Updating AMD GPU causes hardware encoding to disappear


New Member
[This post is written on mobile while travelling so if you need specific details, please do ask in the comments.]

*Title is already the tldr*

Mobo: Asus Prime A68HM-K
CPU: A8-7600K
GPU: Aisurix RX560 XT 8GB

Other details that might help:
The default driver of the GPU makes windows think it is an RX460, and using this default driver enables the hardware encoding in OBS.

Main problem:
Updating the driver using the official driver updater from AMD (Using Adrenalin driver) makes the hardware encoding option disappear in OBS

What has been done/observed in order:

1. Reinstallation of OS (Windows).
- As mentioned earlier, when the default driver is automatically installed, it appears as RX460 in Device Manager/Task Manager. And at this part, hardware encoding is available in OBS
2. Update the driver using the official AMD software.
-After updating the driver, the GPU is properly detected as RX560 XT in device manager and task manager. But hardware encoding disappears in OBS
3.Rolling back drivers.
-Reverting to the older default driver makes hardware encoding appear again.

What to do next: try the PRO driver.