Supported Bit Versions
  1. 32-bit
  2. 64-bit
Source Code URL
Minimum OBS Studio Version
Supported Platforms
  1. Windows
  2. Mac OS X
  3. Linux
Plugin to (slow motion) instant replay sources from memory.

Add a replay source.
Set the source, duration and speed in the properties.
Set the replay hotkey.

  • Replay source
    This source replays audio and video after it is retrieved from a replay filter by using the hotkey or the button in the properties.
  • (async) replay filter
    Keeps the configured seconds from a source in memory. The name of the filter must be the same as the replay source used to play the replay.
  • Duration
    Amount of seconds the replay needs to keep in memory.
  • Maximum replays
    Maximum number of replays to keep in memory.
  • Video source
    The source that has the (async) replay filter to retrieve the video (and audio) data from.
  • Audio source
    The source that has the replay audio filter to retrieve the audio data from.
  • Visibility Action
    The action that should be taken when the replay source becomes active (visible in output) or deactivates.
    • Restart
      Start the replay from the beginning on becoming active and pause on deactivating.
    • Pause
      Resume play on activating and pause on deactivating
    • Continue
      Resume play on activation
    • None
      No action taken on (de)activation
  • Start delay
    Delay in milliseconds before the replay starts playing.
  • End action
    The action that should be taken when the replay has finished playing.
    • Hide
      After the replay the source will show nothing
    • Pause
      After the replay the source will keep pause and keep showing the last video frame.
    • Loop
      After the replay restart the replay.
    • Reverse
      After the replay reverse the playing direction of the replay.
  • Next scene
    The scene that should be shown after the replay has finished playing.
    Leave empty if you do not want automatic scene switching.
  • Speed percentage
    The speed that the replay should be played. 100 for normal speed. 50 for half speed.
  • Backwards
    Start playing replays backwards
  • Directory
    Directory to save replays to.
  • Filename formatting
    Formatting used to generate a filename for the replay (%CCYY-%MM-%DD %hh.%mm.%ss)
  • Lossless
    Use lossless avi or flv format saving the replay.
  • Progress crop source
    The right side of the source gets cropped by the percentage of the posistion in the current replay
  • Text source
    Text source that gets the text formatted by the next setting
  • Text format
    Text for the Text source. Options to use:
    • %SPEED%
    • %PROGRESS%
    • %COUNT%
    • %INDEX%
    • %DURATION%
    • %TIME%
  • Load replay
    Retrieve the replay.
  • Next
    Play the next replay.
  • Previous
    Play the previous replay.
  • First
    Play the first replay.
  • Last
    Play the last replay.
  • Remove
    Remove the current replay
  • Clear
    Remove all replays
  • Save replay
    Save the loaded replay disk.
  • Restart
    Play the replay from the beginning.
  • Pause
    Pauses the replay, freezes the video.
  • Faster
    Increase the speed by 50%
  • Slower
    Decrease the speed bij 33%
  • Normal or faster
    If speed is < 100% set speed to 100% else increase the speed by 50%
  • Normal or slower
    If speed is > 100% set speed to 100% else decrease the speed by 33%
  • Normal speed
    Set the speed to 100%
  • Half speed
    Set the speed to 50%
  • Double speed
    Set the speed to 200%
  • Reverse
    Start playing in the reverse direction
  • Forward
    Start playing forward
  • Backwards
    Start playing backward
  • Trim front
    Remove all video before the current position from the replay
  • Trim end
    Remove all video after the current position from the replay
  • Trim reset
    Undo all trimming done on the replay.
  • Disable
    Disable the capturing of replays, removes the replay filters.
  • Enable
    Enable the capturing of replays, adds the replay filters.
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First release
Last update
4.24 star(s) 49 ratings

More resources from Exeldro

Latest updates

  1. Version 1.8.1

    Fix crash with OBS 31
  2. Version 1.8.0

    Support OBS 30.2 Remove Video capture device with replay buffer
  3. Version 1.7.0

    Add +/-5% speed hotkeys Adds frame seeking hotkeys (@SirCeacea) Fix incorrect trim while paused...

Latest reviews

I love this plugin and have been using it for a long time, using it to loop from 1 source. Now I want to repeat from several sources (3) and the RAM consumption is excessive, (I have 32GB) and even that is not enough for me, could you change it so that it does not consume so much RAM?
Huge memory leak. I recognize this stores videos in memory to pull, but instantly maxing my system usage is insane when taking a 5-second replay is insane, especially considering how old this software is.
The plugin works great but unfortunately I noticed that in OBS v31 the plugin crashes and forces shutdowns on OBS when replays are being cleared out. Saving the replays and all hotkeys for it as well as hotkey combinations worked perfectly fine. Hopefully this gets addressed as I had to revert to OBS 30.2.3 to get this to not happen.
Unfortunately, this rating has to happen, as I had to uninstall the plugin. Would be a 4 or 5 otherwise.

It bugged out somehow and since 2 months or 3 it has been raising CPU usage of the game capture source that it tracks by a lot. Hiding/disabling the replay source or filter does nothing and high CPU is still used. So it's impossible to use the plugin efficiently, onl when needed.

The author has also been unresponsive to related issues on GitHub for a while.
Uso el Instant Replay, dentro de una semana tengo un evento deportivo y necesito usarlo ya que me han llamado para que lo emita en directo. Si no se actualiza este plugin no podré emitir en directo. Por favor, necesito que lo actualicen.
Not working on 30.2.2 :(
I recognized with OBS 30.2.2 it does not even work anymore. I can confirm the plugin is installed correctly as i doublechecked it. But the replay source does not even show up in the list of sources.
Having an issue capturing the audio in OBS 30.1.1. The replay audio filter does not "stick". Even if I apply the filter manually on said media source. Also, I can only save the file if "lossless" is checked. It also crashed today for some reason when triggering the "save replay" hotkey. Otherwise I am really enjoying the plug in.

See video example and crash log below as well
Muchas gracias por actualizarlo , este complemento es la base de mis transmisiones
Buen dia , se va a actualizar este plugin para poder utilizar en OBS 29.1.0-rc1?