
Move 3.1.1


Active Member
Working on having different timings for different sources during the transition:


New Member
I really like this plugin. It opens up so many cool possibilities.
But there is one feature I am missing: move back to previous transform.
I know I can set a "Next Move", but that only helps if I know the previous transform in advance.
My use case for this: I would like to have a single hotkey to scale up & center my face cam, but depending on the game it might be positioned differently. I think this could be done with a "Next Move: Previous Transform" setting, that when the hotkey gets pressed, stores the current transform. When the hotkey gets pressed again restores that transform.


New Member
Is there a way to coordinate Move Value filters with Move transitions?

My scenario: I have a source that appears in two scenes. Its location changes during a Move transition, but I also need to apply a VFX filter in one scene. The filter has a strength parameter, so I want to smoothly animate the filter strength from 0% to 100% when transitioning from scene A to B, and vice versa.

The best I've been able to do is wrap the source in a nested scene, and add Move Value filters to the nested scene with show/hide triggers... but that gives me a harsh cut halfway through the transition, where the original source in scene A (with no filters) is suddenly replaced by the nested scene that already has the filter applied at 50%.


Active Member
Exeldro updated Move transition with a new update entry:

Version 1.7.0

  • Reverse Move for Move Source
    In Move Source Filter in the Next Move setting there is a "Reverse" option added
  • Timings per source for Move Transition
    In Move Transition Override filter there are start and end delays added.
  • Change source order for Move Source
    In Move Source Filter setting are added to change the order of the source at the start or the end of the move.

View attachment 58137

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
Excelent plugin, being using for all my streamings setups, but since 1.6.3 (I believe) I have a strange behavior when I'm in studio mode, the move source filter does not trigger, without studio mode it works perfect. I hope you can help me figuring it out.


New Member
@Exeldro First off, thank you for making and sharing this awesome plugin :) I noticed on Linux (Pop!_OS/Ubuntu 20.04 with OBS 25.0.8 and the latest Move transition plugin as of the time of this writing) that sometimes the transition will display just a black screen. It doesn’t happen all the time. E.g., In studio mode, hitting the Transition button with Move set to 900ms: 1st time: works, 2nd time: works, 3rd doesn't, etc. In subsequent runs, I haven’t been able to discern a pattern (it's not “every third time”, etc.)


Active Member
@aral I don't have a linux enviroment available at the moment so I hope some developer who works on Linux can help me with the bug you are experiencing.


New Member
@Blondelion What do you use as trigger? In studio mode have you got all duplication modes switched on?

I'm using "Activate" and I have "Duplicate Scene" on and "Duplicate Source" off

It works Turning "Duplicate Scene" off, I don't if it was an error before but I liked it when it worked with that feature on


New Member
How difficult would it be to enable Move Source on Source Groups or a whole Scene as a Source? I have a Scene full of stacked transparent images, and it'd be lovely to toggle the visibility of the specific image I want and just Move the whole Scene/Group within my master scene, rather than set hotkeys for each individual image. Thanks! Love the Plugin!


New Member
Hey Exeldro.
Amazing work.
I used to use the "Motion" plugin but this is already surpassing it at a rapid pace! I would like to personally thank you for your work and know that I rely on your plugin heavily do do a lot of "OBS Magic" with Streamdecks. And I created an account just to follow your work on this marvel of a plugin.

I'm however having issues with the copy pasting of filters on sources with 1.6.5.

Right Click -> Copy Filters

Right Click -> Paste Filters

I find that all of the Position/Scale/Rotation/Bounding box/etc are set to what the source is actually at.
It probably is linked to the fact that when you create a filter for a given source the plugin grabs the current settings of that source to prefill. So when you copy paste, ie "create" all those filters again, it prefills all of them with the current source position. Thus making it pretty long to migrate tens of move filters that you have to individually retype each time.

Another interesting bug is when creating a "Move Source" filter and deleting it, the entry isn't deleted from the OBS Hotkey menu until you restart OBS. Or is this a design decision?

Thanks! Keep being awesome. ♥


New Member
Hi!! When I extract the move transition pkg it does not install in my obs contents folder, it shows up on my desktop?!! Inside that folder i see this....


  • Screen Shot 2020-07-04 at 2.24.13 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2020-07-04 at 2.24.13 PM.png
    44 KB · Views: 43
I love this plugin! I was wondering about a possible feature that would finally allow me to automate audio levels. I would like to be able to have the "Move source" scene filter be able to do a "next move" of the selected source's OWN "Move Value" filter. That way a scene switch can trigger a move within a source even if the source already exists in both scenes (which is exactly what I have lol).

Here's an example.

I have a scene called "Camera 1". I also have a scene called "Replay". There's a source called "Camera 1 Stream" that exists within both scenes. In one scene the source is a fullscreen video, in the other scene it's in a corner PiP window to let a replay video play behind it.

I have a "Move Value" Filter on my media source "Camera 1 Stream". My problem is, when I switch scenes, I can't trigger it because the source already exists in both scenes. I don't want to use a hotkey to trigger it, because I'm trying to simplify the production workflow. It's a pretty hefty scene collection and we're already using tons of hotkeys as is.

Do you know of any possible workarounds to get the functionality i'm looking for? Thanks in advance! The plugin is an absolute game changer for me.