
Free NohBoard v1.3.0


can someone tell me how to add a transparent background to so that when capturing it with OBS there won't be a white background?
There's not a such thing, you need to do a color key with OBS, that means that OBS will remove the color you chose from the source. This is like a chroma key, so, set a background color that you don't use on your keyboard, otherwise your keyboard may appear also transparent.


New Member
I'm not sure I understand what you mean, haven't heard of color key in OBS since I'm still quite new to streaming and such :D can you explain it in more details what I need to do? ^^


I'm not sure I understand what you mean, haven't heard of color key in OBS since I'm still quite new to streaming and such :D can you explain it in more details what I need to do? ^^
Here's a link that will help you.
Oh, as I don't know which version of OBS you are using, I recommend you to use OBS STUDIO, and not just the old called OBS.

Edit: sorry for the late reply, I'm used to get email notifications from all forums I follow through the internet, but this one doesn't have such feature, then I end up forgetting to check...


New Member
Multiple key-codes for a single key

As I mentioned before, I would like to be able to have the "€" key light up and not the "Right alt" and "E" key. (Key codes 17, 18, and 69) Is that now possible?


Multiple key-codes for a single key

As I mentioned before, I would like to be able to have the "€" key light up and not the "Right alt" and "E" key. (Key codes 17, 18, and 69) Is that now possible?
ThoNohT updated NohBoard with a new update entry:

Long overdue improvements

  • Add version check
  • Weird mouse speed indicator movement in some games
  • Multiple key-codes for a single key
  • Background image
  • Images related to category folder, rather than keyboard/style folder.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Yeah, idk how to do this, but he added it.


I tried just a comma delimited list, but it did not work.
Idk then, but thinking about it I would say that it'd be hard to do this because your custom keyboard really send the information of pressing multiple keys, so idk if he really added the feature, or just added in the update log by mistake... but I think the feature would be letting the user to, through a new window, add/create a sets of keys that when pressed at once would instead activate an another custom key setted by the user, then the user, when adding a custom key to the layout, the custom key created by the user would show on the menu that you select the type of key you want (and the menu he's already working on on the streams he's doing, but the idea would already show the default keys but also show the custom keys created by the user through that new window).


I definitely remember making that feature, I think I even did it on stream (probably before I advertised it here), and I tested it there to be working.

That's why
"KeyCode": 8
has changed to
"KeyCodes": [ 8 ]

You should be able to just add extra keycodes to this list and it should work. Only on keyboard key definitions though. I think NohBoard might even crash if you try this on any other key definition.

Edit: Tested it on v0.3.1, and it indeed works as intended. For right alt, you should use keycode 165 though, and 69 for E. Put those both in the euro key you made, it obviously doesn't have a unique keycode.
See the attached file for an example.


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I definitely remember making that feature, I think I even did it on stream (probably before I advertised it here), and I tested it there to be working.

That's why
"KeyCode": 8
has changed to
"KeyCodes": [ 8 ]

You should be able to just add extra keycodes to this list and it should work. Only on keyboard key definitions though. I think NohBoard might even crash if you try this on any other key definition.

Edit: Tested it on v0.3.1, and it indeed works as intended. For right alt, you should use keycode 165 though, and 69 for E. Put those both in the euro key you made, it obviously doesn't have a unique keycode.
See the attached file for an example.
works like a charm, and I didn't know that was possible, cool... but how that will work when adding an element through edit mode? idk how the process to select the key you want to use is, but if it's like in games or softwares that let you change a binding or set a shortcut that you need to actually press the keys on the keyboard to select them, that would be cool to just press them all and it would, for example, show "alt + e" in the text box...
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but how that will work when adding an element through edit mode? idk how the process to select the key you want to use is, but if it's like in games or softwares that let you change a binding or set a shortcut that you need to actually press the keys on the keyboard to select them, that would be cool to just press them all and it would, for example, show "alt + e" in the text box...

I'll now once I've made it. Those are all challenges that are ahead of me in the next session of working on NohBoard. I guess the sky's the limit, I'll have to see how fancy I can make it. I believe I was currently planning to have a listbox with all key-codes, and let a user select multiple of them. But that can always be improved upon of course.


New Member
Here is a preview of my work till now... How you can see, it has now an inverted and reduced style version of the pressed keys. This gif shows, firstly, the "Shift", "W" and "Space" pressed, then "Mouse 1", "Mouse 3" and "Mouse 5" pressed for each Style and each Definition. It has, thanks to the last update, just 1MB. I could upload my work, but it would need my custom font, or we can wait until ThoNohT to add the download font feature.


The updated design looks amazing! Is it ready to be published yet? I'd love to use it in my stream. :)


This design can be used, as it is compatible with v0.3.1. It will be included in the next release of NohBoard. But I'm still short on time and need at least 2 or 3 more evenings to work on finishing edit mode.


New Member
I would like to get the overlay for a Razer Naga Hex V2 mouse. any chance?
I want to combine it with half of my corsair K70 Rapidfire keyboard and put custom names on the keys (I am hoping I can do the second part myself)

Can anyone help me??

Thank you,
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New Member
Hey, just wanted to say that I love the concept, but wouldn't it be simpler to just pull the keyboard definition from the operating system? That would solve 99% of the keyboard layout problems.


I did not. Just not enough time lately. I fully intend to pick up work on NohBoard eventually, I just can't promise when. At the moment some other things are eating my free time (Admittedly, The Witcher 3 is one of them, I hope to finish this playthrough in a couple of weeks). I hope to have some time again somewhere in May, probably halfway in the month.


New Member
Hey, im new and i have no idea how to do custom layout, could someone do that for me? :)


  • layout.png
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Burning Fish

New Member
To better match my personal keyboard, a SteelSeries 6GV2, I changed some of the keys from the original "us_intl" layout.
I also added mouse buttons and move indicator to that same layout.

You can download them here.

- Shortened numpad's "Enter" to "Ent".
- When Caps are on, CapsLock key shows "CapsON".

steelseries6gv2 (picture)
- Matched Enter to actual size.
- Reduced right-shift in size.
- Moved "/" to the right physical place.
- Changed leftside "Win" to "Stl".

- Added mouse buttons.

steelseries6gv2mousemove (picture)
- Added mouse buttons and move indicator.

- Added mouse buttons to the original "us_intl".

us_intlmousemove (picture)
- Added mouse buttons and move indicator to the original "us_intl".

Extract to your NohBoard directory.
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