IROS - Flexible and remotly controllable stream overlay

Free IROS - Flexible and remotly controllable stream overlay

IROS is a simple overlay which allows you to display and arrange text, images and other elements on stream through a web interface. It's currently in early development, so it might not be completely stable but the basic features are done and can be used.
Currently it supports displaying text, images, GIFs and timers. For more information you can look at the documentation at or use the quickstart guide for a shorter introduction.
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. Dashboard and fixes

    Add option to block events for video and audio elements Add media controls to settings window...
  2. Small fixes and source code

    Fixed a bug where elements couldn't be selected anymore after moving them Added option to...
  3. Audio, video and iframe elements

    Fix buttons for adding emotes being too small Fix moving windows having a small offset Add...