Simple scene switcher


New Member
I CANT MAKE IT RUN !!!! Putting it into the /Plugins folder as said in this thread. No matter what version (32bit o 64bit) I start ... I cant see it anywhere after clicking 'plugins' in OBS it sefl !



Community Helper
Not for this plugin. This plugin is based on what window is selected. With SC2, in-game and out-of-game are still the same window. The way the SC2 Scene Switcher works is based on a registry key that SC2 specifically sets. I doubt game-specific functions will be added to this tool.


New Member
I'm not familiar with SC2 but some games change window name.
While it might be the same window in focus, there might be different names at different stages/places/options.
This should make things easier to code if somebody knows how to do it.


New Member
I need help trying to do a specific thing with Simple Scene Switcher. I'm a podcaster and I would like it to switch between me and Skype the same way Google Hangouts does whenever a person speaks loud, however I'm unable to find a tool to do so and I don't know how to set it up since it relies on active windows and window title switches.

Can anybody help me? I really want to make switching easier for me.


Community Helper
You can't do that with this plugin, and I don't think there is a plugin anywhere that can do that. You would need a way to differentiate between who is talking, as as far as Windows can see, it's all just one sound source. That kind of feature would have to be supported by the actual video chat application.


New Member
hi. This Plugin is great but I got problems with Counter-Strike: Globale Offensive. If I Start the game first and add it to the switcher everything is okay but if i close CS:GO and restart the game. It always say CS:GO.exe isnt working. Other games working fine.
OBS (64bit) and plugin (64bit) too.
Win 8.1 Pro (64bit)
Sry for my bad english.^^


It's highly doubtful that the plugin is causing this. All it does it check which window is active in windows, and switch scenes in OBS. It has no interaction with games whatsoever.
I suggest you make a topic about it in help and questions to figure out what the issue may be.


New Member
Now that I finally got this working to stream League of Legends properly without having to worry about pressing any hotkey to switch scenes, after tweaking around a little bit, it is indeed switching scenes automatically as I was hoping to. However, I still ran into a weird problem while previewing the stream:

1: Using "Game Capture" to show the main screen ( client window) of League of Legends is perfect.
2: Using "Game Capture" to show the match window (actual gameplay) of League of Legends shows perfect.
3: Using "Game Capture" to go back to the main screen as in #1, client window of League of Legends is not perfect. In fact, it does switch as suposed to, but shows very minimized (see picture below).


Now I am unsure wether this be a bug in the OBS client or with the Scene Switcher plugin, or maybe even with League of Legends bugging with it. However, is there any way to fix this? As right now I have to refresh the Game Capture window every single time ...


Developer Client should be captured using window capture, not game capture. In fact, I'm quite surprised you even managed to capture it perfectly once. that tiny thing is what is expected when you try to game capture the launcher.

This is not related to scene switcher though, but to how LoL should be captured. Scene switcher does nothing but switch between scenes, how scenes are setup is none of its concern.


New Member
I have it setup and working fine, great plugin, I just have one "issue," which may even be on my end.

The plugin ran fine for 2-3 games, it switched between scenes when needed, switched when I minimized, etc.

However, on the 3rd or 4th game, my Game Capture (for League) was just a black screen. I had to completely restart OBS for it to fix it and I'm not sure what the cause was. I saw a few posts on here saying the plugin only worked for a few games for them as well but I'm not sure if the Game Capture being all black is my end, the plugin's end, or OBS's end.

Thank you.


If you read the post right above yours, you can see me stating that this is not related to scene switcher. All it does is switch between scenes, it has no influence whatsoever on what a source is or does, or what's in a scene. If a game capture returns a black screen, then this is a game capture related issue. It would be exactly the same as if you manually switched scenes.


New Member
@ThoNohT - Thanks for your answer. I can stream both the client aswell as ingame trough Game Capture perfectly, I only figured out this bug happened whenever a game starts (loading screen), if I alt-tab out, only then this error happens, but really only on the loading screen. During the game or at the client it won't happen. So I actually taught myself to not alt-tab out during loading :).

Thanks for creating this plugin though, it makes my life as a streamer much, much easier!


New Member
I was wondering if it's possible to make it use a timer to change scenes?
Like you see the main screen for 3 ish minutes, then switch scene for 15-20 seconds, and then after that time it switches to the main scene again or something.
I'm asking since GRID Autosport got a really nice feature if you have dual monitors, where you can see your position map and a replay cam on your 2nd monitor while racing, it would look more like racing channels if it could switch to that sometimes.
I'll add a picture and hope you get my point :D
(External link:


New Member
I was wondering if it's possible to make it use a timer to change scenes?
Like you see the main screen for 3 ish minutes, then switch scene for 15-20 seconds, and then after that time it switches to the main scene again or something.

I LOVE this idea, specifically for this reason. I am into racing games as well, and would love to add GRID to my lineup. This would seriously be a fun way to implement that dual monitor feature.


New Member

I have a big problem with OBS and Dead Island: Epidemic

Dead Island have a "launcher" called "CRIB" and when I enter in a game, a new window is open with the game and the CRIB is in "sleeping mode"

And the problem, is that OBS lose the focus (because it's a new .exe) so, I have to refocus and it's boring.

I tried your plugin but the problem is that DI:E (Dead Island: Epidemic) have the exactly same name and your plugin don't recognize them good.

It could be better if your plugin recognize the programs by PID and not by name.

I took a screenshot to explain that.

I tried them 2 DI:E, in all stance possible and for your plugin, DI:E all exactly the same and don't switch.

Can you help me please?


  • bug.jpg
    360.9 KB · Views: 83


New Member
Would it be possible to add a function that will disable scene switching when a specific scene (or one of a selection of scenes) is active? For example a scene you can show when you are afk (a brb scene), so that it doesn't switch as long as this scene is active.

This way, you would be able to set the "default scene" ("When no window title matches") to desktop capture for example. When you go afk for a couple of minutes, switch to the brb scene (manually) without disabling the plugin, then switching back to desktop when you get back, and the plugin will resume switching as usual. Hope this makes sense.

- ePix


nemaides, 0x33: Timed scene changes aren't something for this version of scene switcher. But obs-studio will probably have different kinds of automation available. Be it natively or in a plugin. It will take a while before it'll be ready to really start working with plugins like that though.

Meydiem: The pid would change every time you restart a program, so there is no way to make this work more than once in a row. You'd have to reconfigure scene switcher every time you restarted the game.

ePix: It's an interesting idea. However, instead of implementing this, let me propose a workaround. Use some random program, for example calc.exe, which is set to the brb scene, and just leave that in the foreground. An other idea is to just use the enable, disable hotkeys, which arguably is even less effort than manually switching to an afk scene and back aftwards.