CLR Browser Source Plugin [OBS Classic ONLY]


New Member
Re: CLR Browser Source Plugin (New 64bit version, needs test

I am not sure if this has been asked or even the right place to ask. I am trying to make a lower third that has different text across the bottom of the screen. They would be the topics for my video podcasts. First topic would be highlighted and when we are done with that topic it could jump to the next topic and then be highlighted and the other topic would no longer be highlighted. I would need to be able to do this in realish time. Not sure if I explained that well. Something similar to this. ... e#t=09m08s. Any help or push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.


Re: CLR Browser Source Plugin (New 64bit version, needs test

SullyIV said:
I am not sure if this has been asked or even the right place to ask. I am trying to make a lower third that has different text across the bottom of the screen. They would be the topics for my video podcasts. First topic would be highlighted and when we are done with that topic it could jump to the next topic and then be highlighted and the other topic would no longer be highlighted. I would need to be able to do this in realish time. Not sure if I explained that well. Something similar to this. ... e#t=09m08s. Any help or push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

This need to be animated?

If not, you could just use a static image and replace it live.. OBS would detect the file change and apply it.

If you need animation, you could use a flash file. I just tried and when you replace a flash file, you need to 'restart' the source by unchecking and checking it back. Not sure if there's a trick to do it easier, but it works.


New Member
Re: CLR Browser Source Plugin (New 64bit version, needs test

I would like it to be animated. But what you suggested could work as well. Just would not be as flashy I guess. Also, the least amount of work I would have to do during the show would be best. I have to talk a lot. Thank you for the feedback :). What would be best would be something that is clickable and able to switch without having to replace a file or uncheck anything.


Re: CLR Browser Source Plugin (New 64bit version, needs test

You could even go further and make one scene with every flash file changed, and leave everything else as global sources. Depends on how many times you need to change the lower third


New Member
Re: CLR Browser Source Plugin (New 64bit version, needs test

I am switching between 2-3 scenes regularly. It would be something static at the bottom of the screen. Its a live show. So it would be something for the views to know what part of the show we are at and for annotations on youtube for skipping to certain parts of the video they are most interested in. A global sourced static image might be the only thing that is possible atm.


Re: CLR Browser Source Plugin (New 64bit version, needs test

Ok so, in that case what I would do is, make a different image for each part of the show, for example 1.png, 2.png and so on, put them all in a folder and make a batch file with a menu. From that menu you would select which part of the show you are now in, and you would add a generic file 'lower_third.png" to OBS.. This will come handy so you don't have to manually switch the files, and possibly distract you from your show. (Unless you have a dedicated operator). So the menu would show:

1. Part1 "Talking about this"
2. Part2 "Talking about that"
3. Part3 "Talking about something else"

So when you select 2, the file 2.png would be copied over "lower_third.png", effectively making that lower third be shown right now instead of the previous one

If you need help with batchfiles letme know :)


New Member
Re: CLR Browser Source Plugin (New 64bit version, needs test

That is great. I think that would be the way to go. I have not made a batch file in forever. You have given enough information that I should be able to figure it out. I wonder if there is a way to use a batch file menu like you said but with anmations .swf file without having to uncheck and recheck the source. Thank you again for all your help. I have some experimenting to do.


New Member
Re: CLR Browser Source Plugin (New 64bit version, needs test

Just kidding, got it to work.

Thank you for the cool work that you do.


New Member
Re: CLR Browser Source Plugin (New 64bit version, needs test

Hello everyone. after making a test donation. i get no banner at all. Hopefully somebody has the answer for me. Thanks allot!

23:01:22: CLR host plugin strings not found, dynamically loading 4 strings
23:01:22: CLRHost::Initialize() attempting to load and start the .NET runtime (null)
23:01:22: CLRHost::Initialize() Found version v2.0.50727 .NET runtime
23:01:22: CLRHost::Initialize() Found version v4.0.30319 .NET runtime
23:01:22: CLRHost::Initialize() attempting to use v4.0.30319 .NET runtime
23:01:22: CLRHost::LoadInteropLibrary() load the assembly plugins\CLRHostPlugin\CLRHost.Interop.dll
23:01:22: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() attempting to load the plugin assembly CLRBrowserSourcePlugin
23:01:22: CLRHost:: Could not find/load browser settings at location C:\Users\Gaming\AppData\Roaming\OBS\pluginData\browser.json
23:01:22: CLRHost::LoadPlugins() successfully added CLR plugin [Type: CLRBrowserSourcePlugin.CLRBrowserSourcePlugin, Name: CLR Browser Source Plugin]
23:01:47: Open Broadcaster Software v0.592b - 32bit (´·?·`)


New Member
Re: CLR Browser Source Plugin (New 64bit version, needs test

Any way to render load just a Div on a page and not the whole page ?


New Member
Re: CLR Browser Source Plugin (New 64bit version, needs test

it seems dead here. Nobody is responding. i still need to know how to get my Browser.json File


Re: CLR Browser Source Plugin (New 64bit version, needs test

The developer (Faruton) is a little busy these days. Let's hope we finds some time to step by and answer some posts


Re: CLR Browser Source Plugin (New 64bit version, needs test

He may be busy but other people can maybe help me with my problem but I just seem to be ignored :c
Surely there are other people that use .swf files directly in OBS, right? If not, can anyone just try and help with LocalConnection in AS2.0.

Server (make a button named "button"):
var serverToClient:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
button.onRelease = function () {
	serverToClient.send("clientToServer", "DoSomething", "I've been poked! D:");
Client (make a dynamic text area named "Output"):
var clientFromServer:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
clientFromServer.DoSomething = function (str) {
	Output.text += str + "\r";
Put the client in the CLR browser and run the server on the side outside of OBS. I really need help with this one since the alternative I'm using is cluttering my second screen.


New Member
Re: CLR Browser Source Plugin (New 64bit version, needs test

So Jim suggested I post here because apparently the CLR plugin is now causing OBS 0.6 to crash.. Here is the log file. I can't upload the dump file because it is above the 514kB threshold.


  • OBSCrashLog2014-02-03_10.txt
    6.1 KB · Views: 49
Re: CLR Browser Source Plugin (New 64bit version, needs test

iiMPaKT said:
So Jim suggested I post here because apparently the CLR plugin is now causing OBS 0.6 to crash.. Here is the log file. I can't upload the dump file because it is above the 514kB threshold.
Use if you have to.


New Member
Re: CLR Browser Source Plugin (New 64bit version, needs test

Vaughn Whiskey said:
iiMPaKT said:
So Jim suggested I post here because apparently the CLR plugin is now causing OBS 0.6 to crash.. Here is the log file. I can't upload the dump file because it is above the 514kB threshold.
Use if you have to.

Don't even know how I would go about opening a .DMP file on my computer for starters


New Member
Re: CLR Browser Source Plugin (New 64bit version, needs test

This isn't a thread for help with web development, it's specific to this plugin ... use google / stack overflow people.


New Member
Re: CLR Browser Source Plugin (New 64bit version, needs test

atmo said:
This isn't a thread for help with web development, it's specific to this plugin ... use google / stack overflow people.

the plugin is what is causing OBS to crash


New Member
Re: CLR Browser Source Plugin (New 64bit version, needs test

I am trying to use this plugin. I have it in the correct folders, I have watched a couple of videos and I have read many forums. The second I try to launch OBS in 32.bit it crashes and here is my report. If I remove my .DLL file OBS launches perfectly. Please help!

OBS has encountered an unhandled exception and has terminated. If you are able to
reproduce this crash, please submit this crash report on the forums at - include the contents of this crash log and the
minidump .dmp file (if available) as well as your regular OBS log files and
a description of what you were doing at the time of the crash.

This crash appears to have occured in the 'c:\windows\syswow64\kernelbase.dll' module.

Fault address: 7753C41F (c:\windows\syswow64\kernelbase.dll)
OBS version: Open Broadcaster Software v0.60b
Windows version: 6.1 (Build 7600) 
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz

Crashing thread stack trace:
Stack    EIP      Arg0     Arg1     Arg2     Arg3     Address
0331DE14 7753C41F E0434352 00000001 00000005 0331DEC0 kernelbase.dll!0x7753c41f
0331DE6C 6B3B2B54 04AD32BC 00000000 00000000 1E7FB5EA clr.dll!0x6b3b2b54
0331DEFC 6B3F849B 0331E874 0025F3B8 1E7FB506 01202989 clr.dll!0x6b3f849b
0331DF38 6B599BEA 0331E3C0 01144C2C 044F29A4 0331E004 clr.dll!0x6b599bea
0331DFE4 6A3EF4EB 0331E394 01200010 00000001 00000000 clrjit.dll!0x6a3ef4eb
0331E024 6A3D31D7 0331E394 0331E308 0331E1B8 0331E454 clrjit.dll!0x6a3d31d7
0331E054 6A3D3326 01144C2C 00000001 0331E308 0331E1B8 clrjit.dll!0x6a3d3326
0331E0C4 6A3D3459 0331E394 0331E308 0331E1B8 0331E454 clrjit.dll!0x6a3d3459
0331E1A0 6A3D5DDB 6A42C288 0331E394 0331E308 00107010 clrjit.dll!0x6a3d5ddb
0331E1C4 6B32D2B9 0022BCB8 0331E388 0331E308 00107010 clr.dll!0x6b32d2b9
0331E22C 6B32D345 0022BCB8 0331E388 0331E308 00107010 clr.dll!0x6b32d345
0331E274 6B32D38B 0022BCB8 0331E388 0331E308 00107010 clr.dll!0x6b32d38b
0331E2DC 6B32D160 0114EB84 00263C40 00107010 1E7F8DAA clr.dll!0x6b32d160
0331E698 6B345C53 00263C40 00000000 1E7F8D3A 6B2FB970 clr.dll!0x6b345c53
0331E778 6B345E00 00000000 1E7F829E 0331ED9C 0331E874 clr.dll!0x6b345e00
0331E7E8 6B2FB91D 04AD1630 FFFFFFFF 04ACBFCC 04AD1630 clr.dll!0x6b2fb91d
0331E8B0 6144FEEA FFFFFFFF 04AD1630 00000000 04AD32BC!0x6144feea
0331E8C8 6144FDB2 00000000 FFFFFFFF 04AD1630 04AD1610!0x6144fdb2
0331E908 61452C95 04AD2A3C 6A674D85 00000000 002644F8!0x61452c95
0331E954 61452BF8 6B2FB57A 0331E9BC 0331E9F0 6B2FA553!0x61452bf8
0331E96C 6B2D21BB 0331EA40 00000000 0331EA10 00000000 clr.dll!0x6b2d21bb
0331E97C 6B2FA553 0331EA40 00000000 0331EA10 00000000 clr.dll!0x6b2fa553
0331E9F8 6B2FA6F4 6A618240 0331EC7C 0331EB94 00000000 clr.dll!0x6b2fa6f4
0331EB38 6B2FA729 6A618240 0331EC7C 0331EB94 00000000 clr.dll!0x6b2fa729
0331EB54 6B2FA749 0331EB94 1E7F8792 002644F8 6A4C09F4 clr.dll!0x6b2fa749
0331EB6C 6B478610 0331EDC4 1E7F872E 04AD2A84 04AD2A3C clr.dll!0x6b478610
0331ED50 6B478767 002644F8 04ACD21C 04AD265C 04AD1674 clr.dll!0x6b478767
0331EDFC 6A674C8A 00000000 04AD1640 00000000 00000000!0x6a674c8a
0331EE34 6A677F04 04AD1640 00000000 00000000 04AD1640!0x6a677f04
0331EE54 61452B28 FFFFFFFF 04AD20BC 00000000 04AD1640!0x61452b28
0331EE94 6144E7FE 00000000 00000000 04AD2038 00000000!0x6144e7fe
0331EED8 6144E9D7 04AD2654 00000000 00000000 0000C256!0x6144e9d7
0331EF18 614500A6 04AD2654 00000000 00000000 0000C256!0x614500a6
0331EF64 6144FFD5 04AD263C 00000001 04ACBFCC 04AD263C!0x6144ffd5
0331EF84 6144FE83 00000001 04AD263C 00000000 04AD32BC!0x6144fe83
0331EF9C 6144FDB2 00000000 00000001 04AD263C 04AD261C!0x6144fdb2
0331EFDC 6144E2CC 00000001 04AD263C 04AD261C FFFFD8F0!0x6144e2cc
0331F020 6144F8B8 00550470 0000C256 00000000 00000000!0x6144f8b8
0331F09C 77266238 045710E2 00550470 0000C256 00000000 user32.dll!0x77266238
0331F0C8 772668EA 00000000 045710E2 00550470 0000C256 user32.dll!0x772668ea
0331F140 77267D31 045710E2 00000000 0331F1F4 614690FC user32.dll!0x77267d31
0331F1A0 77267DFA 0331F204 1D597ACC 6B2D5C50 0331F4D0 user32.dll!0x77267dfa
0331F1B0 614690FC 00000000 04AD2038 00550470 0000C256!0x614690fc
0331F1FC 6144D82D 04AD2714 0331F260 012112DB 00000000!0x6144d82d
0331F24C 6144D511 04AD15A4 05AB325C 0331F28C 6A677FC4!0x6144d511
0331F268 6A6EB00B 04AD1FF4 00000000 04AD1570 04AD1FF4!0x6a6eb00b
0331F278 6A677FC4 00000000 04AD1570 00000000 00000000!0x6a677fc4
0331F294 6A677F04 04AD1570 00000000 002644F8 0331F2F0!0x6a677f04
0331F2B4 6A6EAF98 77541AC0 1E641A08 0331F350 6B2FA553!0x6a6eaf98
0331F2CC 6B2D21BB 0331F3A0 00000000 0331F370 00000000 clr.dll!0x6b2d21bb
0331F2DC 6B2FA553 0331F3A0 00000000 0331F370 00000000 clr.dll!0x6b2fa553
0331F358 6B2FA6F4 6A617CA8 0331F5F0 0331F50C 00000000 clr.dll!0x6b2fa6f4
0331F490 6B2FA729 6A617CA8 0331F5F0 0331F50C 00000000 clr.dll!0x6b2fa729
0331F4AC 6B33B3F4 0331FA84 0331F794 002644F8 0331F774 clr.dll!0x6b33b3f4
0331F6B8 6B485702 0331F9F8 1E7F9DAE 0331F9F8 00000000 clr.dll!0x6b485702
0331F6CC 6B485784 0331F9F8 1E7F9D0E 002644F8 0331F9F8 clr.dll!0x6b485784
0331F77C 6B48583F 002644F8 0331F8C0 6B5D8174 0331F9F8 clr.dll!0x6b48583f
0331F7DC 6B485DB5 0331F9F8 1E7F921A 002644F8 0331F9F8 clr.dll!0x6b485db5
0331F7E8 6B5D8174 00000002 6B485D9E 0331F9F8 00000000 clr.dll!0x6b5d8174
0331F8C8 6B485DE2 0331F9F8 1E7F934A 0331F9F8 00000000 clr.dll!0x6b485de2
0331F8E8 6B485784 0331F9F8 1E7F932A 00000000 002644F8 clr.dll!0x6b485784
0331F998 6B48583F 00000002 00000000 00000001 6B33B2CB clr.dll!0x6b48583f
0331F9F8 6B4858D9 00000002 6B33B2CB 0331FA84 00000002 clr.dll!0x6b4858d9
0331FA1C 6B33B2C7 00000002 6B33B2CB 0331FA84 1E7F901E clr.dll!0x6b33b2c7
0331FA34 6B33B1C2 0025CA88 00000000 00000000 00000000 clr.dll!0x6b33b1c2
0331FACC 6B4876E0 00233A30 0331FCAC 77AD9F42 00233A30 clr.dll!0x6b4876e0
0331FC68 76BC3677 00233A30 749CD3CC 00000000 00000000 kernel32.dll!0x76bc3677
0331FC74 77AD9F42 6B487698 00233A30 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x77ad9f42
0331FCB4 77AD9F15 6B487698 00233A30 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x77ad9f15

A minidump was saved to C:\Users\Jason Quinn\AppData\Roaming\OBS\crashDumps\OBSCrashDump2014-02-07_12.dmp.
Please include this file when posting a crash report.

List of loaded modules:
Base Address      Module