lagging myself, just my viewmodel, sometimes my internet slows down and stuff every time i stream idk why, my internet speed is "very fast" it says, 400/8-12 (comcast or xfinity) when i use like 5000...
  2. M

    Obs makes my internet crashes

    Hey ! Can someone help me please? I never had issues before and now i can't stream with more than 2k biterates or my internet crashes. I had the default value before 4k or 6k and it was fine so i don' t really understand what's the issue...
  3. K

    Help with low bitrate but good internet speed

    I started streaming recently and had a lot of problems with my wifi connection. (Hardware can't be the problem because it's high end) I tested my internet connection and i get a max. of 9mbit/s upload. (It may drops sometimes) The thing is even when i have my stream on 720p60 and at a 2000 -...
  4. A

    Stream consistently keeps disconnecting-(successfully)reconnecting every 2/5mins

    Based on the title given: - My internet is doing fine (35up, 35 down) - Output settings: - Stream: Twitch, Tokyo Region - Bandwidth Test: - Logs to my OBS:
  5. S

    Internet ist sehr gut aber das streamen geht nicht ohne Einbrüche

    Hallo, ich bin Luca und Streame in meiner Freizeit. Da ich nun auf Twitch umgestiegen bin, habe ich mir OBS heruntergeladen und alle Einstellungen für das beste Erlebnis angepasst. Jedoch ist das streaming sehr ruckelig und verpixelt, manchmal fällt due Verbindung auch auf 0. Mein internet hat...
  6. L

    my obs is not using the full power of the internet

    hello, I have an internet of 100 megs dowload, 50 megs upload, but the obs is using only 900kbps of upload, I don't know what's going on, I've tried everything
  7. M

    Question / Help Turning on stream causes occasional internet crash

    Having an issue that whenever I turn on my stream (using SLOBS) every 45min or so my internet will go down. My speed test is 600D and 30U and streaming with 3k bitrate. I dont drop any frames until my internet just dies. My internet only crashes when I am streaming. I have changed ethernet...
  8. A

    Question / Help False Videobitrate

    German: YouTube empfängt nicht genügend Videodaten, um ein flüssiges Streaming ohne Zwischenspeicherung gewährleisten zu können. English: YouTube does not receive enough video data to ensure smooth streaming without caching. or "Videobitrate isn't good" I tryed like everything.
  9. T

    Question / Help Dropping frames and I don't know why?

    Hi there, I seem to be dropping alot of frames of my stream and I don't know why, this has been happening since yesterday and I have no clue why. Can someone have a look at my OBS logs and see what may be the problem? I don't know if it's just my Broadband playing up...
  10. G

    Question / Help Multiple Internet Connection | Load Balance Broadband Router

    Heya, I have a Load Balance Broadband Router, and 2 internet connections, after setting up my stream I've realized that OBS only uses 1 of the connections. Example, 4Mb/s upload on both connections, and I want to set my upload bitrate to 6000, but can't because it's a single connection to...
  11. D

    Question / Help Stream Unstable | Dropping Extremely High Amounts of Frames, Have No Clue How to Fix

    Hello, so I've been having a lot of problems streaming over the last few months, every time I stream around the one hour mark I begin to drop thousands upon thousands of frames, I have tried everything from a wired connection, to changing servers, to allowing OBS through the firewall. The one...
  12. A

    Question / Help OBS Disconnected my PC from the Internet

  13. K

    Question / Help Stream obs output to another obs pc over internet connection

    Trying to stream/send my obs connection to another PC running obs which is on another internet connection - ip etc. Currently have two pcs in the office, which send one output to the other obs through NDI because we're on the same network, literally connected through Ethernet. We want the NDI...
  14. kizzyartfox

    Question / Help URGENT OBS causing internet to stop working

    I use ethernet, Windows 10 64 bit, OBS Studio 23.0.2 64 bit During streams, could be 2 minutes in or 2 hours, OBS causes my ethernet internet to completely stop working. Restarting PC resolves issue. Small note, I've noticed this usually happens if a notification appears.. not sure if that is a...
  15. A

    Question / Help Record/Listen to Internet Radio, Audio using a VST Plugin as filter.

    I recently downloaded OBS and tried this having followed a link, but became befuddled with the settings. Simply put is there a preset? ie. browser / internet radio in -> vstplugin filter -> wav/ogg/aac/mp4/opus etc out.....?
  16. M

    Bug Report OBS streaming kb/s: goes down issue

    Hi, i use OBS 22.0.3. from my iMac (alt. Macbook Pro 2018 same issue) for 10h loop streming. I got best stast for my internet connection (800/800) and CPU usage - 5-10%. My kb/s: is between 2000-2500 (as i set it) all the time ... until the speed goes from no reason down to red color to 100-200...
  17. Z

    Question / Help Dropped frames

    So my internet is fine but my PC starting dropping frames every now and then and i've changed servers. Said it could go through my firewall, done basically everything i'm kind of at a loss with it. Here our my logs.
  18. N

    Question / Help I dont even know what to say here =)

    So, i got my obs ready and i started streaming.. and its bad. I put my bitrate on 2500 first, than realised i have great internet so i put it up to 5500 and the stream was the same.. blurry as hell. I tried x264 and NVEC.. same. I put it on veryfast, all the way up to fast.. same. I dont know...
  19. M

    Question / Help No Upload Speed with D-Lan

    Hello, i've got a weird problem. when i use my D-Lan Adapter (Devolo 500+) directly i have a bitrate from 0 to 200 max. when i use my WLAN Router who is also connected to the D-Lan Adapter i have an 4500-5000 Bitrate. Can somebody tell me what happens there? I really don`t wanna stream on...
  20. V

    Question / Help How to fix lag for anyone at my house when I start streaming?

    So, since I started streaming my brothers kept on complaining about having bad ping and lag spikes. Now, I'm no genius but when I stopped streaming it fixed their problems. My question for now is: Is there a possibility for me to stream without bothering them? These are my speedtest results. As...