Basic Suggestions List


Jim said:
streaming on two services at once means that you have to use double the bandwidth. are you really sure you want to do that?
Well, my 15 mbit/s allows to do that. Yes, I'd like to have that feature since own3d and twitch lags with different people. 1 year ago I was unable to watch own3d translations, but now it's my favorite streaming service. But some people want twitch.


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hm. well, it's certainly possible to use upload to two services at once, and wouldn't present any real overhead, but it would be fairly painful to get it into the UI. and actually, if disconnects happen on one service but not the other, it would screw with the established packet timestamps and everything, so that would also be quite painful.. I'll think about it, but I can't promise anything here.


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This is one of the things I really liked about xsplit. I could do local file recording of near-lossless x264 without b-frames for post-processing, while still streaming an internet-quality stream. This way the VODs are super high quality since they aren't just a dump of the stream data. Would be great if there's a way to have this functionality some day!


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that's very curious, I wonder how it does that. it certainly can't be doing two encodings at once, right?


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Yeah it does encode multiple times. It's a bit of a CPU hog, I'm only able to do it up to 720p, but it's pretty useful. Had to move to a 2 PC setup for 1080p (which reminds me, being able to output the stream on a specified monitor as well as streaming it would be super useful).


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oh, wow. I can't believe they do that. ..but I suppose there's no other way really. I'll see what I can do. What do you mean output it on a specified monitor? fullscreen or something?


New Member
Jim said:
Capture FPS meter will be in soon - I just need to make some adjustments to the UI so I can fit it on there.
I would love to see the capture FPS meter and a current stream upload kbps meter available as always-on-screen overlays for me. I usually stream my own gameplay and I'd love to be able to check on capture fps and especially the current upload kbps while I'm playing by just glancing up in the top left of my screen, without alt-tabbing to look at the OBS window. I was previously using Dxtory and this is the only functionality I miss.

I don't know how much work that would be to implement, I hope it'd be easy! :)


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I'll try to get capture FPS in next update. I unfortunately can't put it on the game you're using right now because that is just not possible without hooking into the application.


New Member
I would like to see some kind of title option. So that I could overlay something on the stream or show what song I am playing if it can be updated remotely. But this is shaping up to be a great program already and I'm glad I found it.


New Member
Since we're on the topic of local recording a few other suggestions I have: First in regards to something XSplit does which should not be too hard to incorporate is having a separate encoding option for local recording. That is to say, having the two different encoding tabs. Pretty dandy for people who switch between them a lot like myself rather than do both at the same time.

In addition you would probably be my biggest hero if you could perhaps look into why streaming applications that record under .mp4 do not directly import into video editing software like Sony Vegas 10 Platinum, OBS is the same as XSplit in this regard. It's more than annoying to have to convert something I just recorded locally only to edit and then render+convert it again. I believe it has to do with the syncing of audio and video and so I tried that option in OBS, however, I think that was intended for software and thus it didn't fix the issue. Come to think of it, XSplit local recordings can have the video imported into sony vegas but not the audio, so I'm pretty sure its a sync issue. Anyway, looking into this would help me so much, though I'm not quite sure how hard it would be to manage, and even if it's just for local recording that would make my day.

Thanks for the great work~


New Member
Hello Jim and everyone,

Just wanted to jump in and first say that I am also very impressed with the program, Jim. It's awesome, and I'm glad to see others jump into the broadcasting software market with such great alternatives than just having xsplit having a monopoly.

Having used xsplit for a while and dabbling in OBS, there are a couple points that I also have to note, although I'm not too sure how useful or practical they will be for others:

1) In the xsplit title bar, you are able to see how many viewers are currently watching the stream, which, for me, is very useful because I like acknowledging anyone who is clicking on my stream and sometimes that person is not in chat (I'm using twitch, by the way). So my suggestion would be to include the viewer count in the main window of OBS under (or wherever) the transfer rate.

2) My second point stems from me not having a lot of screen real estate and not having a second monitor. I have a monitor set to the resolution of 1680x1050, but in that space I have my gaming window open to the one side, twitch chat open to the other side and OBS (or xsplit) open near the bottom to keep an eye on the stream and make sure that it stays up as well as seeing that viewer count again. Needless to say, there's a lot on my screen at one time, and it would be nice to cut it down. I do like xsplit having that option of making the window a percentage of the original stage window, but I don't really need to see what's being streamed because I don't change windows once I start streaming. It's nice to keep an eye on it to make sure what you're streaming is fine, but I'm more concerned with making sure the stream is still up.

If it would be possible to take the stream information and condense to the system tray or a smaller window like the language bar window, the would be incredibly beneficial. For example, when you are actively streaming you can have a red recording dot with the bit rate currently streaming and viewer count.

I hope my rambling doesn't sound too confusing. Thanks again for an awesome program, Jim, and thank you for being so active with the forums.


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Hey everybody, thank you for the continued input.

KillerTomato - Text output is something that's coming in a future update. Maybe not right away, but hopefully sooner rather than later.

Kyo - R1CH suggested the same, and it should be perfectly doable. I will see what I can do about incorporating that option. It uses a lot of CPU to do two encodings at once, but if the streamer can handle it, I don't see why not. Also, MP4 thing -- I use at least one or two "newer" MP4 features that may not be supported by all decoders at the moment. I will see what I can do about making it more compatible rather than using the newer features if possible. I will have to get a copy of vegas and see if I can't get it working.

ThatBronyGuy - Yes, the viewer thing is a bit annoying to implement, but it's important, so I'll see what I can do about getting it sooner rather than later. Hopefully next major update. There currently is a lack of information reported back to the streamer, and some things that are reported are a little more vague than I'd like (frames dropped). I'm going to try to alleviate this issue in the next update (hopefully).

As for point 2, hmm. Very good point. I could make a "compact" mode sort of like you can do with winamp that only shows bare essential info in a very tiny space. That would be very nice, thank you very much for the suggestion. I really like that idea.


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Hey Jim,

Thank you for reading the post. Having only taken a little bit of programing in school, I have a faint idea of how much you're working on this project already, so do things at your own pace. No need to burn yourself out. Also, thanks for the feedback, glad to know I'm not all bad ideas. I guess a blind squirrel does find a nut every once in a while, too, haha. Good luck man, take care.


i just wanna say that i appreciate obs, the performance is really great compared to xsplit or even fme+ dxtory.

i can say that im sort of streaming at 720p with my +5 year old hp laptop
vod and spec..

so here is my suggestions

add a "set to high priority" option on the encoding tab and this definitely make the encoded frames drops less often when the cpu is being stressed especially on low old core 2 duo cpu's like mine..

my second suggestion address the current stat about the minimum fps accepted being 15 i know the program can encode at any frame rate if you force it in the Untitled.ini file on the profile folder and set it to read only because if not the program checks if its below 15 and set it back to the default 25 because its allowed to edit the file

i just hope you can fix this so the users wont have to do that.. the value should be fully customizable


New Member
Hi, I'd like to suggest/ask for the ability to choose a Mono audio AAC setting.
For those of us with not enough upload bandwidth to spare, it's a better option to stream at a constant audio bitrate for a single downmix channel than to split it in two channels.


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Set to high priority is a good idea. But why on earth would you want to stream at less than 15fps? Any less and it becomes very unpleasant to watch.


Jim said:
Set to high priority is a good idea. But why on earth would you want to stream at less than 15fps? Any less and it becomes very unpleasant to watch.
because its a real cpu power intensive part of the encoding

just analyzing the vods
when i can go 720p @10 stream the fps bounces between 10 9 and 8 fps when some frames drops

but even going as low as low as 360p with 20 or 25 all i get is frame drops the frames are very inconsistent usually 12, 7 to 3 but never near 20

i know that most users wouldn't have the need to go below 15 fps on average but from my experience x264 is much smoother at low fps than lets say vp6 and that wirecast, xsplit, fme.. all have this value fully customizable. i know 2 of those are not free and the free ffsplit have the same limitation but at 10 instead of 15


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I'll set it to 10, but I think any lower and you need a computer upgrade.