
Free NohBoard v1.3.0


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.8b

Believe me i/we tried a lot regarding that, it´s not the softwares fault and probably not obs, for some people including me the active igpu seems to change something about where/how aero is rendered (and YES windows 8 HAS aero, they just didnt call it aero but its still called like this in the theme files and such). I´ve done a lot of research about that and we even compared our hardwares but it doesnt make any sense yet why it would be different for people.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.8b

I wish I could debug that, I could probably get some more information from the directx debug modus. I'd need access to a pc with iGPU and visual studio to do that.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.8b

Tried out 0.8b but it get stuck less than before though


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.8b

Could you possibly record it happening, and send me the video? That might give me an idea as to when it happens.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.8b

ThoNohT said:
Could you possibly record it happening, and send me the video? That might give me an idea as to when it happens.

That's really hard to say, because I'm not paying attention to the board while I'm playing and I'm streaming atleast 5 hour sessions. But i usualy pay attention to it when a round is done or if the viewers gives me a headsup.

I dont have anytime right now to look it up exactly when it happend, because honestly i do not remember.

But here's the latest live stream session


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.8b

Absarn said:
ThoNohT said:
Could you possibly record it happening, and send me the video? That might give me an idea as to when it happens.

That's really hard to say, because I'm not paying attention to the board while I'm playing and I'm streaming atleast 5 hour sessions. But i usualy pay attention to it when a round is done or if the viewers gives me a headsup.

I dont have anytime right now to look it up exactly when it happend, because honestly i do not remember.

So far I remember it got stuck once during those 5 hours though.

But here's the latest live stream session


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.8b

Absarn, do you run NohBoard as administrator? This might fix the stuck keys issue, it did for someone else.

I have tried a fix for it in the code, which made things worse. I am going to need some time to think of some other stuff I could do about it. At the moment I'm out of ideas.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.8b

Tried it running as administrator as you said, but it didnt do any difference : /


New Member
Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.8b

I saw the mouse codes for mouse 1 and 2, but I can't find anything about buttons further than that. Is it possible to add Mouse 4 and 5 to the overlay? It seems like it would be but I cannot figure out the keycode for them, and they are not in any examples. If anyone knows I would greatly appreciate this knowledge, thanks!


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.8b

open the config find the line debug 0 and set it to debug 1 now open the keyboard and the name of the application will change to the key code based on the keys you press so press the key you want to know the number of write it down and keep going.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.8b

Only mouse 1 and 2 are supported. So far I have only found out how to capture the other mouse buttons from the NohBoard window, which was kinda hacky, totally unlike how the other mouse/keyboard hooks work and is useless as it's supposed to run in the background while a game is running.

So I can only support mouse 1 and 2, I will probably do some googling in the future and see if I can capture other mouse buttons, but I can't promise anything, and it won't be very soon as I'm currently working on some other projects, some also OBS related, and I have limited free time. Highest priority for NohBoard is fixing the keys getting stuck.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.8b

I love this tool. It is nice to show on your stream which keys you are hitting while you are hitting the arrows.
I used this tool Stepmania and FFR both are rhytm where you need to hit arrows corretly.

Making key layouts is pretty easy too with some reading work and copy/pasting for the keycodes from other layouts i was to make my own costumized layouts :D.

The layouts i made everyone can use it freely ;).

This layout is with arrows and numpad:
KBVersion 3
width 200
height 380
nKeysDefined 21
category Games
key 37 30 295 44 44 %left% %left% 0 1
key 38 75 250 44 44 %up% %up% 0 1
key 39 120 295 44 44 %right% %right% 0 1
key 40 75 295 44 44 %down% %down% 0 1

key 144 10 10 43 43 Num Num 0 1
key 111 54 10 43 43 / / 0 0
key 106 98 10 43 43 * * 0 0
key 109 142 10 43 43 - - 0 0
key 103 10 54 43 43 7 7 0 0
key 104 54 54 43 43 8 8 0 0
key 105 98 54 43 43 9 9 0 0
key 100 10 98 43 43 4 4 0 0
key 101 54 98 43 43 5 5 0 0
key 102 98 98 43 43 6 6 0 0
key 107 142 54 43 87 + + 0 0
key 97 10 142 43 43 1 1 0 0
key 98 54 142 43 43 2 2 0 0
key 99 98 142 43 43 3 3 0 0
key 96 10 186 87 43 0 0 0 0
key 110 98 186 43 43 . . 0 0
key 1025 142 142 43 87 Enter Enter 0 1
Only the numpad:
KBVersion 3
width 200
height 270
category Games
nKeysDefined 17
key 144 10 10 43 43 Num Num 0 1
key 111 54 10 43 43 / / 0 0
key 106 98 10 43 43 * * 0 0
key 109 142 10 43 43 - - 0 0
key 103 10 54 43 43 7 7 0 0
key 104 54 54 43 43 8 8 0 0
key 105 98 54 43 43 9 9 0 0
key 100 10 98 43 43 4 4 0 0
key 101 54 98 43 43 5 5 0 0
key 102 98 98 43 43 6 6 0 0
key 107 142 54 43 87 + + 0 0
key 97 10 142 43 43 1 1 0 0
key 98 54 142 43 43 2 2 0 0
key 99 98 142 43 43 3 3 0 0
key 96 10 186 87 43 0 0 0 0
key 110 98 186 43 43 . . 0 0
key 1025 142 142 43 87 Enter Enter 0 1
Only the arrow keys:
KBVersion 3
width 160
height 130
nKeysDefined 4
category Games
key 37 10 55 44 44 %left% %left% 0 1
key 38 55 10 44 44 %up% %up% 0 1
key 39 100 55 44 44 %right% %right% 0 1
key 40 55 55 44 44 %down% %down% 0 1
While i used the tool i noticed no delay in pressing the keys and seeing it in the tool which is nice.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.8b

Sorry for the late respond, but in I think it was in version 0.5b or 0.6b where it was working perfectly the key strokes didnt get stuck. I think, it it might be related to the mouse key strokes. Not sure though, but worth looking into it.

Hope it helps, once again it's a great software and I use it everytime i stream.

Props to you my friend!


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.8b

Oh no problem. If that's the case, there is a checkbox in settings telling it not to hook the mouse. You could try checking that. Generally, it shouldn't even hook the mouse if there are no mouse keys defined.

But that gives me some more info, I think I only tried it without the mouse keys defined, so I might even try this out this weekend and if I can reproduce it provide a quick fix rather than waiting until I finished the OBS Plugin Installer. No promises though, that'll only happen if I can actually reproduce it and find the cause.


New Member
Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.8b

This is really great, but any way to make the background transparent? If so forgive my inability to read, but otherwise this is still really really great, thanks!


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.8b

Just capture it with window capture and use colorkeying (in the window capture options) on the background.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.8b

Yes, that's pretty much the only solution. I can make a window transparent, but OBS will capture it fully opaque anyway.
There's a feature request to use an image as background. I might look into that some day, but if you just want it transparent, I suggest color key with window capture.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.9b

Ok, I just released v0.9b, with the following changes:


I Renamed se to scandi. I assume those other signs below the keys you indicated are alt modifiers or sth. I don't display them anyway, so I guess we'll have to do with just using this, And I did fix the caps issue you mentioned.


Sadly I still am unable to reproduce. But in stead, I now changed to code for storing the pressed keys, and it runs some cleanup 3 times per second, but only when you are not pressing keys a lot (holding them works fine). So let's see if that at least does clear it up for you whenever it happens.


Your keyboard layouts are included.

Some changes are made to the way I store and cleanup pressed keys, this has to be tested a lot. I need to know if it's stable, and if it fails, when. But here's hoping it's all working correctly.


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.9b

ThoNohT said:
Ok, I just released v0.9b, with the following changes:


I Renamed se to scandi. I assume those other signs below the keys you indicated are alt modifiers or sth. I don't display them anyway, so I guess we'll have to do with just using this, And I did fix the caps issue you mentioned.
Nice, now it's clear for every Scandinavian user. :p Finnish and Swedish do not use those but Norwegians do so they can add those marker by themselfs if they really need them over Ä and Ö. Ä and Æ are pronounced the same and same goes with Ö and Ø. So they are basically the same thing. I'm sure every Norwegian know that Ä/Æ and Ö/Ø are the same so it's not a problem. :p

Some changes are made to the way I store and cleanup pressed keys, this has to be tested a lot. I need to know if it's stable, and if it fails, when. But here's hoping it's all working correctly.
have been testing for a while and seems pretty stable. None stuck keys so far.

One little thing i found out goes like this (it's not your fault, It's the way Microsoft Windows work): If Alt + Space is pressed it brings up the little window menu and if S key is pressed after that it shuts down the app. But i don't think this would be a problem since it happens only when the window is active.

E: I have had NohBoard running for nearly hour now while doing a lot different kind of things and haven't had any problems so far. So i can say: Good job fixing that key stucking :p


One little question: What are these numbers for example 65 = A key? I know they are not hexadecimals so i'd like to know what are they :p


Re: [TOOL] NohBoard - a keyboard visualizer - v0.9b

Yeah, the program isn't really supposed to be used when it is on the foreground. And even then, that combination is supposed to end most programs (except for games, but when in a game it doesn't happen). So that's expected behaviour. If you were to close any other program that way, it would neatly display those keys.

And now for a little story to answer your question, I'll simply give you every detail:

Those numbers are simply the keycodes that are predefined for those keys. There's a list with some of them shown here for example. But in fact all I do is press the key, see which keycode windows comes up with for it, and assign it to some button on my virtual keyboard. If you go to NohBoard.config, and set debug to 1, it will show those keycodes in the title bar. There is no custom magic going on there, just windows telling me which keycode is being pressed.

I just lied, there is some magic. There are two enter keys, I called them Return and Enter, the Return one is on your main keyboard, the Enter one is on your numpad. They both have keycode 13. Windows uses some other modifier to separate them. So in NohBoard, Return still is 13, but Enter (the numpad key) has gotten code 1025. The second part of the magic is the mouse buttons, they don't have keycodes, so I simply gave them 1026 and 1027.
All of this magic is to make it easy to define those keys in a .kb file without having to worry about modifiers, every key should simply have a unique number assigned to it. I only made any fixes where such a unique number was not available.