
New Member
So i stream 1080p60FPS with NVECNCODER and the controller for frequency CBR and bitrate is 5650 and the keyframe interval on 2 preset on igh quality low latency and the profile is high level is auto (cant change this) gpu 0 b frames set to 4 BUT i want to record flawlessly on a 40000~ bitrate for recording with x264 how i manage this? i have a GTX 1080 and a i7-7700k and i use ONLY capture cards so no pc


Active Member
For high quality recording use CQP or CRF, not CBR and a bitrate.

There is literally a guide on this.

If your card allows for more than one NVENC session you should be able to record and stream separately with that encoder. If not, then one of them will have to use software x264-- probably the stream, as NVENC delivers better quality at higher bitrates.