were you able to read it all? What I am doing is a bit different. As you can see, the first video is a music video. You can run these real time or / and record for later use.Hello just read a few of the pages(its late at night after a hard days work) but I kind of understand what is being done. After I read through all the other pages ill hopefully have a better understanding.
But from the 2 videos I have seen from @bcoyle especially the Jack Benny Program was something I could use. Even though ill be using OBS primarily for music but when I'm not streaming I would want to broadcast my music 24/7 with self edited videos. If it cant be edited live that's ok with with me. The live broadcast can be the simple overlays where I and making the music will be the focus. But when I am not on this can be a good way to keep things going.
So I'll be getting to bed and hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to read through all this.
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