Downstream Keyer

Downstream Keyer 0.3.3

New Member
Hi !
Thank you for this awesome plugin !
Any chance you can do another plugin (or maybe an update of this one) for the backgroung layer instead of the foreground layer.
It would be amazing to have an Independent background layer I can switch in as I can do In DSK now !

Thanks !!
Hello Exeldro!

Ran a few tests with DSK and here are my current findings:
* If DSK Dock gets separated in Window-form it is not kept once OBS is restarted
* If more than one DSK is set up, Hotkeys are only present for the 1st DSK
* If a Scene Collection is duplicated, DSKs are not duplicated

But all in all it works great and helps ro reduces scenes - and to become more "broadcast style"



hi, this plugin is great .. really very good. I would like to know if you could add that it has an option where to put visible or hide in transmission. with this I could put for example a countdown on my monitor where I see the transmission and that is hidden in the stream. It could also show a "LIVE!" tag. and see it on my monitor without it being seen in the stream.thanks


I explain a bit. Preview I use it to work on the transmission, and in the study I use it for an external monitor, so I would like to use it as a tally light using a counter that nobody can see in the transmission, but if it shows me ... I think with this plugin It could be achieved, right?


New Member
Hi Everybody,

thanks for the cool Downstream Keyer!

I'm on macOS 11.3.1 using OBS 26.1.2. My hardware is a mac Mini M1. I ran into the "developer not verified" problem after installing the downstream keyer. Here is the fix. Open Terminal and run the following:

cd /Library/Application\ Support/obs-studio/plugins/obs-color-monitor/bin
xattr -d

Maybe that helps someone (besides me :-)


New Member
I'd love to be able to use something like this to "frame" the current scene -- that is, to make a full-frame DSK containing a placeholder where the active scene will be inserted.

For example, I have several scenes for different games, with different game capture sources and other overlays. I'd like to be able to make an intermission/BRB screen that shows the active game as a picture-in-picture view, no matter which game scene I'm using. Or a sidebar that appears and squeezes the game into a smaller space until I hide it again. Doing this today would (I think) require using a source switcher and synchronizing it with the game scene changes.


New Member
Hi. Looks like a great plugin, but I have an issue installing it. I did use the installer and I see the files in the Data a nd obs-plugins folders, but I do not have the menu item to add the dock in OBS.
Any idea?


New Member
Update. I ended up re-installing OBS and all was fine. So, in case you have the same problem, you've got the solution...


New Member
I'd love to be able to use something like this to "frame" the current scene -- that is, to make a full-frame DSK containing a placeholder where the active scene will be inserted.

I just realized this is exactly what the new "Output Source" does. Awesome!


New Member
This took a bit of experimenting, but it seems to do what I'm looking for, using the (excellent) Move Transition plugin:
  1. Create a new scene with a background that fills the whole frame.
  2. Add an Output Source in the corner set to channel 0.
  3. Add a Move Source filter, called "Output To Full Screen", that moves the Output Source to fill the whole frame.
  4. Add a Move Transition Override filter for the Output Source.
    1. Set Zoom to "No" and Position to "None".
    2. Under disappearing items, set Start Move Filter to "Output to Full Screen".
  5. Add another Move Source filter, called "Output To PIP", that moves the Output Source to the corner.
    1. Set the start trigger to "Activate".
  6. Add the new scene as a DSK and set the DSK transition to Move.
Now when the DSK activates, the active scene will zoom down into the corner, revealing the new background. When it deactivates, the image in the corner will zoom back up to fill the frame.


This took a bit of experimenting, but it seems to do what I'm looking for, using the (excellent) Move Transition plugin:
  1. Create a new scene with a background that fills the whole frame.
  2. Add an Output Source in the corner set to channel 0.
  3. Add a Move Source filter, called "Output To Full Screen", that moves the Output Source to fill the whole frame.
  4. Add a Move Transition Override filter for the Output Source.
    1. Set Zoom to "No" and Position to "None".
    2. Under disappearing items, set Start Move Filter to "Output to Full Screen".
  5. Add another Move Source filter, called "Output To PIP", that moves the Output Source to the corner.
    1. Set the start trigger to "Activate".
  6. Add the new scene as a DSK and set the DSK transition to Move.
Now when the DSK activates, the active scene will zoom down into the corner, revealing the new background. When it deactivates, the image in the corner will zoom back up to fill the frame.

Nice workaround, NEVER knew what OUTPUT SOURCE does, infact i've never used it till now.


New Member
Unfortunately, I can't quite use this to replace my BRB and minigame scenes yet, because I also need to adjust the audio: either mute or lower the level of the game capture audio while the game is in PIP.

I wouldn't mind scripting that part, if there's some way I can detect when the DSK is active from Lua.
Hi, I'm currently working with noobsCMDR and I want to be able to trigger certain items in DSK 1 with a hotkey. Currently I'm using the custom command section in noobsCMDR where you call a command: /command=TriggerHotkeyByName,hotkeyName="[REGISTERED-NAME-OF-HOTKEY]".

I was able to get this working with other hotkeys like transitions. But since this is a plugin I'm unable to find the name of the hotkey registered with OBS. If I could get some pointers on where I'd find the registered names of the hotkeys for "Show on DSK 1" for specific Scenes that'd be great.


New Member
This already exists.. Each DSK has an option for transition.
The ability to set a single transition for show and hide exists. The ability to have two different transitions one for show and other for hide - does not exist in DSK. To see this capability, right click on any Source in the OBS "Sources" list.


New Member
Hello there, thanks very much for your plugin, very great. I have some suggestions:
- Make a option to allow some designated scene/source avoid to show DSK (like the intro/ending scene), also availability to trigger turn on/off DSK transition when switches between these scenes (chosen to show and chosen not to show DSK)
- Make a choice for stinger to overlapse on DSK between scene or not (on/off)

Once again, thanks for your contribution to the community and hope you will improve this plugin more.


The ability to set a single transition for show and hide exists. The ability to have two different transitions one for show and other for hide - does not exist in DSK. To see this capability, right click on any Source in the OBS "Sources" list.
True that... I guess Exeldro didn't see much use for it.