Game is fluid, but preview and game capture stuttering / lagging


Active Member
If you do need to do BIOS updates step through them.

Also, verify that OS drive is installed Slot 1 (Top), Slots 2-4 connect to the Chipset.


Active Member
I think the weak link has been ID'ed. The drive shits the bed @ 2 minutes 10 seconds when pushed hard. Honestly, that drive isn't even suitable to record to, let alone run the OS Like putting 100 octane in a top fuel dragster, it might run but it isn't doing 3 second 1/4 miles.

Sometimes, randomly, for no apparent reason, OBS can't get me a fluid capture of my game.
The game is fluid, and suddenly I have choppy framerate for 2 minutes, and then eveything is fine, and it comes back...
I does it even when I'm not reccording / streaming, I can see it in the preview screen !



New Member
- Avira uninstalled.
- Everything disabled at startup.
- Nvidia overlay disabled.
- iGPU disabled.
- All settings you told me.
- Bios updated (I had 7E06vA6, now I have 7E06vA8).
- Everything unplugged (except keyboard, mouse, gamepad).
- Only OBS with Game Capture, and a game launched.

I still have stuttering.

I will try to record OBS and use the game capture software that came with the card capture at the same time.


New Member
OS drive is not in the build list, please tell me you're not using that P3 as your OS drive?
For the OS, I'm using the slot near the CPU, the top one with the "Shield Frozr".

I use one drive for the game, and one drive for record. (I bought it after the link I sent to you, it's this model, 4To )

But I can see the stuttering when it appears in the preview without recording! (And when I record, the moment I see the stuttering in the preview is also the moment I can see it in the recording)

During my future test (OBS and the capture software), I'll put some low bitrate.


New Member
New record, with OBS and the capture card at 10Mbps : the moment OBS record is stuttering, the software capture card is not...
The last log:

You need to run the OS on a Pro NVMe drive with that system, nothing less.
The SSD drive for the OS is really fine. I Reeeallyyyyy don't think that it's the problem. :D

I think I'm stuck with that problem... I don't know what else I can do.


New Member
I'm not recording on this SSD!
I can record the problem the exact moment it appears, without leaving the record active all along if you want, I'm sure this is not a cache/buffer problem. I'll try it right now! (and here we go again, waiting for 10 minutes to see the stutter. :D )


Active Member
I'm not recording on this SSD!
I can record the problem the exact moment it appears, without leaving the record active all along if you want, I'm sure this is not a cache/buffer problem. I'll try it right now! (and here we go again, waiting for 10 minutes to see the stutter. :D )

Buy the Pro, it's dirt cheap & the difference in performance will be atonishing. ATM, your entire system is nerfed....


New Member
Oh crap, wait, I have new informations!
When I look at my video, sometimes it's stuttering, sometimes it's not... :-O wtf?
Maybe that was only a problem with the refresh rate of my monitors...


New Member
I need to correct what I just said: it happens to me with the latest recordings, not the first. The first always have big jerks, whatever happens. I'll have to dig a little deeper...
The drive is unable to sustain the performance that is required for the workload. It's explained clearly in this review.

I'm not recording on it, I only have windows and a game. I record on the other disk, and I have the same problem when don't record, and when I record at a low bitrate that is not intensive. I could record at 10Mbps on an HDD.
On this video : I recorded for less than 2 minutes, the problem can't be the SSD cache.

The problem is somewhere else.
On the video I put on Youtube, I was recording with the iGPU with QuickSync h.264. The last video I made it was with NVENC AV1.

I keep thinking the problem is from a desynchronization of the refresh rate between OBS and what is displayed or the screen, it's weird...


Active Member
The write cache is fairly large, if you keep the drive relatively empty it will perform better. How full is it?

The good news is, the P3 Plus can absorb up to about 550GB of writes within its pSLC cache. This indicates that all of the QLC is capable of acting in single-bit mode for a total cache capacity that’s one-fourth of the flash. This cache will diminish in size proportionately as the drive is filled based on how much space is left free. A large, dynamic cache is a good way to hide weak native performance. The P3 Plus’s cache is ample to handle typical, bursty workloads.


New Member
The write cache is fairly large, if you keep the drive relatively empty it will perform better. How full is it?

The good news is, the P3 Plus can absorb up to about 550GB of writes within its pSLC cache. This indicates that all of the QLC is capable of acting in single-bit mode for a total cache capacity that’s one-fourth of the flash. This cache will diminish in size proportionately as the drive is filled based on how much space is left free. A large, dynamic cache is a good way to hide weak native performance. The P3 Plus’s cache is ample to handle typical, bursty workloads.
Why are you talking about the P3 again, I told you several times I'm NOT recording on it. :D

The SSD where I'm recording with (the 4To Transcend ssd230s) has 3.13To left, there is not a lot of things on it.