I'm using OBS on a number of machines to do 24/7 live streaming, using the blackmagic SDI capture cards with embedded sound.
All works initially but after a day or two, the source sound switches off. A work around is if I go to source properties, select eg HDMI and then select SDI again, the sound reappears.
So every day I have to manually go in to properties, change source etc.
Was previously using Livestream software on all these machines, with no issues at all, so not a hardware issue.
Any suggestions?
All works initially but after a day or two, the source sound switches off. A work around is if I go to source properties, select eg HDMI and then select SDI again, the sound reappears.
So every day I have to manually go in to properties, change source etc.
Was previously using Livestream software on all these machines, with no issues at all, so not a hardware issue.
Any suggestions?