Ubiquitous 2 chat + OBS source plugin

Free Ubiquitous 2 chat + OBS source plugin 2.2


New Member
Hello Codex

First thanks for this awsome soft, i use it since many months now.

Since 2 weeks now i can't connect to twitch for receiving or sending messages (with or without credentiels). I didn't change anything. I tried to reinstall, i tried to change my password, i try to just read some other channels like the ones u put as default, always the same. I don't see viewers name in the window (just the name of the chan i put) but it seems i can see the number of viewers.

Very weird, i tried many things in many way but nothing change and i'm addicted to your soft, plz help me :o :p


New Member
im a solo screen scrub for uncontrollable reasons and factors but i still stream, and find workarounds for impasses i encounter in trying to better my stream, in that your chat is a gem

clr browser obs plugin
open source music ticker script collects WMP+ now playing from title bar and makes a .txt file that is played via OBS (not avail with WMP
restream.io to twitch, hitbox, and gaming.tv
steam overlay web browser localhost:8080 to check chat regularly
even twitch alerts

feedback & flattery
love ubi2, great program, solves many problems, merges chats for easy viewing/replying, localhost:8080 with merged chats for viewing (even on the near unusable steam overlay web browser) and broadcasting, compatible with the common open CLR browser obs plugin no more needed.
you have a bright future and if it weren't for bttv i dont think any1 would/should need anything more for their stream chat service needs, it is eyecandy, it is utility, it is optimization, its efficient, open source, low impact, easily adjustable (via obs and clr browser plugin), its just great

i also can't seem to send messages to twitch from the main ubi chat (receive just fine login credentials are correct im positive) (hitbox.tv and gaming.tv work for send/receive just fine)

i was unable to use your obs plugin as it always broke the CLR browser obs plugin (which is needed for twitch alerts) the install path is probably to blame, i know of no plugin that requires the "obs" folder be the destination and that obs.exe NEEDS to be found, its always in plugins folder

the CLR browser obs plugin works with http://localhost:8080 so there is no need for your plugin, you launch ubi and if your clr browser source is localhost:8080 you're good (as long as the layout(dimensions)/layering is set correctly)
as such perhaps references to your plugin for obs that doesn't work could be done away with so people dont get confused and/or have technical

i was hoping there was a way to add a url option for localhost:8080 that would add the viewer counter and the user list, but then obs would stream that too (which isn't necessary)

i said to myself, maybe the user list and viewer counter could be fed into a port separate from 8080, but that would defeat the purpose, the counter and list would be separate from the chat which is less then ideal for simplicity's sake, (dont think steam web browser has any method of seperate browser windows in overlay.....)

perhaps if there was a way to have it a url option for 8080, and yet be ignored by obs, but i figured that wouldn't be possible, if it is possible tho, that would be my request

i dont see any other options, if steam web browser had plugin options this wouldn't be a problem at all

edit: steam overlay web browser DOES support multiple browser windows making a viewer counter and user list to port a viable option imo (at least for me)
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- Twitch.tv authorization fixed (they changed auth URL again);
- Youtube polling fixed - should be more stable now;

@ArcanicFlame Thank you for feedback!
I will check CLR browser / .NET CLR plugin.
Counters in the web ui will be added.


New Member
- Twitch.tv authorization fixed (they changed auth URL again);
- Youtube polling fixed - should be more stable now;

@ArcanicFlame Thank you for feedback!
I will check CLR browser / .NET CLR plugin.
Counters in the web ui will be added.

I have always the same problem with twitch :( i cant read or send with or without credentials on every channels... Just can see viewers counter (it is red)
No problem with hitbox


New Member
- Twitch.tv authorization fixed (they changed auth URL again);
- Youtube polling fixed - should be more stable now;

@ArcanicFlame Thank you for feedback!
I will check CLR browser / .NET CLR plugin.
Counters in the web ui will be added.

first YAY for web UI counters being added!
2nd your welcome
3rd twitch is a pain usually, gotta baby them and keep a watchful eye on their developments but your doing great so far
with that said it's still broken, this thing auto updates right?
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New Member
I have always the same problem with twitch :( i cant read or send with or without credentials on every channels... Just can see viewers counter (it is red)
No problem with hitbox
your twitch viewer counter is red? mine is yellow, the creds are correct but i cant send to my chan from ubi, receiving works because my channel name is added correctly, red means the channel is incorrect right? remember is case sensitive (i think this matters)
Hello, sc2tv updated their chat and those files that you transfer in my documents in the programs chat folder doesn't work anymore :(

Also wanted to ask, is there an option to clear the chat box? if so, how do you do it??
Sometimes bots spam nasty crap and no way to take that offscreen.


New Member
your twitch viewer counter is red? mine is yellow, the creds are correct but i cant send to my chan from ubi, receiving works because my channel name is added correctly, red means the channel is incorrect right? remember is case sensitive (i think this matters)

Yeah i know i tried in many ways and on many channels. and i think if it was the problem i must not see viewer counter too


New Member

I had uninstalled WTFfast and my VPN client i used to play japanese games and it runs in "yellow" now so i can read.
Perhaps can help u to know...

Waiting for "green" mode now :D


- web ui url option "status" to enable status bar with counters

@Tartine, I'll add error description to the settings so you will be able to find a reason of login problems.


New Member
awwww the part of the program that does beam.pro, stream.me, and gaming.tv, chats died =(, it doesn't appear to attempt to login to those services on startup, restarting those services doesn't work, unchecking and then rechecking them forces them up, they go green, but they aren't actually connected for receiving or sending

meanwhile, localhost:8080?status works great, even tho i'm not properly connected to all my chats and the program's broken the status's show up for even the chats that aren't working XD
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Same here something got borked :(
Connect cast connects but doesn't show emotes, then disconnects at times..
Twitch drops and some emotes don't appear..
Hitbox works fine at least the messages.
GoodGame doesn't work.
Cybergame doesn't work.
Youtube doesn't work.
Beam.Pro doesn't work.
GamingTv doesn't work.
Stream me doesn't work.
And as already stated sc2tv got updated and doesn't work aswell.

Today stream was very annoying between disconnecting in OBS i had those chat issues and couldn't pin point the problem. :( I thought maybe the program has something to do with OBS disconnects but dunno if that is possible...yesterday all was fine though.

Have a nice weekend!


Same here something got borked :(
Sorry, it sometime happens when I add new features :-/

@ArcanicFlame, Counters are always green at the moment. I didn't implement color change in the web yet.

- twitch.tv, youtube.com error messages in Settings;
- Twitch.tv alternative password option. Now you can use oauth password (generated here: http://twitchapps.com/tmi/) if your normal password won't work. It will allow you to use chat only. Followers, topic change won't work;
- connection issues caused by previous update are fixed;

sc2tv switched to socket.io so I need to remake it from scratch...
Yeah that is expected, don't think you owe any apology for anything not working.
I mean it is your personal time and the app is free for us to use\test at least for now.

Just reporting bugs nothing more!

Oh sounds like sc2tv is a lot of work..well like i said - just reporting! :)


New Member
@codex no i know that, i meant that the counters were showing up in web UI even when they weren't showing in the main window of ubi2 XD

can confirm oauth password for twitch works for chat login (good backup plan)
can confirm twitch's NORMAL password works for full login

so about the dashboard batch topic change feature,
im connected to twitch, hitbox, and gaming.tv with it,
i was wondering if my stream.me, connectcast, and beam accounts were "hidden" for being anonymous (which they aren't), or if there hasn't been an implementation for those services yet?

if there isn't a batch topic change feature for those services & the others, i wouldn't sweat it, take your time you're doing great


New Member
@codex thanks for the error message display. for me it's Login API change like many :) but u already gave an alternative
I'm ok with read only for the moment so i will wait twitch is in a better mood :p


New Member
I haven't been able to see a viewer counter at all for a few weeks now. Should I be resetting some configuration file?

Hmm, it only seems to happen when the program has just updated itself. odd.
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I don't know why but different chats constantly disconnects while showing it green...it is random and you can't see it is offline..no idea why this happening. Though sure it wasn't before the last 3 patches :)

Update 1:
I made all chats go into "listening" mod (yellow) to see if it will be stable that way.

Update 2:
Some emotes on twitch go missing because some "key words" are actually emotes in the chat program so somebody rights "sup" the chat shows blank space instead of that salute emote.

Update 3:
Some random default emotes like "DansGame" won't appear, and the chat "locks" from time to time, as if it hangs and is not responsive as if it crashed but then unlocks and loose connection to twitch or other random chat..

Update 4:
Youtube chat keep saying "Unable to get video id. Network problem/web UI changed."
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I haven't been able to see a viewer counter at all for a few weeks now. Should I be resetting some configuration file?

Hmm, it only seems to happen when the program has just updated itself. odd.

So when you start it second time (after update) it works ?
Do you have multiple displays ?

Really weird...