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Multiple RTMP outputs plugin 2020-05-17


New Member
Hi, guys
I work as a volunteer in a church, with a mac mini, and i would like know more how can I do a multistreaming (Facebook, Youtube and Instagram) of our services.
As I noticed, the plugin works just for windows, you have any suggestion how can I do the multistreaming with a mac mini?

I'll be grateful to any tips you have.


New Member
A good job, but may I suggest you something? Will be very wounderful if we could send specific scene to other stream server. So, for example, you can configure a scene to vertical and stream over vertical social networks at the same time you stream over horizontal social media. Static scene for vertical media will be nice. This is something that already work on OBS VirtualCam. You can send specific scene to obs-virtualcam and use this cam as static video source. But will only work on where you can select webcam as video sources.
Good, I sugested to add the option to rotate 90 degrees the output for the specific stream like for example Instagram whic is vertical format, also be able to choose a specific region of the output scene could be a grate option.


New Member
[QUOTE = "moonlion, publicación: 467855, miembro: 261738"]
¿Alguien puede obtener la instalación del complemento en ubuntu? Es diferente a Windows y aparentemente las instrucciones no son fáciles de seguir.
[/ CITA]

El mismo inconveniente. Ubuntu 20.04 y no puedo instalar estos complementos


Thanks for the plugin, I just seem to have issues getting a good quality Youtube stream for some reason.
10k bitrate, NVENC H264. Looks like crap either setting manually, or using settings from OBS.


New Member
One uncomfortable issue. When starts OBS, plugin always loads in one fixed dock position. Please, attempt adds verify restore last plugin position in docks.
Many thanxs!


New Member

Murilo Santiago

New Member
Hello friends I have a problem installing ubuntu 20.04 does anyone have any tips?


  • Screenshot from 2020-08-29 11-17-27.png
    Screenshot from 2020-08-29 11-17-27.png
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New Member
I suggest to add feature save targets settings by current OBS Profile.
We uses one OBS for several set settings. And not comfortable every time remove all targets and add new. And after repeat this actions.


New Member
eu não estou conseguindo instalar o plugim no meu fedora, como faço para conseguir instalar ele se alguém puder me ajudar fico muito grato


New Member
this one commit the linux build script:
this is CI page which has ubuntu 2004 build:
also for archlinux there is a prebuild package.

Sorry for the ignorance, but I can't work it to rtmp on my ubuntu 20.04. Could you do a step by step to install it ?. Thanks in advance for your work.
Perdón por la ignorancia, pero no puedo trabajar con rtmp en mi ubuntu 20.04. ¿Podrías hacer un paso a paso para instalarlo ?. Gracias de antemano por su trabajo.


New Member
Sorry for the ignorance, but I can't work it to rtmp on my ubuntu 20.04. Could you do a step by step to install it ?. Thanks in advance for your work.
Perdón por la ignorancia, pero no puedo trabajar con rtmp en mi ubuntu 20.04. ¿Podrías hacer un paso a paso para instalarlo ?. Gracias de antemano por su trabajo.

Bien, me respondo una vez logrado configurar el plugin en mi Ubuntu 20.04. Ya estuve emitiendo en nuestros canales de Facebook y Youtube. En el adjunto explico como lo he logrado y en caso de que lo quieran hacer automáticamente les paso un script. Soy principiante en el armado de script así que lo visual a partir de un source no es que ha quedado de lo mejor pero lo mas importante es que tal vez a alguien le podrá ser de utilidad.


  • Configurar obs-rtmp en Ubuntu
    13.5 KB · Views: 889


New Member
Hi guys,

Im using this plugin to stream to mutiple sites (4) but the camera is freezig suddenly, Im using the main stream to share for the other distributions, I have tried only with the main and another one distribution thinking in overloading of the encoder but its suposed that the plugin was developed to allow share the same encoder for multiple streams, Im leaving the logs if you have a chance to look at them.

Thank you.


  • 2020-09-07 10-48-02.txt
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New Member
Hello good Morning.
Sorry for my ignorance, I would like to know if you have how to install this plugin on a linux fedora system, please I would like to know if you can help me as a step by step how to do the installation, because I have been trying to figure out how for 4 weeks do to install this plugin on fedora and I'm not getting it.
I have read several postings on the internet as well as watched several videos before coming here to post my question, as I am wanting to be able to install this plugin on a machine that I have with fedora installed, in order to make the transmissions that I am responsible for doing.

Thank you very much.


New Member
Hello good Morning.
Sorry for my ignorance, I would like to know if you have how to install this plugin on a linux fedora system, please I would like to know if you can help me as a step by step how to do the installation, because I have been trying to figure out how for 4 weeks do to install this plugin on fedora and I'm not getting it.
I have read several postings on the internet as well as watched several videos before coming here to post my question, as I am wanting to be able to install this plugin on a machine that I have with fedora installed, in order to make the transmissions that I am responsible for doing.

Thank you very much.

This one could help you a little bit having an idea, its in ubuntu but quite the same would be in fedora: