
Free NohBoard v1.3.0


New Member
Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.10b

ThoNohT said:
Well, it's a hobby project, so it's also a hobby to try and fix those things ;)

One more question for you then, are you on a two gpu setup, and if so laptop (Optimus?) or pc with sli?

Its a great hobby to help others with great plugins!

To answer your question: Im on Desktop PC with 1 GPU (gtx 560).

I'm myself too a bit into programming, so i tried looking for things in the background processes that not playing the ball here, but no luck. I still think that the problem is in the OS itself.

I'm going through my game library and checking the results and i managed to get registered keystrokes in OBS when playing The Cave (sidescroll game released in 2012) but only when the game is windowed.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.10b

Well, I started development on a windows 7 x64 machine with 1 GPU, but moved over to my laptop which has 1 g pu and windows 8 x64. I'll check what happens if I try streaming something on my pc soon, it's sitting here not being used anyway :P


New Member
Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.10b

ThoNohT said:
Well, I started development on a windows 7 x64 machine with 1 GPU, but moved over to my laptop which has 1 g pu and windows 8 x64. I'll check what happens if I try streaming something on my pc soon, it's sitting here not being used anyway :P

Okey, good luck! Hit me up if you have further questions.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.10b

Is it possible to add other mouse buttons to a layout? I tried 1024, 1025, 1028, etc, but none were recognizing any inputs. I bind SC2 camera hotkeys to my two side mouse buttons (forward and back browser buttons) and it would be cool to include that in my layout :D


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.10b

That's something I already tried. So far I had no luck with it. The only method of capturing those that I found are if NohBoard is the active window, which is not good enough.


New Member
Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.10b

Hey guys, I made a DotA2 one for the hotkeys that I use, and if you like it, you can use it as well!

Credits to everyone that posted on the thread to give me ideas about the layout.

Reason ALT key is in there: I use Alt q,w,e,r,a,s,d for items
z courier select, x item delivery, c return to hero focus.

Lmb and Rmb are there to put you into epileptic shock because we all know true dota players will have rmb lighting up like crazy..also considering making an APM counter for screens..for bragging rights :P

KBVersion 3
width 335
height 267
nKeysDefined 18
category Games
key 32 187 185 131 43 %0% %0% 0 0
key 49 53 9 43 43 1 ! 0 0
key 50 97 9 43 43 2 @ 0 0
key 51 141 9 43 43 3 # 0 0
key 52 185 9 43 43 4 $ 0 0
key 65 89 97 43 43 a A 1 0
key 67 198 141 43 43 c C 1 0
key 68 177 97 43 43 d D 1 0
key 69 165 53 43 43 e E 1 0
key 1026 232 97 43 43 LMB LMB 0 1
key 1027 276 97 43 43 RMB RMB 0 1
key 81 77 53 43 43 q Q 1 0
key 82 209 53 43 43 r R 1 0
key 83 133 97 43 43 s S 1 0
key 87 121 53 43 43 w W 1 0
key 88 154 141 43 43 x X 1 0
key 90 110 141 43 43 z Z 1 0
key 164 130 185 56 43 Alt Alt 0 1



Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.10b

Hello, I downloaded Nohboard and tried to window capture it while in a full-screen game. The image shows up from the window capture, but unfortunately whenever I press any keys it doesn't display that the keys were used. It just shows the window of Nohboard unchanging as if no keys are being pressed. Yes, I have Aero enabled.

EDIT: Also, for the people experiencing the "White block" on their stream with NohBoard. I solved that by setting a "Sub-Region" for the window capture. Unfortunately though in fullscreen games the keystrokes just won't be recognized.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.10b


- This problem is present for people with one GPU, so it's not a multi-gpu thing, I think.
- Keys not registering happens even when starting as administrator, I'm not too sure in what order those keystrokes are processed. If it's hidden for some people, and not for others (me, for example), I'd think the order of processing keystrokes can cause this if the game hides it. But it appears to be consistent, so are people consistently starting programs in the same order?

To all who don't see keystrokes, try starting the game first, and then NohBoard. For the rest, I'm really not sure what I can do about it. I'm considering trying something that doesn't use directx to render at all, I might try and see how well a browser component with either canvas or WebGL perform. But that would essentially mean a complete rewrite.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.10b

ThoNohT said:

- This problem is present for people with one GPU, so it's not a multi-gpu thing, I think.
- Keys not registering happens even when starting as administrator, I'm not too sure in what order those keystrokes are processed. If it's hidden for some people, and not for others (me, for example), I'd think the order of processing keystrokes can cause this if the game hides it. But it appears to be consistent, so are people consistently starting programs in the same order?

To all who don't see keystrokes, try starting the game first, and then NohBoard. For the rest, I'm really not sure what I can do about it. I'm considering trying something that doesn't use directx to render at all, I might try and see how well a browser component with either canvas or WebGL perform. But that would essentially mean a complete rewrite.

I tried starting the game first, and then NohBoard. Unfortunately keystrokes are still not being registered to NohBoard while in full-screen L4D2. Outside of full-screen, it works fine. Issue is that I need to play L4D2 in full-screen.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.10b

Just a note to myself, I could look into this library and see if it can improve the reliability of the keyboard and mouse hook, and perhaps even facilitate support for more keys:

Again, major rewrite required.


New Member
Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.10b

ThoNohT said:

- This problem is present for people with one GPU, so it's not a multi-gpu thing, I think.
- Keys not registering happens even when starting as administrator, I'm not too sure in what order those keystrokes are processed. If it's hidden for some people, and not for others (me, for example), I'd think the order of processing keystrokes can cause this if the game hides it. But it appears to be consistent, so are people consistently starting programs in the same order?

To all who don't see keystrokes, try starting the game first, and then NohBoard. For the rest, I'm really not sure what I can do about it. I'm considering trying something that doesn't use directx to render at all, I might try and see how well a browser component with either canvas or WebGL perform. But that would essentially mean a complete rewrite.

I'm back! Now i got second monitor, and NohBoard works perfectly now!

So the fix was that the Fullscreen game needed to be on one monitor, while NohBoard on the other. Again, im on 1 gpu setup. (GTX 560) Launching NohBoard with adm. didn't changed the behavior, nor sub-region or anything else. Just put NohBoard on a different monitor.

Is it a strange thing or you knew that already, Mr. ThoNohT?

Edit: Thinking about this "fix" I feel like its more of a workaround then an actuall fix. Maybe this way i tricked the OS that NohBoard is the focus window so its handling as it should and making it work like it supposed to.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.10b

Thanks for the heads up on this. I don't really know why this is happening, so the info you gave is much valued. With NohBoard going white, I'm currently thinking about a problem I had before, when it would always go white on fullscreen games, for everyone, including me. If there is a similar problem now, that's going to be pretty hard to test, and I can only test that on windows 7, on someone's pc who actually has the problem. And it'll need to run in debug mode in visual studio.

If it does register keystrokes now you put it on another monitor, that's just weird. It can mean that either, placing it on a different monitor does make it receive the keystroke events.
But more likely is that it just stopped rendering when you entered a windowed game, and in that case, there is nothing wrong with my hook. In the end, it all boils down to directx problems.


New Member
Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.10b

ThoNohT said:
If there is a similar problem now, that's going to be pretty hard to test, and I can only test that on windows 7, on someone's pc who actually has the problem. And it'll need to run in debug mode in visual studio.

No problem, i do what i can to help this project. I'm out of town now, but in a few days i will be back home. After that i can let you remote control my pc for debugging and stuff. I have an i7 2600 and a stable 25 down/5 up internet connection so its shouldn't be much hassle to remote use my pc. Right now i don't have Visual Studio on that computer, but i do have Teamviewer8.


New Member
Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.10b

Hey ThoNohT and everyone else!

Great tool! very easy to configure. I made a layout for The Binding of Isaac. Very simple and works great!

KBVersion 3
width 280
height 200
nKeysDefined 11
category Games
key 37 121 97 43 43 %left% %left% 0 1
key 38 165 53 43 43 %up% %up% 0 1
key 39 209 97 43 43 %right% %right% 0 1
key 40 165 97 43 43 %down% %down% 0 1
key 65 9 53 43 43 A A 1 0
key 68 97 53 43 43 D D 1 0
key 83 53 53 43 43 S S 1 0
key 81 18 9 43 43 Q Q 1 0
key 87 62 9 43 43 W W 1 0
key 32 18 97 100 43 Space Space 0 0
key 160 121 9 75 43 Bomb Bomb 0 0KBVersion 3


  • Isaac key.jpg
    12.9 KB · Views: 71


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.10b

Ok, so I realize some people are waiting for me to complete the Mouse speed thingy. It's pretty cool and I hacked it together when I had two days with some spare hours. Since then it's all been silent on that front.

So especially to Wheelman, I'm sorry for letting you wait that long. Sadly I can't promise anything just yet. I have one more busy week ahead of me with both days and nights fully booked. After that it's 1 week + 2 weekends out on holiday. After that I hope to be refreshed, and have a schedule that'll allow me to put some more time in it.
Don't worry, I will finish it, it is not all that much work to put into it anymore, so it's kind of a shame that it should take so long, but I can honestly say that I haven't touched one line of code outside of work in the last two weeks at all due to a severe lack of time.

Meanwhile, for Wheelman personally, I do believe you have the latest test version I put out. So for you, you could try to figure out how to place it in a keyboard layout. It's basically a new key definition, code 1027 or 1028, I don't remember exactly. All you can define so far is it's position and size (similar to the other keys). It currently uses the colors you defined for the other keys, so if you don't want to wait, you could fiddle with that as a temporary solution.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.11b

It's taken me a while, but a release with mouse speed support has been added. v0.11b is now available through the first post.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.11b

Not sure if I should post here or in the Bug Reports board, but I can't seem to capture Nohboard with Window Capture anymore. It just shows a white box. It seems to work if I disable Aero, but disabling Aero through OBS somehow completely destroyed all of my Game Capture sources, so I don't really want to try that again.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.11b

The destroying of game capture sources is unrelated to NohBoard. But it being uncapturable using window capture is a known bug. I have not been able to fix it unfortunately, if you read up a few pages, you'll see that this has been going on for a while.

What appears to work is to connect a second monitor, and to move OBS to the second monitor. An other option is to use game capture, but sadly, then you can't use color key. Hopefully in the rewrite of OBS, color key on game capture will be present/easier to implement, so this window capture thing can be worked around.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.11b

Yeah, I figured the Game Capture/Aero thing was unrelated. I always have OBS and Nohboard active on my 2nd monitor though and can't seem to get it to work without disabling Aero :<

I guess I'm glad to hear there's nothing wrong on my end. Thanks!

And thanks for making this tool in the first place! I always tried to tell any SC2 streamers to use this tool since it really enhances a SC2 stream IMO, especially if the player doesn't have a webcam. Hopefully it comes back strong, I really liked it a lot.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.11b

One thing to try is to move NohBoard around a bit. It *might* work if you keep it on your first monitor instead, if you haven't already tried that. It's just a big guessing game for me though, I haven't found out the exact reason. Another thing to maybe try is turn on compatibility mode on the window capture.