How To Play Multiple Videos With Alpha' One After Another?


New Member
Currently I have ONE video that's just a music visualizer that goes over my 'BRB Overlay' I want to add more song and have them be on screen visually.

Note: I also have to 'output and monitor' the video so I know when the song ends as I mute desktop audio so it doesn't get an echo. So currently I just switch to my 'BRB' scene, mute my desktop and mic, and let my one song with visualization play and I transition back.

If I want to 'spice' things up with MORE music I have problems:
1) I would need to make sure every other video is silent and unseen, dragging around what I need.
2) The more 'videos' I have going will eventually cause some lag. Proven by games lagging due to a 'scene' not even currently in use having 'display capture' in it. (Its not videos but I have read having a lot will cause problems)
3) No 'longer' nice breaks. Due to having to come back before my one song ends to either switch to another or sit down and stream.

I would like it to play as many videos as I have and I could come back at anytime and start where I left off.

VLC Video Source is almost what I need... The thing is VLC Video Source does not render out alpha.

This is what my stream currently looks like:
Any suggestions, either for a music visualizer or a way to play out multiple videos that are rendered with alpha one after another