Free StreamM8 RCD- All in one streaming tool! [Deleted]

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1 Nope thats very not normal. i will have a look into that
2 yea i does take a while to load since it connecting to twitch and then loading all the emotes, it could take a while depending on internet speed (and twitch api speed)

theres a update coming out later tonight anyway so ill fix problem 1 for you hopefully


Popper42x updated StreamM8 RCD- All in one streaming tool! with a new update entry:

Big Update and many fixes

Build 0.9.0
Added Compact Mode
Added Auto load into Compact Mode
Chat Commands can now play sounds.
Fixed Chat Points
Fixed Sploder
Fixed Chat Command variables
Fixed Polls and Raffles
Changed popout chat (now works straight away while emotes are still loading)
Updated Help Section

Lots of people was asking for a darker smaller version so have Compact Mode, with a couple of customization =)

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
Are the notifications supposed to overlay my stream when triggered or are they for my own personal notification?

Nice program. Thanks for the help!

Mark Steele

New Member
1 Nope thats very not normal. i will have a look into that
2 yea i does take a while to load since it connecting to twitch and then loading all the emotes, it could take a while depending on internet speed (and twitch api speed)

theres a update coming out later tonight anyway so ill fix problem 1 for you hopefully

#1 seems to be fixed!

Also - love compact mode.

Request: can you have StreamM8 'remember' main window position / monitor when starting or switching to Compact Mode? the Notifications window always goes to the correct location, but main app window goes to upper left of display 1 when starting.

Thanks again!


Hey! Can we translate language? I must change bot language.
to be honest i have no idea how i would even go about this, the bot should post anything you've set in any language as for the GUI language i have no idea how i would go about translating it.

#1 seems to be fixed!

Also - love compact mode.

Request: can you have StreamM8 'remember' main window position / monitor when starting or switching to Compact Mode? the Notifications window always goes to the correct location, but main app window goes to upper left of display 1 when starting.

Thanks again!

1) Glad its Fixed.
2) Thanks, i think its a nice little addition
3) Added and Fixed =)

Mark Steele

New Member
Popper - Question regarding Chat Bot.

Does Chat Bot use variables in the command - for example, can I welcome someone by username when they join chat? If yes - do you have a command or variable reference? Or is it using some standard set of variables I can reference?



Yes and its in the help section, under chat bot =)

EG for your case - Welcome [NAME] to the stream (turns into Welcome Popper to the stream)


New Member
Hello! I was trying to use this and I followed all the directions but when I hit start the twitch box pops up for my user/password and before I can type it out the "can't find token" box pops up which closes everything if I hit ok. I got pretty good at copy and pasting everything real quick but then my second authentication pops up which by then the token error comes up haha.

Not sure how to get around this? Did I miss a step?

Thanks so much!


Hello! I was trying to use this and I followed all the directions but when I hit start the twitch box pops up for my user/password and before I can type it out the "can't find token" box pops up which closes everything if I hit ok. I got pretty good at copy and pasting everything real quick but then my second authentication pops up which by then the token error comes up haha.

Not sure how to get around this? Did I miss a step?

Thanks so much!

crap, no you havent done anything wrong - i have sorry ill post fix for it now

Mark Steele

New Member
Not sure if I mentioned this before - the second tab is misspelled - it says 'Notifactions' instead of Notifications - sorry for nit-picking


Question - every time I start StreamM8, a browser window opens pointing to

Is this by design or do have something configured weird somewhere?

By design, Twitch API is designed to be used with webservers like what twitch alerts and nightbot uses, but since we use a standalone, we dont need a webserver, but twitch still requires a web address to send data to, so point it at google parse from the URL

- sorted "Notifications" mis-spelling but it wont be out till next update

Mark Steele

New Member
By design, Twitch API is designed to be used with webservers like what twitch alerts and nightbot uses, but since we use a standalone, we dont need a webserver, but twitch still requires a web address to send data to, so point it at google parse from the URL

Roger that - thanks for the fast response.
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