Ok so going forth, only just being able to get back to this, sorry for the lack of everything, where to start.....
Chat commands being slow
yea the code for that was a mess, all fixed now =)
song request doesnt meet the player options for the dj it gives a error that minimizes
could re-create any chance you have a URL that causes the error?
Seems really nice, but are things like these safe to use? connecting to twitchalerts and allowing "StreamM8" and "TwitchAlertsApp" to use the account?
perfectly safe, i dont have access to your account i cant see your details =)
Being able to edit broadcast language would be nice, i stream in Spanish and i have to go to the dashboard to change this currently
No can do its not in twitchs api. (or at least not as far as i can see)
What about chat overlay? currently im using an external solution with CLR but would be nice to have everything in the same tool.
Yea ill add one and done! youll have to ignore the grey background it was the only way i could get it out on time and working properly with emotes..
p.s your donation button in the program doesnt have a valid url according to imraising
yea fixed, cheers XD
.Also, I cant see how to properly test connection with twitchalerts to the build in notification window other than "test". Like testing from the twitchalerts page.
all the donations sites currently supported by this have some sort of test donation system =)
doesnt let you save primary settings - is that channel settings or pressing Save Settings from the main screen?