Hello wanted to thank you for a great chat program and ask for your guys help please.
Connect Cast and Beam Pro just won't connect, and what's interesting it connects instantly if i specify any other streamers name but not my own which is Gaudium on both channels..twitch\hitbox\cybergame\gamingtv\goodgame works flawlessly.
Now, i tried lowercase, bigger case, with a hash, without a hash, with all capital letters lol...any ideas?
Edit: After i tried to login as a "read-only" and being able to write into channels chat via the app, beam pro started working..but connect cast shows green but messages won't go through either way. When trying to connect as "read-only" the viewer count of connect cast shows 2 then switches back to 0 a few times and then stays red - at that time there was 2 people in the chat.
Unlike beam pro and every other channel connect cast isn't even shown in the chat selection to type a message in the chat app.
The chat app will randomly freeze without showing it is not responding when i hit on "restart" on the connect cast chat credentials and the "spinning" arrow will freeze and i have to kill it via processes.
I saw a previous comment about it freezing, can it be they changed all their settings again, but that doesn't make any sense if the app can connect to other channels but not mine..
Update: Created a new channel on ConnectCast and it works, contacted the support of the streaming service..they firstly forwarded me to you..i explained that everything works except my 1 channel..we'll see what's going to be the end of that.
Update 2: I deleted the channel created a new one and now it works fine both ways. ConnectCast had a "breach" a few months back where a racist song would play when you join a streamer chat..i had it...i guess it corrupted my user.
P.S Are you planing on adding sc2tv channel chat?