audio issue

  1. D

    Seemingly random cases of microphone quality becoming 'crusty'

    I don't touch audio settings in OBS (see attached file) between updates, but I've had a long-standing issue where, at seemingly random, OBS will take my microphone (Blue Yeti: in the attached file it reads Voicemod, and I have tried with just my microphone source too) input and turn it into a...
  2. T

    Help me solve USB Microphone Issue in OBS!

    Hello! ive been having this issue for YEARS now, this issue affected my youtube career. So i bought this Microphone Fifine AmpliGame AM8, its USB microphone Here's amazon link I plugged it on my laptop...
  3. T

    Please help! audio cuts in and out in OBS 2024

    Hello! ive been having this issue for YEARS now, this issue affected my youtube career. So i bought this Microphone Fifine AmpliGame AM8, its USB microphone Here's amazon link I plugged it on my laptop...
  4. T

    Audio issue, that ive been having for 1.5 years.

    Hello! ive been having this issue for YEARS now, this issue affected my youtube career. Problem is that when i record in obs my microphone cuts for a split second. its really weird, microphone is normal in audacity and any other application. I looked searched everywhere, couldnt find any fix...
  5. M

    No Sound Playing

    Hi! One of our users is on Mac trying to view/edit a web based video from the Cowboy Channel, but there is no sound playing. So far I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app, as well as, ensured it had the proper permissions. Any assistance would be most appreciated. Thank you!
  6. G

    Mic and Youtube window crackle when recording

    Hello. I'm getting crackling from all of my audio. My setup is: Interface (audiobox96 from presonus) Headphones out the back Rode NT1a mic Osmo Action 3 camera (in webcam mode) The problem I'm getting is when I turn on the camera, all of the audio coming from my mic and from my YouTube window...
  7. S

    Help! PS5 Remote Play - High Pitched Auido is distorted/clipping in the recording?

    TL:DR Audio clips during high-pitched sounds while recording PS5 Remote Play Audio (Not coming from my mic). Youtube link and Log file below. I am attempting to record (not stream) my PS5 gameplay through PS Remote Play, and by all accounts have succeeded, except that when watching back my two...
  8. T

    Mic Audio Gaps

    My Mic AUdio seems to randomly have gaps every 15-20 seconds for about 0.5 of a second, I've played around with the settings and set limiters up so it doesn't seem to be a clipping issue and can't see and red on the mic to signify it would be. I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to this stuff...
  9. G

    You could let us decide the sample rate OBS will work with (

    I work with 44k sample rate. Although OBS records at any given sample rate, it works only in higher sample rates instead. It makes my ASIO driver bug and lose sync, every time I start up OBS. Sometimes, In some magical days, by a kind of luck it don't happens, or it syncs alone so many minutes...
  10. freddstid

    some audio missing when recording rocket league

    so when im recording rocket league i get the game audio but when i listen back to the recording i hare the boost, other car engines but i cant hear my car engine and some other sonds go missing. i also use application audio capture as if i use desktop audio the music from spotify will play...
  11. E

    Capture card audio sounds perfect on my end, but randomly dips in volume on the stream feed

    Hi everyone, I'm streaming a PS4 Pro through an Elgato HD60 S on a ROG Zephyrus in Windows 11. As the title says, the game audio sounds perfect for me, but the stream feed's game audio fades in and out, and I can't tell if it's random or when the game audio gets soft and loud. I've tried so...
  12. IssacI69

    "Recording remuxed, but the file may be incomplete" PCM 32 Bit Float audio codec

    I've been testing out new settings for recording in OBS, and I want to use the "FFmpeg PCM (32-bit float)" audio codec in the recording, but I'm having this weird thing where when I remux the .mkv file to .mp4 in obs, I get a popup that says "Recording remuxed, but the file may be incomplete"...
  13. Y

    OBS occasionally cuts out audio for a couple of milliseconds.

    OBS randomly cuts out the microphone and desktop audio for a couple of milliseconds, however, it only cuts out one at a time, they don't both cut out at the same time. This issue happens seemingly every 10 minutes or so. I'm using a Focusrite Scarlett Solo 3rd-gen audio interface, and I made...
  14. J

    Audio filters (noise gate, suppressor, eq, etc) do not work in OBS 29.1.3

    It seems like this has been a somewhat common issue for a number of years, across multiple versions of OBS. Google search brings up a lot of similar posts on this forum, without any answers. Hopefully someone has found a solution since then. I have a clean installation of OBS 29.1.3. I...
  15. O

    Problema com audio não saindo na stream / no headset audio in stream

    Estou tendo o seguinte problema nas minhas streams, o audio de tudo sai menos do meu headset, mas quando vou ver o arquivo de gravação ele sai normalmente, alguém tem ideia do que poderia ser? / So im having some type of issue that my headset audio is not working when im streaming, qhen i...
  16. G

    Elgato HD60 S+ on OBS not streaming audio

    Pretty much the title. The video feed stream goes well, no stuttering. And the audio track appears in the mixer it just... Doesn't play any. I've tried the licensed Elgato Software, the 4k Capture and it appears there, in bad quality, but it does. Tried all my (3.0) USB ports and to no avail...
  17. B

    OBS 28 audio issue only on Twitch that can't be monitored in OBS

    As you can see on this clip talent is speaking and her mic sounds just fine until I switch to single camera scene which we can hear peaking. In OBS itself I couldn't hear it peaking while monitoring the audio, it's the people in the chat that pointed it out and I could confirm with this clip...
  18. L

    Obs Studio mic Audio issue while streaming

    So when i record a video me speaking gets picked up with my mic but when i stream to witch my voice gets picked up in obs but you cant hear me on stream talking
  19. 2

    Overclocking Causing Audio Issues?

    Hey guys, recently when streaming warzone my game audio has become scratchy and stuttering. It's only when im tabbed into warzone and the issue has only started recently. The only thing I have done recently is change my ram speeds from 2133 to 3600mhz. Do you think that could possibly be causing...
  20. A

    Please Help: Game audio echo while streaming on Twitch

    Hello, please help me. I use a Elgato HD60 S+ capture card to stream through OBS Studio. All audio (excluding my separate mic/headset/input audio) is echoing ONLY when I press the start streaming button. When I am not streaming, it does not echo and works perfectly. Here is an example of the...