Bug Report OBS 22.0.1 UPDATE: Overlays Resize / Change Constantly


New Member
My friend and I are both experiencing this issue on our OBS.
Any overlays that have are linked to streamlabs (view counter, donation bar, etc.) change in size. I will open OBS and they will be shrunken or enlarged from where I had them set last night. I will even switch scenes and their sizes will change. I have them locked, but that doesn't help.

Here is my log file:


New Member
I am seeing this too after applying the latest update yesterday - all my browser sources resize themselves until I manually reload them, as soon as I change scene they are messed up again...


New Member
Does anyone have any advice regarding this issue?
After using for longer I have more detail:
Browser source images start shrunken.
I will resize the browser source images, but eventually they resize themselves back to the size I had set them originally, and since I had already tried to resize them, they blow out of proportion.

I am not sure why eventually they resize themselves on their own.
This did not happen prior to the update.


New Member
OBS support guys acknowledged it as a bug to me - what I found helped is to reset the transform on the browser source and then reposition / resize.


New Member
I'm glad they will be doing something about it.
For the most part, I have found that toggling on / off the eye on each source helps restore it's size. So there's a temporary fix.

Jesse Nichols

New Member
Any word on a fix for this? This is heavily affecting our streams for our paid viewers. All of the paid features for our subscribers have been affected by this bug. Our subscriber wheel, our on-screen alerts, and more! Any ETA on a hotfix for this?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
OBS support guys acknowledged it as a bug to me
I'm not sure who acknowledged this as a bug. As far as I'm aware, none of the support volunteers or active contributors have been able to replicate this behavior.

Any word on a fix for this? This is heavily affecting our streams for our paid viewers. All of the paid features for our subscribers have been affected by this bug. Our subscriber wheel, our on-screen alerts, and more! Any ETA on a hotfix for this?
Not at this time, no. Right now, what we need is either a lot more information or to be able to reliably reproduce this in a development environment. On the information front, having OBS logs immediately before and after the resize issue occurs would be helpful. At this moment, we are unaware of anything that could cause this behavior.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I've been unable to replicate this on Windows. I'll need to get one of the macOS contributors to try to replicate it.


New Member
I've experienced this issue a couple of times in the last two weeks, done a 4-hour stream yesterday all sources were fine, then during the last 30 minutes, my game capture source decided to shift left leaving the source behind it visible. All sources are locked so it wasn't an accidental move, as I locked everything because this happened twice before.
If someone can tell me how to provide logs I'll start capturing them before each stream and after the incident occurs again, as I'm sure it will occur again.
But for the record, I'm running OBS on Windows 10


New Member
So watched yesterdays stream to work out at what point it happened. It seems to have happened upon the game closing, as the scene behind it at that point also shifted left (leaving a black screen behind) this scene returned to its normal position when the game capture started capturing again (due to different game session) but the game capture at that point was then off to the left which as previously mentioned exposed the scene behind in the now created gap.

So it seems this issue occurs when certain scene close, disappear or are hidden from view?


New Member
Yep, I too have this issue. On launching OBS and my chat source is scaled and positioned fine, then I swap to a different scene and when I come back to the chat scene it's stretched out covering the entire right side of the canvas. Pretty frustrating!


New Member
I have this issue as well, with Twitch Chat through Streamlabs on OBS 22.0.3. Tried fresh install, still no fix. Chat will seem normal, switch scenes and then chat will not longer show up or get really large. Only way to fix it is to double click the scene and refresh the browser source on my end. Running MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6


New Member
I had this issue as well on Mac High Sierra and Mojave. My browser sources were discord and youtube chat window popups that were getting scaled weirdly when I switched scenes. If I updated properties, they would get fixed but revert to the scaled size when switching scenes.

The workaround that worked for me was editing the transform for each affected browser source and assigning it a bounds that matched the width of the source as I wanted it. Before, my scenes didn't use bounding boxes for browser sources because they seemed to render 1:1 all the time. Some of the values I saw in the bounding boxes, whether they were active or not, were larger values that made sense of my screen.

I've attached an image that shows my browser source and transform windows for a discord chat widget. They seem to be behaving now on scene switches for me.

On a side note: my main scenes are incidentally composed of subscenes that I composite together, don't know if that's relevant to the bug.


  • OBS-Mac-Scaling-Workaround.png
    726.4 KB · Views: 328


New Member
Found a fix!!
I've also been having this problem and found a quick work around.

The browser source seems to change size whenever you switch to a scene that doesn't contain that browser source and then back. In order for the source to not change size, you need to include it in every scene you use. I didn't want some of those sources seen in every scene, so I hid them behind other elements. It won't work if you make them invisible in the sources list, they have to be active. I've only tried this a few times, but it seems to be working for me right now.


Active Member
It might also work if you move them offscreen. However, visible or not, those are still going to use rendering resources.


New Member
Found a fix!!
I've also been having this problem and found a quick work around.

The browser source seems to change size whenever you switch to a scene that doesn't contain that browser source and then back. In order for the source to not change size, you need to include it in every scene you use. I didn't want some of those sources seen in every scene, so I hid them behind other elements. It won't work if you make them invisible in the sources list, they have to be active. I've only tried this a few times, but it seems to be working for me right now.

How do I do this exactly? I don't know how to include a browser source in every scene I use. I got this issue with streamlabs OBS..