
spectralizer v1.3.4

Since installing I get constant crashing, not sure if it is this as it is the only thing I have changed or a recent Nvidia driver causing issues.

Made a post about it for anyone wanting to discuss it there

Adding a crash log if it helps:
Yeah that seems like it might be the plugin. Unless you're using some specific configuration for the spectralizer source (which might cause this) I'd recommend that you uninstall it for now.
Looks decent, however the rendering code needs adjustments. Almost 6ms are spent rendering 4 256x256 sources, which just isn't okay.

The rendering code of this plugin should undergo a clean rewrite, as there is no reason to render each element individually. Instead the author should build a vertex buffer large enough to fit each bar, and work with that instead. This would save nearly 95% of the time spent rendering, and free it up for actually important things - like the game.
it looks good, but it doesnt appear on my source list, can anyone help me?
Windows 11. Just installed. OBS refused to launch properly after installing it. Was so bad, I had to do a complete removal from AppData and the Program Files of my entire OBS system.

Using Scale to Sound instead for my purposes. Very disappointed considering the numerous YouTube videos raving about it. Needs to be updated in a big way before it's usable.
A little more information would definitely go a long way.
doesnt work with my obs, installed multiple times but doesnt show up in obs. not worth it.
If you would be a bit more specific there, I might actually be able to help you
Doesn't work on any sort of incoming signal, only VLC and other media, so I have to give this the lowest rating. No fix on the github, can't use the app as intended. Please remove features that don't work.
I'm not going to remove a feature just because it didn't work for you