Hi, OBS communities and probably Source Record Developers...
I have some confusion about how the Source Record plug-in works... I've set it up and tested it and it's all working fine. I use the filter on the OBS game capture with the record mode is set to "Streaming or Recording", and the way I test it is that I started the recording on the scene the OBS game capture is on while the game is running. Then I started streaming and the strange things happened at the end of the stream, Source Record doesn't record my gameplay. I know I have many variables that could potentially make Source Record unable to record my gameplay (When I started streaming, I choose a starting scene that doesn't have game capture, streaming on the run - recording on the test, the game is not opened when I start streaming, etc). Is there any documentation about this behavior? also, What's the difference between "Always" and "Streaming or Recording"? Does always mean the moment I boot up a game, it starts recording, or the moment I did either stream, recording, or streaming and recording at the same time it starts recording? Your guys' help would be appreciated.
Thank you for your time, Sava Savero