Free StreamM8 RCD- All in one streaming tool! [Deleted]

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New Member
Can't get it to work. First time i'm trying to use it and everytime I hit the "start" button, it instantly crashes my program. Already updated and such and no go...


Can't get it to work. First time i'm trying to use it and everytime I hit the "start" button, it instantly crashes my program. Already updated and such and no go...

Try running it with admin privs - if that doesnt work, does it give you any kind of errors?


New Member
just as a suggestion maybe you can add the ability to keybind commands in command activation for chatbot or add a seperate feature that acts as a soundboard? this way we can leave the message blank and just play a sound over stream.

really enjoy compact mode btw. Great work!!!


just as a suggestion maybe you can add the ability to keybind commands in command activation for chatbot or add a seperate feature that acts as a soundboard? this way we can leave the message blank and just play a sound over stream.

really enjoy compact mode btw. Great work!!!

I can look into it and get back to you np - and glad you like compact mode =)


Is it possible to get on the Donation settings

its been requested several times, but i cant seem to find a valid API for it, so not atm, if i can find the api, possibly =)

--Also on a personal note
As it stands at the moment i know StreamM8 needs updating and tweaking, but my schedules all messed up and am over run with work, as soon as i get some free time, ill get these updates done =)


Popper42x updated StreamM8 RCD- All in one streaming tool! with a new update entry:

Long Overdue

Update Time finally

Got some free time so i thought id jump on this and get some updates done for you guys, Added keybindings to chat commands so you can use them a ssound boards if you so inclined and also added Gamewisp Support and well cleaned up the code and tweaked about with some settings all in all improved =)

Enjoy guys and as always any issues just say, can hopefully spend a little bit more time on StreamM8 now =)

Read the rest of this update entry...

Mark Steele

New Member
Good morning!

I have a new issue - when I click 'Edit Stream Info' and attempt to search for a game, all search results are: 'could not find any games in search of _______'

I'm not sure why it is behaving that way.


New Member
Hello! First of all I love your StreamM8! it's awesome and been working great for me, except now I don't know why but Followers Status is RED and I don't get any notifications about followers anymore, everything else seem to be working just fine.

I tried Downloading and installing in different location and setup from beginning but still same :S Twitch API changed or something perhaps?


Hello! First of all I love your StreamM8! it's awesome and been working great for me, except now I don't know why but Followers Status is RED and I don't get any notifications about followers anymore, everything else seem to be working just fine.

I tried Downloading and installing in different location and setup from beginning but still same :S Twitch API changed or something perhaps?

Am gonna hazard a guess as to this issues also ties in to Mark Steeles issue,making me think that maybe Twitch as updated its API, unfortunately am not near my PC for the next week as am away with work, as soon as i get back ill make fixing this my 1st priority, sorry for the inconvenience


New Member
Am gonna hazard a guess as to this issues also ties in to Mark Steeles issue,making me think that maybe Twitch as updated its API, unfortunately am not near my PC for the next week as am away with work, as soon as i get back ill make fixing this my 1st priority, sorry for the inconvenience

No problems, Thanks for taking your time =) I'll make sure to send you a donation in near future. Thanks again for this great tool


New Member
This is amazing, thank you! If this is open source and if you ever need some help or such, please feel free to hit me up~ Really appreciate this!
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