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Multiple RTMP outputs plugin 2020-05-17


New Member
Is there some way to make two secondary outputs use the same secondary encoder?

For instance - when you simply use "Get from OBS", the data stream is just cloned directly from the primary output/encoder, so there's basically no additional resource hit. However, I have three outputs, one using the primary (OBS) encoder and two using secondary encoder settings in obs-multi-rtmp. Despite both of the secondary outputs using the exact same settings, activating both of them spins up two separate encoders which are doing the exact same thing.

One possible workaround would be to shift which are the primary and secondary outputs, and then the duplicate secondary output could just "Get from OBS" to share the same encoder... however, that won't work for me because my primary output is HLS (and H265), not RTMP.


New Member
I am wondering if anyone else has a problem where the plugin output won't output the downscaled resolution I picked. It uses the original resolution. When I select an alternative resolution in the plugin menu it still outputs the 1080p. Is there any special way to have a different resolution streamed to the channels in this plugin. Thanks in advance for any help/advice.


New Member
I am wondering if anyone else has a problem where the plugin output won't output the downscaled resolution I picked. It uses the original resolution. When I select an alternative resolution in the plugin menu it still outputs the 1080p. Is there any special way to have a different resolution streamed to the channels in this plugin. Thanks in advance for any help/advice.
Can you share a screenshot of your configuration? Probably something simple.


New Member
Obvious performance hit (in frame render) when using updated version for v28 obs Average time to render frame can go too high with 2 streams live (obs+plugin).
v27 version works much better.

Waiting for a fix.


New Member
Hello, how I can set up the title of the streaming ?
I don't see any option in the plugin windows
By the way the plugin works very very well



New Member
Does not function with latest OBS 28.1.2 64 bit PC
Is this project dead? Anyone know of an alternative method of streaming to two online platforms?

You can use restream to stream to multiple sources but they must accept the same resolution on every output unless you pay for a premium package which can be pricey.

As it is, this plugin is great for streaming to different platforms in varying resolutions and frame rates.


  • plugin.jpg
    30.5 KB · Views: 136


Does not function with latest OBS 28.1.2 64 bit PC

You can use restream to stream to multiple sources but they must accept the same resolution on every output unless you pay for a premium package which can be pricey.

As it is, this plugin is great for streaming to different platforms in varying resolutions and frame rates.
Problem is, the plugin isn't working on OBS v28 with Mac M1 CPU's

Mark Weiss

I upgraded to V 28 OBS and installed the current multi-RTMP version.

My log file reports that it's not being loaded though:

"obs-multi-rtmp/bin/64bit/obs-multi-rtmp.dll' due to possible import conflicts"

What does this mean?


Remove the current plugin and reinstall from the developer's Github and you should be fine
I seeing anything for mac users for OBS 28


New Member
Hi thank you, this is so great! I just have one problem, everytime i try to stream to twitch, i use a URL from here + my stream key and i get this error: "failed to connect to stream."

However, everything works for facebook and youtube. Does anyone else have this problem with twitch connection?

Thank you,