Basic Suggestions List


Hello Jim. I thought about one more improvement. Is it possible to add "Cut video file"-function to slice local VOD's without stop/start stream? :)


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Another tiny suggestion: being able to launch a custom command (like a batch file, AHK script or VBscript) when starting and stopping stream.

Reason being that my main display is cloned over two outputs, one that goes to my monitor and one that goes to my capture card. Now I happen to have calibrated my monitors, but I can't assign a different LUT to the cloned outputs, meaning what goes into the capture card has distorted colours. I can load and unload the LUT through a simple tool (dispwin.exe -L to load, dispwin.exe -c to unload), but I have to do it manually. It would be totally rad if I could set up OBS so it calls the command to unload the LUT when I start streaming, and then reload it again when I'm done. I'm sure people can also find other useful purposes to use the custom command for :).


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Just so you guys know if I don't respond to every suggestion doesn't mean I'm not listening - keep up with the suggestions.

I can't guarantee every feature but I am indeed taking notes and putting things on my list.

sneaky4oe - the issue with skewed images is that it's rather painful to develop, and makes things more confusing for other users. it -is- doable, of course, but it's fairly advanced.. it's something that would be better done through the API rather than directly on the application. you can do all sorts of crazy things with the API like that.


New Member
I want to build on the filter suggestion by suggesting a filter or plugin for shaky video (if there is such a thing). It would be low priority, I know, but it would be GREAT for there to be some real time stabilization for those streaming with handi-cams or POV-cams.

I realize I should clarify how that would be done:

Portable Cam -> Mobile Device (with wifi) -> Web Stream -> PC (captures the web stream) -> Open Broadcast Software (with filter) -> re-stream to Web


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knight8241 said:
I want to build on the filter suggestion by suggesting a filter or plugin for shaky video (if there is such a thing). It would be low priority, I know, but it would be GREAT for there to be some real time stabilization for those streaming with handi-cams or POV-cams.
All software-based image stabilisation software uses two passes (one to analyse the shake motion and one to cancel it out), meaning they can't be implemented real-time. Your only option is to use a camera with integrated stabilisation-- those use motion sensors inside the camera to sense the shaking in real-time and correct for it either by moving the optical lens elements with servos, or by shifting the image using the hardware video processing chip.


New Member
Muf said:
All software-based image stabilisation software uses two passes (one to analyse the shake motion and one to cancel it out), meaning they can't be implemented real-time. Your only option is to use a camera with integrated stabilisation-- those use motion sensors inside the camera to sense the shaking in real-time and correct for it either by moving the optical lens elements with servos, or by shifting the image using the hardware video processing chip.

I see. That is unfortunate. It appears my solution lies in choice of camera, rather than streaming software. I'd like to pick your brain about about stabilization with POV cams, but that seems a bit off topic.


Jim I see you have added FPS and dropped frames count on 0.42. Awesome!
Now can we have a stream timer? Like, when starting streaming a timer starts so we can track how much time we been streaming.


hi, really great program and you working so fast, it's improving so fast.

Do you think it would be hard to add something that check twitch server to know what one is the best for us.

Like this program ... _id=326034

I think is R1ch that did it, so since you work with him i think, it would be easy to add it to OBS.

Another thing, would you think add another audio codec like Opus, since it's opensource and apparantly better than AAC, and you wont have licence problem like AAC. (just a idea, idk so much about programming)

grats for this awesome program.

PS: Would be good to have a option to add Your logo as a Watermark with option where put. Could be good to promote your program, get help to improve it etc.

sorry for my bad english.


New Member
Really digging the program so far, there are just two features missing that i really need before being able to use it for my stream, the first being the chroma key which has been mentioned before, so i wont harp on that, however, i've not seen the second suggestion:

Xsplit offers the ability to use x/y with/height coordinates to position for example images and screen capture regions. We are using a scoreboard, that we tie into the game (TF2) in such a way that it HAS to be positioned 4 pixels from the top and the right, and have a height of exactly 44 pixels and a with of 467 pixels (actiually, im not 100% if those are the numbers, but you get my drift). When its broadcasted out to the world, it really looks sweet and like it has a place in the game, upping our production quality another notch.

I would be exceptionally pleased to be able to switch to OBS as soon as possible once these two features are implemented.


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Comedian said:
Xsplit offers the ability to use x/y with/height coordinates to position for example images and screen capture regions. We are using a scoreboard, that we tie into the game (TF2) in such a way that it HAS to be positioned 4 pixels from the top and the right, and have a height of exactly 44 pixels and a with of 467 pixels (actiually, im not 100% if those are the numbers, but you get my drift). When its broadcasted out to the world, it really looks sweet and like it has a place in the game, upping our production quality another notch.
I'm not sure if it's useful to you right now, but a workaround I use for that is to have the images you overlay actually cover the entire stream (so 1280x720 for instance), but with most of the image being transparent (and a small area positioned exactly where you want it). That way you just centre the bitmap and it's automatically in the right spot.


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For exact positioning right now you can manually edit your scenes.xconfig in Settings / Open Config Folder. Make sure OBS is closed before editing.


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Delay is actually top of my list after the update I'm currently working on -- it's probably the most requested feature I get at the moment, apologies the current update is taking so long and delaying everything. Just about finished with game capture, looking really good so far.


Take your time Jim, we really appreciate your efforts and dedication, we better wait and let you do your magic :)

Hope you can include in the next release the Spanish files I sent you


I have a suggestion, not sure if it's implemented already or not. Anyway, for some extra performace on lower-end computers it should be an option to turn the stream preview off/on while streaming to save some processing power insdead of wasting it drawing it on the application. Maybe it's coded already to pause when tabbed down, I do not know.


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you can right click the preview to turn it off at the moment -- hopefully I can make these things a bit more visible in future updates