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Video Transition / Stinger Transition 0.2.2


New Member
I'm getting the same error as KitThem,

Unhandled exception: c0000005
Date/Time: 2017-05-27, 16:39:22
Fault address: 7FFDA0391FB4 (c:\program files (x86)\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit\stinger-transition.dll)
libobs version: 19.0.2
Windows version: 10.0 build 14393 (revision: 1198; 64-bit)
CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1100T Processor

I started off installing the plug-in on 17.0.2, and kept crashing the moment I would try to add a new stinger transition.
I decided to update to 19.0.2 and still running into the same problem. :(

I'll try running a 32-bit version of OBS studio and see if that crashes as well.
any thoughts or advice are appreciated :D



New Member
OK so. I realized I had "installed" incorrectly by copying the whole "obs-studio" folder from stringer transition folder, while under Program files(x86), which is why it didn't work.

Personally, I exported all my profiles and scene collections, so I could do a clean install since I botched it (hilariously) bad. (uninstalled user settings as well, since I BACKED-UP my profiles and collections.)

If you fudged up like me:
I re-installed obs studio, and proceeded to copy the folders "data" and "obs-plugins"(from the stinger folder) and pasted while in c:/program files(x86)/ obs-studio (which should only contain the folders "Bin" "Data" and "obs-plugins" ). After that, there should STILL only be "Bin" "Data" and "Obs-plugins" folders. (since you're just adding to the existing folders)

My botched install looked something like: (while under c:/program files(x86)/obs-studio) "Bin" "Data" "Obs-plugins" and "obs-studio" <=== No good.

Thanks for the super sweet plug-in that obs desperately needed!


New Member
I'm getting the same error as FusioN however re-installing OBS/the plugin doesn't seem to help. My file structure does have c:\program files (x86)\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit\stinger-transition.dll and then the data files are in data\obs-plugins\stinger-transition. I don't have the same obs-studio directory in obs-studio. I'm on 19.0.2 of OBS. Here's a screenshot of what OBS is reporting.


Unhandled exception: c0000005
Date/Time: 2017-05-27, 23:42:07
Fault address: 7FF863011FB4 (c:\program files (x86)\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit\stinger-transition.dll)
libobs version: 19.0.2
Windows version: 10.0 build 15063 (revision: 296; 64-bit)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz


New Member
any word on audio for these transitions? I can either embed the video or have it as a separate audio file - which ever is easier however audio would just be the icing on the cake.

It's already working sweet as for me.

The only bug i have is if i trigger a transition, then hit transition again before the video is complete OBS crashes... but then I just simply "don't do that" lol.


New Member
I'm getting the same error as FusioN however re-installing OBS/the plugin doesn't seem to help. My file structure does have c:\program files (x86)\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit\stinger-transition.dll and then the data files are in data\obs-plugins\stinger-transition. I don't have the same obs-studio directory in obs-studio. I'm on 19.0.2 of OBS. Here's a screenshot of what OBS is reporting.


Unhandled exception: c0000005
Date/Time: 2017-05-27, 23:42:07
Fault address: 7FF863011FB4 (c:\program files (x86)\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit\stinger-transition.dll)
libobs version: 19.0.2
Windows version: 10.0 build 15063 (revision: 296; 64-bit)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz
Im having THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM. I get that far, it shows I can add the stinger transitions then I get to name it but then it shows me that no properties are available then it gives me the obs error just like yours. Xxplosion let me know if you getting figured out please, If I end up figuring it out i'll make sure to leave feedback here. Thank You.


New Member
When switched to a new scene without the animation finishing, it won't play the animations, would be cool of you could add an override feature so it just restarts if you change to a new scene before animations has ended.


New Member
I figuered out a problem mate! My scene transition takes 2 sec in total and when I switch to another scene within that 2 seconds OBS will crash. The windows task manager opens the task "cef-bootstrap.exe" 8 times and causes the CPU to be exhausted with 100%.

That means I always have to make sure the transition is complete before I decide to switch to another scene. But in case I accidentally clicked on a wrong scene I'll have to wait to switch to the correct one. Anyone else encountered this problem?


New Member
Not sure if anyone is getting this or has a solution, but it doesn't seem to work properly for me when I'm tabbed into a game. For example, the transitions are smooth and work properly until I click into a game, and then when I hit my hotkey it runs in slow motion and cuts off the transition half way. Using a transparent .MOV, it's only 36mb and I've tried using hardware decoding on/off. If I tab out with the game still hooked in game capture, it runs smoothly again.


Not sure if anyone is getting this or has a solution, but it doesn't seem to work properly for me when I'm tabbed into a game. For example, the transitions are smooth and work properly until I click into a game, and then when I hit my hotkey it runs in slow motion and cuts off the transition half way. Using a transparent .MOV, it's only 36mb and I've tried using hardware decoding on/off. If I tab out with the game still hooked in game capture, it runs smoothly again.

Don't know if this will help, but you can check out a video I did for a fellow streamer on making a transition, I was able to take my 245mb .mov file and compress that down to a 6.24mb .webm video file that can be used on transition. I also talk about how adding a couple of seconds of nothing onto the end of the video will overall be better for the transition. I know this video is long, but it should help you.

Let me know if it does help.


Community Helper
Just wanted to add a note here that stinger transition functionality (with audio support) will be shipping built-in to OBS Studio in the next version, most likely.

alex eppard

New Member
Everytime i click on the StingerTransition in OBS, it will say "No Properties Available" and then crash, even though i have an .mov transition in the file. Any help??


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