Question / Help How to connect gopro hero 8 to obs

@jjdeprisco I really hope that information will appear in this repository that will please us ...
But now you can experiment with HERO5

Thanks for sharing. Would love to test, but this looks a bit more down in the weeds that I want to get. Is there a more step-by-step resource that shows how to use this repository to make a Hero 5 Session available in OBS? If so, I'd be willing to test.


New Member
There's a much easier way. MonaServer works pretty well in the little testing that I've done. You can either build it yourself using their GitHub stuff, or you can just use their prepackaged 32bit version which is what I've tested with for the time being, and seems to work really well.

When ya unzip the file, you need to go into the www folder, then into the live folder, and create yet another folder called "xyz" (not sure if that's required, but its what I read and it seems to work).

After that, you just run the program. It'll make a RTMP server on your computer, and it'll have a cmd prompt like window appear reading out all the events that are going on.

Now, you open up the GoPro app on your phone, turn on the GoPro, connect to the GoPro, and set it to live stream via RTMP (I think its listed as 'other service' or something).

You connect it to your WiFi (assuming your computer is connected to the same network as well, either by Ethernet or WiFi), put in:
"rtmp://<YOUR COMPUTER'S IP ADDRESS>/live" without the quotes. Submit the settings, tell it to "Go Live" and you should see the cmd prompt window fill with text about a new source/stream being found.

Now! in StreamLabs OBS, you create a new "Media Source" named whatever you want. Inside its properties, you need to UNCHECK "Local File".

In the "Input" field, all I had to do was type "rtmp://" without the quotes, and it immediately found the stream from the RTMP Server/GoPro. You may have to fully type out the "rtmp://<YOUR IP ADDRESS>/live" (without quotes) if it doesn't load for you, but again, I didn't have to, so I didn't try it. I just had ta type rtmp:// and again, it immediately found the stream and started displaying it.

There is nearly a 3 second delay between what the GoPro sees and what you see inside StreamLabs OBS. This seems to be on account of the prepackaged version having a 3000ms (3 seconds) buffer set by default. I have yet to find any way what so ever to change this, so I feel this MIGHT be something you can only config during the initial 'building' of the application from its source...

Quick Edit:
I remembered this was about OBS, so I'll include the stuff that I can remember about OBS here.
You should be able to do the exact same thing mentioned above with the generic "Media Source". But I believe OBS has an actual RTMP source if I'm not mistaken. Its been a long time since I'm used OBS itself... And figured that since this thread had alot to do with my own issues trying to get my GoPro Hero 8 to connect to a stream, I'd post what I had found while browsing the interwebs here. I hope this helps anyone who stumbles across it!
Thanks for sharing this possible solution. It certainly looks good, and I may try it for kicks.

My main issue with GoPro is that this *still* requires that I tie up my cellphone to connect with the app. The inability to connect a GoPro Hero 8 *directly* via a wired connection (without the media mod), or even WiFi without using the app is quite frustrating. Guess I am looking for something closer to an RTSP solution because I've been able to get two older security cams into OBS easy peasy. RTSP for GoPro would be great.

New Member


New Member
Salve a tutti, mi trovo nella stessa situazione di dover collegare la gopro hero 8 black a obs, ho installato gopro2obs, eseguito tutto il procedimento per arrivare a avere il segnale video della gopro su obs ma una volta trovata la fonte su obs mi viene fuori nessun segnale .... consigli su come agire ??
Ti rispiego direttamente tutto:
1-installare Gopro2OBS
2-Connettere la Gopro al telefono
3-Andare live usando l'opzione RTMP
4-Aprire l'app Gopro2OBS e vedere l'ip (esempio:
5-Cliccare su ON
6-Inserire l'ip RTMP nell'app della Gopro (ATTENZIONE: devi sostituire le @ con delle parole, anche a caso)
7-Selezionare il wifi e andare live
8-Dovresti vedere "connecting" nell'app e subito dopo dovresti vedere la risoluzione che hai scelto con gli fps a fianco.
Spero di esserti stato d'aiuto.


New Member
There is nearly a 3 second delay between what the GoPro sees and what you see inside StreamLabs OBS. This seems to be on account of the prepackaged version having a 3000ms (3 seconds) buffer set by default. I have yet to find any way what so ever to change this, so I feel this MIGHT be something you can only config during the initial 'building' of the application from its source...

Any update on the 3s delay?

All I could find was >THIS< entry from a couple of years ago in which Thomas sais that you can go into OBS settings, under "Output>Advanced" and set "tune=zerolatency". But that option is no longer available in the latest OBS version.

Thank you,
- Daniel


New Member
I am baffled that one cannot just plug and play a GoPro as a "webcam" - any ideas? I am investigating OBS as a possibilty of running a live stream by having dual displays and inputting the GoPro into one display and using OBS on the other as a mixer to select that screen "record from screen" - audio obviously dealt with separately. Anyone know if this could or DOES work??


New Member
Thanks for sharing. Would love to test, but this looks a bit more down in the weeds that I want to get. Is there a more step-by-step resource that shows how to use this repository to make a Hero 5 Session available in OBS? If so, I'd be willing to test.

I am baffled that one cannot just plug and play a GoPro as a "webcam" - any ideas? I am investigating OBS as a possibilty of running a live stream by having dual displays and inputting the GoPro into one display and using OBS on the other as a mixer to select that screen "record from screen" - audio obviously dealt with separately. Anyone know if this could or DOES work??
I am baffled that one cannot just plug and play a GoPro as a "webcam" - any ideas? I am investigating OBS as a possibilty of running a live stream by having dual displays and inputting the GoPro into one display and using OBS on the other as a mixer to select that screen "record from screen" - audio obviously dealt with separately. Anyone know if this could or DOES work??

Read all the comments above. Hero 8 Black can not be used via the USB-C connection... yeah that's dumb!

You have these options...

1. Natively with phone app: Stream to FB, YouTube or Custom RTMP directly from the camera, but it's a pain.
2. With Media Mod you can plug it in for HDMI, but you need a capture device. So you end up having to purchase two more things.
3. There are some odd 3rd party workarounds using WiFi utilities (GoPro2OBS) that are somewhat questionable and not supported by GoPro.

GoPro has been nothing but a headache for me, so here's the rest of my story:
For anyone following this topic, go here now:

It's still in Beta, and only for Mac, and it is NOT working for me right now, but I am hopeful that if a few other people try this and supply feedback, GoPro will finally get this working. They are very close, but it is not a slam dunk yet. Their webcam app isn't recognizing my Hero 8 Black (no "blue dot" per instructions). Interested to know what others find if they try this.

This would be the most direct way to use a Hero 8 Black as a webcam, avoiding all of the other hoops people have proposed. In other words... the functionality that should have been there on day one!
Update: Worked with GoPro support and have a working test on Mac High Sierra with a special build they sent me. So this *does* work. Now to see if GoPro will...

1. Make support for High Sierra available for all (I know a lot of multimedia people still on this OS)
2. Make a Win version.
3. Make the GoProWebcam feature available to older camera models with USB-C - I am particularly interested in Hero 5 Session. The battery life is crap, but the camera would get a new life as a webcam with this feature.


New Member
Turn on Hero 8. Plug in to thunderbolt on MacBook Pro running Catalina, fire up GoPro Webcam, select Show Preview from the GoPro Webcam icon up on the menu bar, if image doesn't show up immediately give it a second or restart the app... usually kicks right in, then open OBS and select GoPro Webcam in the source window. Been using this a lot, works very well with this set up. Bonus... thunderbolt powers the camera and it is not necessary to even have a battery in the camera. Excellent in multi camera projects. Still learning how to adjust for lighting.. that part... questions.
Sure you can It's just another media input
This streamer does it
Anything is possible with additional tools and slight of hand. I was focused on the native GoPro RTMP functionality with the camera and cellphone app itself. Tying up your cellphone to babysit the GoPro is not a flow I'd want to use in any case, and using that flow alone (no other tools) there's no way to add additional content because the GoPro is the sole connection to the RTMP.


I've never used the GoPro app I think it needs far more work to be functionally useful
Pretty easy to setup Ngnix/RTMP for use with GoPros I think there is an RTMP plugin that could skip that step
I agree - the GoPro mobile app is not great, but it appears to be the only way to even access the RTMP capabilities of the Hero 8 Black. So they've got you between a rock and a hard place if you want to use RTMP. If there's a workaround, I wish someone would publish full details.