Free StreamM8 RCD- All in one streaming tool! [Deleted]

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New Member
Can you make a global cooldown on commands so it doesn't spam messages? Like you set 2 seconds and the bot can only send 1 message per 2 seconds so the messages quene up instead? Would be great.

Also the [NAME] command doesn't work unless you check any of the boxes below. Seems like it cant detect the person who triggered the command.


Can you make a global cooldown on commands so it doesn't spam messages? Like you set 2 seconds and the bot can only send 1 message per 2 seconds so the messages quene up instead? Would be great.

The chatbot doesnt queue, it should be instant, might be IRC lag causing the message to queue up =)

Also the [NAME] command doesn't work unless you check any of the boxes below. Seems like it cant detect the person who triggered the command.

Ill have a look =)

so last night, my stream bot was putting people on time out for posting links, but they have to post links for radio DJ, my moderator could do it, but normal users couldn't there was no rule set at all (I had one before i turned on the radio dj, but i removed it, then when it happened a 2nd time I removed the rules.txt and stop / started even totally turned off and back on, the bot.

I think i know whats causing this, also please check your not running another bot in the background (like nightbot or moobot) eitherway ill release a update tonight when i get home from work.

EDIT: Looking at the code, am guessing your using another bot somewhere because the code that runs timeouts or bans for links doesnt work (does now in 0.7.1)
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New Member
Is there possible to add [RandomEmote] ? I am using this not as a moderator so I cant send the same message 30 seconds so add a random emote behind the message works. :)

Also a thing I was thinking about was to make a command like !joke and the bot would type random messages that I have added in the command.

Like this in the picture hope it explains a bit.

EDIT: Im sorry if im making too many requests, great job working on this!
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Is there possible to add [RandomEmote] ? I am using this not as a moderator so I cant send the same message 30 seconds so add a random emote behind the message works. :)

Also a thing I was thinking about was to make a command like !joke and the bot would type random messages that I have added in the command.

Like this in the picture hope it explains a bit.

EDIT: Im sorry if im making too many requests, great job working on this!

yea ill add them into 0.7.2 as ive just released 0.7.1 so itll be a job for 2morro =)


New Member
Also you should add "Who Can Activate This Command?" "All" "Subs" "Mods" "Broadcaster" or maybe even add "Users" and then type in the specifc users.

Been looking for a program like this for a long time its perfect for my own use, thank you again for the update.

EDIT: The raffle does not work for me it says the message type "x" to join the raffle and after 60 seconds he just says No winner cuz no one entered the raffle or something like that, seems like it cant detect who wrote what.
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New Member
Is it possible to pop out the DJ window? I love playing video's from youtube, but sometimes I want to start a raffle or something and since i'm using window view, cut to the video it displays some of the bot in the little window. it's "annoying" :) I would love to be able to pop out the youtube part so I can display that window only.


Is it possible to pop out the DJ window? I love playing video's from youtube, but sometimes I want to start a raffle or something and since i'm using window view, cut to the video it displays some of the bot in the little window. it's "annoying" :) I would love to be able to pop out the youtube part so I can display that window only.

Only the video? Sure next Update =)


Also you should add "Who Can Activate This Command?" "All" "Subs" "Mods" "Broadcaster" or maybe even add "Users" and then type in the specifc users.

Been looking for a program like this for a long time its perfect for my own use, thank you again for the update.

EDIT: The raffle does not work for me it says the message type "x" to join the raffle and after 60 seconds he just says No winner cuz no one entered the raffle or something like that, seems like it cant detect who wrote what.

0.8.0 is the next update since it the whole bot systems getting reworked


New Member
Is there anything I can do to help with the development I love this bot and I dont think I'll be using anything thing else. Anybody who asks me how I do my streaming I direct towards your bot.




New Member
Popper42x updated StreamM8 RCD- All in one streaming tool! with a new update entry:

new things!

Read the rest of this update entry...

Just wanna say thanks for sticking with this project =)

Hey Popper thanks for this new update but something seems to be broken.
When i click on Start a popup opens asking me for my username and password but doesn't give me the time to enter anythig before it automatically closes and give me another popup saying "Unable to get token key. Please try again"

Then all the button stay red except for followers that turns green....

Also, everytime i update the profile or refresh, or try to exit the program, everything just stops responding.
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I'm trying to setup Paypal as my donation tracker, and I'm having issues, since they changed the layout of the API. I can't find my signature. Would be under API Access?


Hey Popper thanks for this new update but something seems to be broken.
When i click on Start a popup opens asking me for my username and password but doesn't give me the time to enter anythig before it automatically closes and give me another popup saying "Unable to get token key. Please try again"

Then all the button stay red except for followers that turns green.....

Yup, i was having it during testing after a quick search its twitchs end being slow, after a couple of attempts it will get the key, it will sort its self out.

Also, everytime i update the profile or refresh, or try to exit the program, everything just stops responding.

@Dweedoo Cant seem to recreate the problem, is StreamM8 running as admin and was the previous version ok, is it just this version?

I'm trying to setup Paypal as my donation tracker, and I'm having issues, since they changed the layout of the API. I can't find my signature. Would be under API Access?
@sickmind33 - its now at that link, ill update the help section cheers for pointing this out =) for anyone else wondering is now Tools>All Tools>API Credentials
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New Member
Yup, i was having it during testing after a quick search its twitchs end being slow, after a couple of attempts it will get the key, it will sort its self out.

The thing is it's been going on for hours. I tried every 15 minutes for the past 4 hours now.
And how can it get the key if it doesn't even let me login to twitch to authorize it ?


The thing is it's been going on for hours. I tried every 15 minutes for the past 4 hours now.
And how can it get the key if it doesn't even let me login to twitch to authorize it ?

Crap, yea thats my bad, it auto closes the auth window, give me 2 mins and ill post a hotfix, which will solve the issue and hopefully the refresh error too.

EDIT: Hotfix posted and working sorry about that, completly forgot it gets the token from the authwindow....
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New Member
Thanks man ! I was able to log in and get the key !

Another thing. Did you realize the chat is weird and the popout doesn't seem to wok? It says loading... then loaded! and they it stays this way with a grey background. Is it supposed to happen ?


Thanks man ! I was able to log in and get the key !

Another thing. Did you realize the chat is weird and the popout doesn't seem to wok? It says loading... then loaded! and they it stays this way with a grey background. Is it supposed to happen ?

Although on looking at it the chat popout was bugged, hotfix just uploaded now, the staying on loaded is normal, it only updates when something new is posted in chat
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